STATE OF VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Petition of Vermont Transco, LLC, and Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. (collectively, “VELCO”), and Central Vermont Public Service Corporation (“CVPS”) for a Certificate of Public Good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248, for the “Southern Loop Project,” located in Vernon, Guilford, Brattleboro, Dummerston, Newfane, Brookline, Townshend, Grafton, Windham, Andover, Chester, Ludlow and Cavendish, Vermont, consisting of the following elements: (1) a new, approximately 51-mile, 345 kV transmission line between Vernon-Cavendish, to be built parallel to and within the same utility right-of-way as VELCO’s existing Vernon-Cavendish 345 kV line; (2) a new VELCO 345/115 kV Vernon substation, to be located just north of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station; (3) a new 345/115/46 kV Newfane substation; (4) a new, approximately one-mile, 345 kV transmission line loop between the new Newfane substation and the new VernonCavendish 345 kV line; (5) expansion of VELCO’s Coolidge substation in Cavendish, Vermont; and (6) the implementing of incremental energy efficiency to defer transmission upgrades in Southern Vermont ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Docket No. ____ PREFILED TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL BARRETT ON BEHALF OF PETITIONERS November 8, 2007 The purpose of Mr. Barrett’s testimony is to describe the proposed substation upgrade design plans associated with the Southern Loop Project. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 1 2. Design of the Vernon Substation ............................................................... 3 3. Design of the Newfane Substation ............................................................. 9 4. Design of the Previously Considered West Dummerston Substation ...... 11 5. Design of the Coolidge Substation ........................................................... 14 6. Design Considerations to Accommodate Construction ............................ 17 7. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 19 EXHIBITS Exhibit Petitioners MB-1 Resume of Michael Barrett Exhibit Petitioners MB-2 Vernon Substation Aerial Photograph with General Arrangement(1 sheet – sheet 286) Exhibit Petitioners MB-3 Vernon Substation Detailed General Arrangement Site Plan (1 sheet, sheet 286-6000D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-4 Vernon Substation General Arrangement Elevations (6 sheets 286-6020D – 6025D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-5 Vernon Substation One-Line Diagram (2 sheets, sheets 286-OL-0001F – 0002F) Exhibit Petitioners MB-6 Vernon Substation Site Grading Plan (to be provided) Exhibit Petitioners MB-7 Newfane Substation Aerial Photograph with General Arrangement (1 sheet, sheet 287A) Exhibit Petitioners MB-8 Newfane Substation Detailed General Arrangement Site Plan (1 sheet, sheet 287A-6000D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-9 Newfane Substation General Arrangement Elevations (4 sheets, sheets 287A-6020D – 6023D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-10 Newfane Substation One-Line Diagram (2 sheets, sheets 287A-OL-0001F – 0002F) Exhibit Petitioners MB-11 Newfane Substation Site Grading Plan (1 sheet, sheet 287A-6100D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-12 Coolidge Substation Aerial Photograph with General Arrangement (1 sheet, sheet 216) Exhibit Petitioners MB-13 Coolidge Substation Detailed General Arrangement Site Plan (2 sheets, sheets 216-6000D – 6001D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-14 Coolidge Substation General Arrangement Elevations (6 sheets, sheets 216-6024D – 6029D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-15 Coolidge Substation One-Line Diagrams (3 sheets, Pre & Post Project sheets 216-OL-0001F – 216-OL0002F) Exhibit Petitioners MB-16 Coolidge Substation Site Grading Plan (one sheet, sheet 216-6100D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-17 West Dummerston Substation Aerial Photograph with General Arrangement (1 sheet, sheet 287) Exhibit Petitioners MB-18 West Dummerston Substation Detailed General Arrangement Site Plan (1 sheet, sheet 287-6000D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-19 West Dummerston Substation General Arrangement Elevations (4 sheets, sheets 287-6020D – 6023D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-20 West Dummerston Substation One-Line Diagram (2 sheets, sheets 287-0L-0001F – 287-0L-0002F) Exhibit Petitioners MB-21 West Dummerston Substation Site Grading Plan (1 sheet, sheet 287-6100D) Exhibit Petitioners MB-22 Substation Lighting Cut Sheets Exhibit Petitioners MB-23 Typical Oil Containment STATE OF VERMONT PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD Petition of Vermont Transco, LLC, and Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. (collectively, “VELCO”), and Central Vermont Public Service Corporation (“CVPS”) for a Certificate of Public Good, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248, for the “Southern Loop Project,” located in Vernon, Guilford, Brattleboro, Dummerston, Newfane, Brookline, Townshend, Grafton, Windham, Andover, Chester, Ludlow and Cavendish, Vermont, consisting of the following elements: (1) a new, approximately 51-mile, 345 kV transmission line between Vernon-Cavendish, to be built parallel to and within the same utility right-of-way as VELCO’s existing Vernon-Cavendish 345 kV line; (2) a new VELCO 345/115 kV Vernon substation, to be located just north of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station; (3) a new 345/115/46 kV Newfane substation; (4) a new, approximately one-mile, 345 kV transmission line loop between the new Newfane substation and the new VernonCavendish 345 kV line; (5) expansion of VELCO’s Coolidge substation in Cavendish, Vermont; and (6) the implementing of incremental energy efficiency to defer transmission upgrades in Southern Vermont ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) PREFILED TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL BARRETT ON BEHALF OF PETITIONERS 1 2 1. Q1. Introduction Please state your name and business address. Docket No. ____ Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 2 of 19 1 A1. 2 My name is Michael Barrett. My business address is PLM Inc. (“PLM”), 35 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748. 3 4 Q2. By whom are you employed and in what position? 5 A2. I am a Principal Engineer for PLM. I have been contracted by Vermont Electric 6 Power Company, Inc. (“VELCO”) to perform the duties and responsibilities as 7 the Owners Engineer for the Southern Loop Project (“Project”). I have served in 8 that position since November of 2006. My resume is attached as Exhibit 9 Petitioners MB-1. 10 11 Q3. Please describe your educational background and work experience. 12 A3. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from 13 Northeastern University in 1987. I was employed as an electrical engineer at New 14 England Electric System after graduation until 1991. I have been employed at 15 PLM since 1991. My work responsibilities include overall responsibility for the 16 technical design of major substation and transmission facilities, and are further 17 detailed in my resume. 18 19 Q4. What is the purpose of your testimony? 20 A4. My testimony will address the development of the design for the proposed 21 345/115 kV Vernon substation, proposed to be located on Entergy’s property just 22 north of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant; the proposed 345/115 kV Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 3 of 19 1 VELCO Newfane substation and associated 46 kV CVPS Newfane substation; the 2 previously considered West Dummerston substation and associated 46 kV CVPS 3 West Dummerston substation; and expansion of VELCO’s Coolidge substation in 4 Cavendish, Vermont. 5 6 2. Design of the Vernon Substation 7 Q5. Please describe the existing Vermont Yankee substation. 8 A5. The existing Vermont Yankee substation, owned by Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee (“Entergy”), consists of two switchyards located adjacent to the Vermont 9 10 Yankee Nuclear Power Plant in Vernon, Vermont. The 345 kV switchyard 11 contains a five breaker 345 kV ring bus with one generator position, three line 12 positions and one transformer position. The transformer position supplies a 13 345/115 kV power transformer that connects to the adjacent 115 kV switchyard. 14 The 115 kV switchyard contains a 115 kV radial bus with one transformer 15 position, one line position, one position that feeds the Vermont Yankee startup 16 transformers, and three 115 kV capacitor banks. The location of the existing 17 substation is depicted on Exhibit Petitioners MB-2. 18 19 Q6. Please describe the proposed Vernon Substation. 20 A6. VELCO proposes to build the new Vernon substation in a vacant fenced-in lot 21 located on Entergy’s property, just to the north of the existing Vermont Yankee 22 substation yard. The location of the site is depicted on Exhibit Petitioners MB-2, Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 4 of 19 1 which is an aerial photograph of the premises with the existing and proposed 2 substation site plans overlaid. The proposed new Vernon substation will consist 3 of a new 345 kV substation, two 345/115 kV power transformers, and a new 115 4 kV substation. The detailed general arrangement, elevation drawings, one-line 5 drawings, and grading plans are included as Exhibit Petitioners MB-3, MB-4, 6 MB-5 and MB-6. 7 8 The 345 kV substation will be designed as a four-bay, breaker and one half 9 configuration bus, with four line positions, two transformer positions, one 10 generator position, and one future position. The 345 kV substation will initially 11 contain eleven circuit breakers with associated structural steel, disconnect 12 switches, bus work and auxiliary equipment. Space has been allocated for a 13 future twelfth circuit breaker and third 345/115 kV power transformer. In 14 addition, space in the yard has been reserved for two additional 345 kV bays. 15 16 The 115 kV substation will be designed as a two-bay, breaker and one half 17 configuration bus, with two line positions and two transformer positions. The 115 18 kV substation will initially contain six circuit breakers with associated structural 19 steel, disconnect switches, bus work and auxiliary equipment. The existing 20 capacitor banks will be relocated from the Vermont Yankee 115 kV switchyard to 21 connect to the buses in the new Vernon substation. In addition, space in the yard 22 has been reserved for two additional 115 kV bays. Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 5 of 19 1 The substation yard will be approximately 13 acres, and will be surrounded by a 2 chain link fence. A new control house will be installed to contain the protection 3 and control equipment for the new substation. 4 5 Q7. 6 7 Please describe the basis for the switchyard layout of this substation, and any design considerations utilized to maintain service during construction. A7. The new Vernon substation will be located at the northern end of Entergy’s 8 property, on a currently vacant field. The existing 345 kV and 115 kV lines 9 connected to the Vermont Yankee switchyard traverse this site, and obstruct 10 construction. Outages to these lines have an impact both on the supply to 11 Vermont loads and on the Vermont Yankee plant operation. Therefore, in order 12 to accomplish construction and minimize outages, we developed the following 13 site layout and construction/cutover sequence for the Vernon substation. 14 15 The 115 kV switchyard will require temporary outage of the K-186 line (115 kV 16 Vermont Yankee to Chestnut Hill) during construction. This line will be 17 relocated east of its existing alignment for the first two spans north of the existing 18 switchyard, all within the existing Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station fence, 19 to provide space for the new 115 kV switchyard construction, as shown on the 20 Detailed General Arrangement Plan, Exhibit Petitioners MB-3. This will mean 21 that VELCO will install temporary 115 kV structures within this Vermont Yankee Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 6 of 19 1 Nuclear Power Station fence during construction. These will be removed 2 following construction. 3 4 The 345 kV switchyard is designed to be constructed in two phases. There is 5 room on the site to construct the two western bays of the switchyard (up to the 6 center maintenance bay) while all lines remain in service. Following construction 7 of the two western bays, the existing 340 (345 kV Vermont Yankee to Coolidge) 8 and 379 (345 kV Vermont Yankee to Amherst) lines will be temporarily 9 terminated in these bays, through the bus tie breakers which will be locked closed. 10 Once the overhead portions of these two lines are removed, the two eastern bays 11 of the 345 kV switchyard will be constructed. Following completion of the 345 12 kV switchyard, the 381 (345 kV Vermont Yankee to Northfield) line will be 13 relocated to the new switchyard, and the first 345/115 kV power transformer 14 installed to energize the 115 kV yard. At this time, the remaining lines will be 15 moved to their final positions and the new switchyards fully commissioned. 16 Several temporary 345 kV structures, within the existing Vermont Yankee 17 Nuclear Power Station fence, will likely be required to facilitate the construction 18 process and minimize impact to Vermont Yankee operation. These will be 19 removed following construction. These final steps will likely require a Vermont 20 Yankee shutdown, and VELCO will coordinate that work with Entergy. 21 Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 7 of 19 1 Q8. What design standards were used to design the new substation? 2 A8. VELCO’s Substation Design Standards were followed in the design of the new 3 substation. VELCO’s Substation Design Standards are based on industry 4 standards, including the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), Institute of 5 Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), American National Standards 6 Institute (ANSI) and National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association (NEMA). 7 8 Q9 Please describe the substation lighting plans. 9 A9. VELCO will install its standard lighting plans at this substation and the other 10 Southern Loop substations. These plans are consistent with the lighting plans 11 approved by the Public Service Board for substation lighting in Docket No. 6860. 12 Specifically, under normal circumstances, only limited night-time lighting would 13 be on at the substation, at the entrance and at the control building, and along the 14 substation fence. The fence lights will be 70-watt Metal Halide floodlights or 15 luminaries, angled slightly downwards. The exterior mounted control building 16 lights will be 50-watt Metal Halide cutoff fixtures. One light by the gate and one 17 light on the control house will be switched by a photo cell. 18 19 If nightime maintenance or emergency work is required, VELCO will bring in 20 portable light towers to perform the work. The location of planned lighting 21 installations are shown in the Detailed General Arrangement Plans, Exhibit Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 8 of 19 1 Petitioners MB-3. Cut Sheets with lighting specifications are included as Exhibit 2 Petitioners MB- 22. 3 4 Q10. Please describe the oil containment plans for the substation transformers. 5 A10. To minimize the potential for oil contamination, the new transformers will be 6 installed on concrete foundations with integral oil retention provisions sufficient 7 to contain the total transformer oil volume. The foundation and oil retention 8 system will be designed in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Standard 980, “IEEE 9 Guide for Containment and Control of Oil Spills in Substations.” This meets 10 VELCO’s current standard practice for environmental protection and VELCO’s 11 Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan, and is in compliance with 12 applicable federal regulations. 13 14 A drawing detailing the typical system design is included as Exhibit Petitioners 15 MB-23. The dimensions and volumes shown on this Exhibit are generic in 16 nature, but serve to illustrate the features of the design. The containment system 17 is designed to retain all fluids that fall within the surface area of the system, 18 including rainwater/snowmelt. During periodic maintenance visits, the 19 containment is inspected for presence of oil and if clean, water is manually 20 pumped out of the containment. The containment system is designed with 21 significant volume in excess of the transformer oil volume to permit water to 22 accumulate in the containment area between maintenance visits. The final details Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 9 of 19 1 of each transformer’s foundation and containment system will be designed once 2 details of the actual transformers are available. 3 4 3. Design of the Newfane Substation 5 Q11. Please describe the proposed VELCO Newfane substation. 6 A11. The proposed Newfane substation will consist of a new 345 kV substation, a new 7 345/115 kV power transformer, a new 115 kV substation, and a new 115/46 kV 8 power transformer. The location of the site is depicted on Exhibit Petitioners 9 MB-7, which is an aerial photograph of the premises with the substation site plan 10 overlaid. The detailed general arrangement, elevation drawings, one-line 11 drawings, and grading plans are included as Exhibit Petitioners MB-8, MB-9, 12 MB-10 and MB-11. 13 14 The 345 kV substation will be designed as a four position ring bus, with two line 15 positions and two transformer positions. Initially, two line positions and one 16 transformer position will be constructed. The 345 kV substation will initially 17 contain three circuit breakers with associated structural steel, disconnect switches, 18 bus work and auxiliary equipment. Space has been allocated for a future fourth 19 circuit breaker and 345/115 kV power transformer. 20 21 The 115 kV substation will be designed as a four position ring bus. Initially, a 22 small portion of this substation will be constructed to provide a path from the Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 10 of 19 1 secondary of the 345/115 kV power transformer to the primary of the 115/46 kV 2 power transformer. The 115 kV substation will initially contain one 115 kV 3 circuit breaker with associated structural steel, disconnect switches, bus work and 4 auxiliary equipment. Space has been allocated for two future 115 kV positions, 5 including three future 115 kV circuit breakers and associated structural steel, 6 disconnect switches, bus work and auxiliary equipment. The substation yard will 7 be approximately 8 acres, and will be surrounded by a chain link fence. A new 8 control house will be installed to contain the protection and control equipment for 9 the new substation. 10 11 Q12. Please describe the proposed CVPS Newfane substation. 12 A12. This is discussed in the prefiled testimony of Ryan Johnson. 14 Q13. What design standards were used to design the new VELCO substation? 15 A13. VELCO’s Substation Design Standards were followed in the design of the new 13 16 VELCO substation. Please refer to A8 of my testimony above for a description. 17 18 Q14. Please describe the substation lighting plans. 19 A14. VELCO will install its standard lighting plans at this substation and the other 20 Southern Loop substations. Please refer to A9 of my testimony above for a 21 description. 22 Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 11 of 19 1 Q15 Please describe the oil containment plans for the VELCO substation transformers. 2 A15. VELCO’s standard oil containment design will be utilized at this substation. 3 Please refer to A10 of my testimony above for a description. 4 5 4. Design of the Previously Considered West Dummerston Substation 6 Q16. Please describe CVPS’s existing West Dummerston substation. 7 A16. The existing West Dummerston substation is located on the east side of Highway 8 30 in Dummerston, Vermont, adjacent to the West River. The existing substation 9 consists of a small fenced-in yard containing a 46 kV switching structure, a 46 10 12.47 kV power transformer, and a 12.47 switching structure that supplies a 11 single 12.47 kV distribution feeder. 12 13 Q17. Please describe the initially proposed VELCO West Dummerston substation. 14 A17. The proposed West Dummerston substation consisted of a new 345 kV substation, 15 a new 345/115 kV power transformer, a new 115 kV substation, a new 115/46 kV 16 power transformer, and a new 46 kV substation. The location of the initially 17 proposed site is depicted on Exhibit Petitioners MB-17, which is an aerial 18 photograph of the premises with the substation site plan overlaid. The detailed 19 general arrangement, elevation drawings, one-line drawings, and grading plans 20 are included as Exhibit Petitioners MB-18, MB-19, MB-20 and MB-21. 21 Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 12 of 19 1 The 345 kV substation was designed as a four position ring bus, with two line 2 positions and two transformer positions. Initially, two line positions and one 3 transformer position were to be constructed. The 345 kV substation was to 4 initially contain three circuit breakers with associated structural steel, disconnect 5 switches, bus work and auxiliary equipment. Space had been allocated for a 6 future fourth circuit breaker and 345/115 kV power transformer. 7 8 The 115 kV substation was designed as a four position ring bus. Initially, a small 9 portion of this substation was to be constructed to provide a path from the 10 secondary of the 345/115 kV power transformer to the primary of the 115/46 kV 11 power transformer. The 115 kV substation was to initially contain one 115 kV 12 circuit breaker with associated structural steel, disconnect switches, bus work and 13 auxiliary equipment. Space had been allocated for two future 115 kV positions, 14 including three future 115 kV circuit breakers and associated structural steel, 15 disconnect switches, bus work and auxiliary equipment. 16 17 Q18. 18 19 Please describe the initially proposed CVPS West Dummerston substation expansion. A18. The 46 kV substation was designed as a single main bus switching station with a 20 transfer bus. The transfer bus would have allowed for maintenance of any circuit 21 breaker without a circuit outage. Initially, three line positions and one 22 transformer position were to be constructed. The 46 kV substation was to initially Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 13 of 19 1 contain five 46 kV circuit breakers with associated structural steel, disconnect 2 switches, bus work and auxiliary equipment. 3 4 Q19. 5 6 Please describe the basis for the switchyard layout of these substations, and any design considerations utilized to maintain service during construction. A19. This site presently contains a CVPS 46 12.47 distribution substation, and is 7 traversed by CVPS 46 kV and 12.47 kV lines. These must have remained in 8 service during construction to support area loads. The existing 46 kV and 12.47 9 kV lines were to be relocated out of the way of construction, as shown on the 10 Detailed General Arrangement Plans, Exhibit Petitioners MB-18. The proposed 11 substation layout would have allowed the existing 46 12.47 kV substation to 12 remain in service during construction. 13 14 Q20. What design standards were used to design the initially proposed new substation? 15 A20. VELCO’s Substation Design Standards were followed in the design of the 16 initially proposed new substation. Please refer to A8 of my testimony above for a 17 description. 18 19 Q21. Please describe the substation lighting plans. 20 A21. VELCO would have installed its standard lighting plans at this substation and the 21 other Southern Loop substations. Please refer to A9 of my testimony above for a 22 description. Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 14 of 19 1 Q22. Please describe the oil containment plans for the substation transformers. 2 A22. VELCO’s standard oil containment design would have been utilized at this 3 substation. Please refer to A10 of my testimony above for a description. 4 5 5. Design of the Coolidge Substation 6 Q23. Please describe VELCO’s existing Coolidge substation. 7 A23. The existing Coolidge substation is located off of Quent Phalen Road in the Town 8 of Cavendish, Vermont, and consists of a three position 345 kV ring bus, a 9 345/115 kV power transformer, a six position 115 kV ring bus, and two 115 kV 10 capacitor banks. 11 12 Q24. Please describe the proposed Coolidge substation expansion. 13 A24. The proposed Coolidge substation will be expanded to include a three-bay 345 kV 14 substation with a breaker and one half configuration, a six position 115 kV ring 15 bus, and four 115 kV capacitor banks. The location of the site is depicted on 16 Exhibit Petitioners MB-12, which is an aerial photograph of the premises with the 17 substation site plan overlaid . The detailed general arrangement elevation 18 drawings, one-line drawings, and grading plans are included as Exhibit Petitioners 19 MB-13, MB-14, MB-15 and MB-16. 20 21 The existing 345 kV switchyard will be expanded into a three-bay breaker and 22 one half configuration. The north bus will be relocated approximately 30 feet to Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 15 of 19 1 the north and the north fence will be relocated approximately 10 feet to the north. 2 In addition, the west fence will be relocated approximately 10 feet to the west to 3 provide sufficient space for the new equipment. Please refer to Exhibit 4 Petitioners MB-12. A total of five new 345 kV circuit breakers with associated 5 structural steel, disconnect switches, bus work and auxiliary equipment will be 6 installed. The new substation will terminate three (3) 345 kV lines (existing lines 7 No. 340 (345 kV Coolidge to Vernon) and No. 350 (345 kV Coolidge to West 8 Rutland), planned line No. 360 (second 345kV Coolidge to Vernon) and two 9 power transformers (one existing and one future). 10 11 The 115 kV substation will be expanded approximately 55 feet to the east to 12 provide space for two new 115 kV capacitor banks with associated circuit 13 breakers, disconnects and bus work. Please refer to Exhibit Petitioners MB-12. 14 In addition, all six of the existing 115 kV circuit breakers, along with their 15 associated disconnect switches and taps, will be replaced. The existing thermal 16 ratings of these devices are not adequate for the 115 kV power flows under certain 17 contingencies. Finally, a portion of the 115 kV switchyard will be expanded 18 approximately 130 feet to the north to accommodate a future 345/115 kV power 19 transformer. The existing control house is large enough to accommodate the 20 protection and control equipment associated with the expanded substation. 21 Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 16 of 19 1 Q25. 2 3 Please describe the basis for the switchyard layout of this substation, and any design considerations utilized to maintain service during construction. A25. There were several items to consider with the proposed layout of Coolidge 4 substation. Coolidge is an existing, operating substation that serves as both a 5 critical point in the 345 kV system feeding north into Vermont, and as an 6 important stepdown facility to reinforce the southern Vermont 115 kV system. It 7 is necessary to maintain this facility in service for as much of the time as possible. 8 The existing 345 kV bus was constructed as a ring bus, and is being expanded into 9 a breaker and one half configuration. For substations of this size, the current ISO- 10 NE guidelines call for a breaker and one half configuration. Further, site 11 constraints preclude expansion of the existing ring bus to provide the desired 12 number of positions. The existing substation is not wide enough, in the 13 north/south direction, to accommodate the three breakers across a bay, so the 14 existing north bus will be relocated to the north to provide sufficient space. 15 The proposed 345 kV configuration allows the equipment at the southern end of 16 the yard to remain in place. The major supply line presently is the existing 345 17 kV line from Vermont Yankee to Coolidge (the “340 line”). The proposed design 18 allows for a path from the 340 line to both the 345/115 kV transformer and the 19 existing 345 kV line between the Coolidge and West Rutland substations (the 20 “350 line”). It will not be necessary to remove both the 350 line and the 21 transformer from service simultaneously. Also, the new Vernon to Coolidge 22 345kV line that is proposed as part of the Southern Loop Project upgrades (the Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 17 of 19 1 “360 line”) will terminate in a new bay position adjacent to the 340 line. This 2 will allow the 340 line to remain in service until the 360 line is energized. 3 4 Q26. What design standards were used to design the new substation? 5 A26. VELCO’s Substation Design Standards were followed in the design of the new 6 substation. Please refer to A8 of my testimony above for a description. 7 8 Q27. Please describe the substation lighting plans. 9 A27. VELCO will install its standard lighting plans at this substation and the other 10 Southern Loop substations. Please refer to A9 of my testimony above for a 11 description. 12 13 14 6. Q28. 15 16 Design Considerations to Accommodate Construction Describe the proposed construction sequence for the substations and explain how it will minimize outages. A28. The substation construction sequence and the line construction sequence must be 17 integrated, as portions of the substation work depend on availability of the 18 transmission line segments. Also, the final construction sequence can not be 19 determined until the actual construction schedule is known. The construction 20 sequence is very dependant on seasonal factors such as Vermont loads and other 21 transmission outages. In addition, the Vermont Yankee refueling schedule will 22 have an impact since it is desired to perform a portion of the Vernon Substation Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 18 of 19 1 work during the refueling outage if possible to mitigate the economic costs of 2 plant outages. 3 4 In concept, the proposed Project would be constructed as follows (with much of 5 the work happening in parallel): 6 - Vernon Substation 7 - Newfane Substation 8 - new 360 line from Vernon to Newfane to Coolidge 9 - Coolidge Substation (energized in stages) 10 11 One key driver to the sequence is to maintain a north/south 345 kV path during 12 construction. This requires that the new 360 line be placed in service prior to 13 major work on the existing 340 line. Thus, the Vernon substation must be 14 completed and cut over first to provide a source at the southern end of the 360 15 line. The second driver is to maintain Vermont Yankee in service as much as 16 possible during construction. The construction of Vernon substation will require 17 Vermont Yankee to reduce generation (and shut down for some work in the 345 18 kV yard). We will attempt to schedule this work during refueling outages, to the 19 extent practical. 20 21 We anticipate that the 115 kV yard at Vernon, the west half of the 345 kV yard at 22 Vernon, Newfane substation, and the majority of the 345 kV work at Coolidge Southern Loop Project, PSB Docket No. ____ Prefiled Testimony of Michael Barrett November 8, 2007 Page 19 of 19 1 would be constructed at the same time that the new 360 line is being constructed. 2 The temporary cutover of the 340 and 379 lines at Vernon would be completed, 3 followed by removal of the existing 340 and 379 lines within the site and 4 completion of the east half of the Vernon 345 kV yard. Following completion of 5 the remaining Vernon 345 kV yard, the new 345 kV substation would be 6 commissioned and the lines moved to their final positions. This now provides a 7 position for the new 360 line. Following energization of the new 360 line, the 8 340 terminal upgrades would be completed at Coolidge. 9 10 11 7. Q29. 12 13 Conclusion In your opinion, have the substations included in the Southern Loop Project, as described in the exhibits you have sponsored, reached a design level of detail? A29. Yes; the plans and elevations that have been included as exhibits to this testimony 14 reflect the locations of the structures actually proposed for construction by the 15 Petitioners. 16 17 Q30. Does this conclude your testimony? 18 A30. Yes it does.