DRAFT OF A RECOMMENDATION FOR A NEW ENERGY EFFICIENCY UTILITY STRUCTURE This draft for a recommendation has been developed by a number of participants in the workshop process established by the Vermont Public Service Board on July 12, 2007 to address possible alternative structures for Vermont’s Energy Efficiency Utility. It reflects discussion, contributions and input from a range of participants. Where the deliberative process to date has suggested potential consensus on structural issues, this document proposes language that could reflect such agreement for further review. However, none of those who have contributed to this draft have agreed to or endorse the current draft document, in whole or in part. It is now simply offered to all participants as a potentially useful document to focus further deliberation. Summary (to be drafted) Part I. General Structure, Terms and Conditions of EEU Appointment 1. Legal Mechanism. The Parties agree that the Board should, at this time, establish a single mechanism, one or more EEUs, for the acquisition of cost-effective demand-side resources, including planning and delivery of Comprehensive Energy Efficiency Programs that are called for as a part of the provision of regulated utility service under 30 V.S.A. § 218c. An EEU shall be the subject of an Order of Appointment to be issued by the Board under its existing authority conferred pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §209(d)(2). Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 1 Provided Without Prejudice 2. General Scope of EEU Responsibilities A. An EEU shall be responsible for, on behalf of Vermont ratepayers and their utilities, the acquisition of maximum cost-effective demand-side resources through comprehensive approaches to reducing customer electricity requirements, including: i. Increasing the efficiency of buildings, equipment, products and other electricity end uses; ii. Reducing electric system and generation capacity requirements through peak load reduction and management in targeted areas as a part of DUP and transmission planning; iii. Reducing absolute energy use through controls, sizing, operation and maintenance practices and other consumer actions; iv. Participating in electric system planning and cooperating with the Department and Vermont Utilities in the provision of least-cost service under 30 V.S.A. § 218c; v. Public information and education that will empower consumers to manage their electricity use; vi. Promoting market transformation strategies to improve the efficient use of electricity; and vii. Development and support of policy instruments that can serve as useful tools for electricity savings through voluntary action or government adoption. B. An EEU shall balance the pursuit of short-term and resource acquisition with long-term resource acquisition that may be achieved through market transformation strategies. The balance between these objectives shall be reflected in the definition and weighting of EEU performance indicators. C. An EEU shall plan and implement demand-side resource acquisition activities both at the system-wide (statewide) level and, sub-levels defined by the electric transmission and distribution system in coordination with the Vermont Utilities, as directed by the Board. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 2 Provided Without Prejudice D. Implementation Strategies and Incentives to Customers. In designing and implementing demand-side efficiency resource acquisition initiatives and strategies an EEU shall: i. seek to maximize the acquisition of Net Benefits for all retail electric customers; ii. prioritize lost opportunity markets; iii. pursue market transformation strategies; iv. coordinate with and leverage regional and national efficiency efforts; v. seek to provide all retail electric customers with the opportunity to participate in EEU services and initiatives; vi. provide information, technical assistance and/or financial incentives to overcome market barriers to the implementation of measures that provide cost-effective demand-side resources vii. seek to maximize and facilitate customer contribution to measure costs; viii. pursue flexible and robust strategies to cost-effectively avoid capacity and energy as part of utility IRP; and ix. pursue innovative approaches to cost-effective acquisition of demand-side resources. E. Distributional Equity. Over time, the benefits of System-Wide services, initiatives and other activities carried out by EEUs, exclusive of Geographically-Targeted demand-side resource acquisition initiatives approved by the Board, should generally reflect the level of contribution to EEU costs by ratepayers, as reflected in EEC payments, by customer class and geographic region of the State. [note: this reflects current contract, but constrains ability to maximize net benefits and may merit reconsideration in new structure] F. DUP and Transmission Planning Responsibilities. To provide support for DUP and transmission planning processes, an EEU should develop or arrange for both planning and enhanced implementation capabilities. To the extent required in the Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 3 Provided Without Prejudice application of DUP and transmission planning principles to solve target area supply and reliability deficiencies, an EEU should: i. arrange for such end-use forecasting capability as appropriate; ii. utilize such avoided costs as are approved by the Board or in accordance with study requirements established for DUP and transmission planning utilizing the processes developed in Docket Nos. 6290 and 7081; iii. participate in the VSPC created under Docket No. 7081 and other utility planning committees; iv. cooperate with the electric and gas DUs and VELCO in the provision of integrated utility service subject to the jurisdiction of the PSB under 30 V.S.A. §§ 209 and 218c; v. be assigned responsibility for the provision of Comprehensive Energy Efficiency Programs in satisfaction of the DUs responsibilities therefore under 30 V.S.A. §218 c; vi. maintain information on System-Wide and geographically-targeted demandside resource acquisition services, initiatives and other EEU activities, including development and maintenance of a data base(s) to support DUP, transmission planning, load forecasting, and program design, monitoring and evaluation activities; and vii. co-ordinate the provision of DSM information for use in DUP, NTA and transmission planning studies. G. VSPC Participation. An EEU shall be a participant in the VSPC and shall be responsible for the provision of the following information and services in the conduct of DUP and transmission planning: i. determining, as necessary and appropriate, the achievable demand-side resource potential in areas designated for DUP analysis; ii. determining, as necessary and appropriate, the amount and acquisition rate of demand-side resource potential that is anticipated to be captured through EEU System-Wide demand-side resource acquisition;. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 4 Provided Without Prejudice iii. determining the amount and acquisition rate of the target area cost-effective demand-side resource potential that is incremental to amounts anticipated to be acquired through EEU System-Wide demand-side resource acquisition; iv. developing Geographically-Targeted services, initiatives and other activities to capture the cost-effective incremental demand-side resources within the areas designated for DUP analysis; v. determining the pace pursuant to which both the system-wide and costeffective geographically-targeted demand-side resources can be acquired; vi. determining, if appropriate, the extent to which potential GeographicallyTargeted demand-side resource acquisition may impact the power factor of the remaining net load in a area designated for DUP analysis; and vii. estimating the costs of to be incurred in the acquisition of the cost-effective incremental demand-side resources by the customers and in total. The Parties agree that in the performance of said services, an EEU shall develop its estimates with an appropriate degree of certainty and in a manner suitable for use in connection with the performance of IRP. H. Contribution to DPS Forecasts and Plans. An EEU shall make information available to the Department as may reasonably be required to assist the DPS in its energy planning responsibilities. I. Forward Capacity Market Participant. EEUs should participate in the ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market (“FCM”) to secure, for the benefit of Vermont ratepayers, any FCM capacity payments that may be available for demand-side resource measures implemented by the EEU,. EEUs should submit claims for such capacity during the Transition Period and participate in the development and implementation of the FCM. J. Codes and Standards. (still to be drafted) Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 5 Provided Without Prejudice K. Act 250 Compliance Assistance. (still to be drafted) L. Combined Heat and Power. (still to be drafted) M. Demand Response. (still to be drafted) N. Applied Research, Development and Demonstration. (still to be drafted) O. Training and Workforce Development. (still to be drafted) 3. Energy Efficiency Charge (EEC) The EEU budgets should be funded through a separately stated, non-bypassable, volumetric system benefits charge on the bill from the DU to customers known as the EEC. The EEU budget for system-wide program planning and implementation of demand-side resource acquisition shall be recovered from the customers of all DUs in accordance with the requirements of PSB Rule 5.300. The EEU budget for geographically-targeted planning and acquisition of demand-side resources shall be recovered via EEC adders based on budget allocations made utilizing cost allocation principles [to be determined]. 4. EEU Advisory Committee Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 6 Provided Without Prejudice An EEU Advisory Committee shall be established with the following objectives: A. Stakeholder input that effectively challenges and advises EVT planning, program design and development B. Increased public confidence in EVT processes C. Greater public transparency and understanding of EVT oversight and accountability processes D. Public advocacy to ensure the integrity and accountability of the EEUs E. Independent and informed support and criticism F. Committed members who participate G. EEUs will develop stated expectations of Advisory Committee members, including the expected roles and time commitment for participation. Responsibilities may include: i. Input into and review of EVT annual plan ii. Review of savings claims and annual report iii. Annual review of EVT stakeholder input process iv. Meet the requirements of Vermont open meeting law v. Interested Party status at any PSB proceeding concerning an EEU H. The EEU Advisory Committee shall: i. Be composed of 12-15 members ii. Chaired by a member selected by the EEUs iii. Staffed and supported by EVT iv. Meet at least 3 times per year I. EEU Advisory Committee Membership Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 7 Provided Without Prejudice i. The DPS will propose and be represented by one member for the EEU Advisory Committee ii. DUs will propose and be represented by at least two members. iii. The Legislature will propose and be represented by a member from the House and a member from the Senate. iv. All members of the EEU Advisory Committee will be appointed by the EEUs. v. The EEUs will appoint other members of the Advisory Committee, including: (a) at least one industrial customer representative (selected in consultation with AIV and VBR) (b) at least one commercial customer representative (selected in consultation with RDCs and Chambers of Commerce) (c) at least one low-income customer representative (selected in consultation with CAP directors, AARP and VLIAC) (d) at least one environmental or renewable energy advocate vi. Others who can effectively contribute to the work of the Committee vii. Will include geographic representation to the extent possible J. Advisory Members shall have staggered 3-year terms K. Public members shall receive a per diem for their participation provided by EVT Part II. Planning, Performance Review, Evaluation and Ongoing Appointment An Order of Appointment shall establish the following framework for Planning, Operations, Performance Review, Evaluation and Ongoing Appointment: 1. Basic Framework EEUs cycles of planning, evaluation and performance review are all inter-related (see timeline presenting “Cycles for Planning, Performance Review, Evaluation and Ongoing Appointment,” at end of this section). These can usefully be broken down Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 8 Provided Without Prejudice into the following components, each of which has a unique purpose, timing and process, which is further defined below: Efficiency Resource Plan Setting, Review and Resetting of Quantitative Performance Indicators Overall Performance Assessment of Appointed Entity End-of-Cycle Reconsideration of Appointment Independent 3rd-Party Audit Ongoing Opportunity to Consider the Appointment Ongoing Monitoring, Savings Verification and Evaluation 2. Efficiency Resource Plan A. Purpose. The Efficiency Resource Plan will provide a set of operating assumptions for future resource acquisition and costs. This ERP will provide short-term (e.g., 3-year) savings goals and budgets that can serve to basis of performance indicators to assess EEUs performance. It will also provide operating assumptions for long-term (e.g. 20-year) budgets and savings that can be used for long-term resource planning by the EEUs, the DPS, Distribution Utilities and VELCO. The 20-year values can also be used by an EEU as the basis for bids in the ISO New England Forward Capacity Market and potential financing agreements. B. Description. The Efficiency Resource Plan will be a set of year-by-year values for efficiency resource acquisition savings goals and associated budgets by calendar year for the twenty-year period following a Board Order adopting the plan. C. Timeframe. The process for developing the ERP would begin in January of the year before a new ERP is anticipated to be effective. It is assumed that this process might typically be completed in three to six months. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 9 Provided Without Prejudice D. Requirements and Process i. The Efficiency Resource Plan will be for a twenty-year period and will be updated every three years. ii. The starting point for any changes in values for savings and goals will be the values from the last Twenty-Year Efficiency Resource Plan iii. Resource acquisition goals and associated budgets will be proposed to the Board by the DPS and EEUs. Proposals shall be informed by: (a) relevant evaluations and potential studies conducted by the DPS and EEUs implementers, as well as any relevant evaluations or market assessments presented by other interested parties (b) changes in technology, markets, and baseline considerations such as may be impacted by codes and standards that affect the need for market intervention through an EEU, including: (i) the extent to which baseline efficiency levels have changed; (ii) the extent to which markets have been transformed; (iii) the extent to which market-based energy service and product providers are able to capture cost-effective efficiency opportunities (iv) the extent to which new technologies and/or strategies can be expected to create new opportunities for cost-effective resource acquisition; (v) changes in avoided costs, rates, and the development of other markets that may impact assessments of cost-effective resource potential (e.g., ISO-NE FCM, RGGI) iv. Proposals will contain supporting analyses for one or more sets of proposed values for twenty-year resource acquisition goals and associated budgets. v. The determination of efficiency resource goals and associated budgets will be guided by the objectives and criteria of 30 VSA §218c, §209(d), §209(e), §202(a), and other applicable sections of Vermont statutes, as well as prior Board Orders. vi. Any interested party may present additional proposals, recommendations, or responses to proposals made. If the parties present markedly different Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 10 Provided Without Prejudice proposals or recommendations, the Board may seek to resolve the disputes after notice and opportunity for hearing. vii. The Board should provide any EEU, the DPS, Vermont Utilities, other stakeholders, and any other person or entity which qualifies for intervention under Board Rule 2.209, an opportunity to submit comments and participate in a technical workshop prior to adopting the Efficiency Resource Plan. viii. The effective date for implementation of new resource acquisition goals and budgets will be the start of the next calendar year after the Board Order adopting a new ERP. 2. Set, Review and Reset of Quantitative Performance Indicators (QPIs) A. Purpose. The Board will set Quantifiable Performance Indicators by which the performance of an EEU can be measured over specified time periods. B. Description. EEU Quantifiable Performance Indicators shall be of two types: “Scaled Performance Indicators” (e.g., MWh, MW, TRB, market penetration) and “Minimum Requirements” (e.g., portfolio cost-effectiveness, equity indicators). The Board shall conduct the process to determine which indicators to use for each category, and the values to be set for each indicator. While many indicators will be set to be achieved over a three-year performance period (e.g., MWh, MW, TRB), some may lend themselves to other performance periods (a market transformation indicator might set to a six year or longer period). C. Timeframe. Performance of EEU implementers relative to specified Quantitative Performance Indicators (i.e., MW, MWh, market indicators, equity indicators, etc.) will be assessed no less frequently than every three years in a process conducted by the PSB. This process will be timed to inform the processes whereby the Board reviews the provide results in advance of the Overall Performance Assessment of the Appointed Entity and the End-of-Cycle Reconsideration of Appointment. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 11 Provided Without Prejudice To the extent feasible, the process for re-setting QPIs will be conducted at the same time as the process for making the incentive award determination. D. Requirements and Process. i. Setting and Re-setting Quantifiable Performance Indicators and Values (a) Setting and re-setting QPIs for an EEU includes determining what indicators shall be used, the minimum or goal values for each indicator, any scaling thresholds and formulas, and the weighting or value assigned to each indicator (b) The Board shall set the QPIs through a process that will include one or more technical workshops and the opportunity for presentation of proposals to the Board. (c) The initial QPIs to be measured shall be those previously used to assess the EEUs. The Department shall propose any changes to such Quantifiable Performance Indicators in consultation with the EEUs and industry experts. (d) The initial values and weighting shall be proposed by the DPS and EEUs. (e) All interested parties may propose revisions to the list of indicators and the values proposed for QPIs. (f) Notice will be provided so that any interested party may present additional proposals, recommendations, or responses to proposals made. ii. Evaluation & Incentive Award Determination (a) EEU implementers will submit documentation to support claims of performance relative to QPIs. (b) The DPS shall review claims of performance relative to current-period QPIs and submit a recommendation regarding their findings to the PSB (c) The Board shall then make a determination of the extent to which QPIs have been met and the amount of any held-back compensation that should be provided to EEU Implementers (d) The Board may conduct the processes detailed above concurrently. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 12 Provided Without Prejudice 3. Overall Performance Assessment A. Purpose. The Overall Performance Assessment will be conducted by the Board to determine if there are probable net-benefits from going to the market to consider offers from alternate implementation entities. B. Timeframe. The Overall Performance Assessment shall occur no less frequently than every six years. Low performance may trigger a review sooner. The process is expected to take approximately six months. C. Requirements and Process i. The Board shall conduct a public performance review process that will include: (a) Consideration of the record of the appointed entity in meeting three-year Quantitative Performance Indicators for the past two review cycles (b) Consideration of the relative benchmarks of entities conducting similar efficiency resource acquisition efforts in other jurisdictions, using appropriate indicators of relative performance (to be developed) (c) Notice to the public that the Board is conducting an Overall Performance Assessment of an EEU and soliciting comment from the public on an EEU’s performance (d) A review of trends in the overall efficiency of the appointed entity’s performance, considering the entity’s historical record using indicators such as overall yield (i.e., MWh/$ and MW/$) (e) Consideration of any other market information that may be useful in comparing the appointed entity’s performance to what might be available from an alternate entity, for example, bids made for comparable resources in the ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market ii. The Board shall provide the EEUs, the DPS, Vermont Utilities, other stakeholders, and any other person or entity which qualifies for intervention under Board Rule 2.209, an opportunity to submit comments and participate in a technical workshop on this performance review. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 13 Provided Without Prejudice iii. The Board shall issue a finding regarding whether it has found cause to go to the market to solicit proposals from alternate entities. iv. If the Board determines a proposal solicitation process is needed, it shall commence a process that would result in a new Appointment commencing no sooner than the termination of the current six-year performance period. v. The Board may use RPQs, RFPs or similar mechanisms to more definitively ascertain whether an alternate entity would better meet EEU objectives. vi. Poor performance relative to minimum requirements serves as a presumptive basis for initiating the process of ”Overall Performance Assessment” earlier than it would otherwise be scheduled to take place. 4. End-of-Cycle Reconsideration of Appointment A. Purpose. After a certain period of time, if it has not been triggered by other events, the Board will presumptively go to the market to determine whether an alternate EEU entity might provide greater net-benefits to Vermont ratepayers relative to a currently-appointed EEU. B. Timeframe i. On a twelve-year cycle, the Board shall conduct a process that goes to the market to consider competitive offers from potential alternate entities to be appointed as an EEU implementation entity. ii. This process would be expected to take as much as one year. C. Requirements and Process i. The Board shall initiate this process. ii. The process may be a simple competitive solicitation (like the current contract re-bid RFP process) or a staged process that would begin with a request for expressions of interest or request for qualifications iii. The Board shall retain the option to defer the implementation of a competitive solicitation if it finds, after notice and opportunity for comment and through application of established criteria (to be determined), that the benefits in Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 14 Provided Without Prejudice performance likely to result from the process are not worth the cost of going to the market at the specified time iv. The Board shall provide the EEU, the DPS, Vermont Utilities, other stakeholders, and any other person or entity which qualifies for intervention under Board Rule 2.209, an opportunity to submit comments and participate in one or more technical workshops regarding this performance review. 5. Independent Third Party Audit In accordance with 30 V.S.A. 209(e)(12), the Board shall require verification by an independent auditor of the reported energy and capacity savings and costeffectiveness of programs delivered by EEU implementers. This audit shall be completed every three years as proscribed by statute. 6. Ongoing Opportunity to Consider Appointment At any point in the cycle of Appointment outlined above, the DPS, or any other party, may request that the Board initiate a review of an EEU Appointment for cause that shall be stated in the request. Such a review would be equivalent to an Overall Performance Review or the End of Cycle Reconsideration, but occur sooner than the default six and twelve-year cycles. The Board shall review such requests and determine whether to initiate open a review process. 7. Interaction with Long-Range Transmission Plan Under the Board’s Order in Docket 7081, an EEU is assigned responsibilities for developing a long-term (twenty-year) forecast of the capacity reductions that will occur from system-wide efficiency efforts conducted by an EEU, both at the statewide level and in designated T&D areas specified by the VSPC. The scheduling of EEU planning, evaluation and performance-review cycles is intended to inform the fulfillment of this obligation in a timely manner. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 15 Provided Without Prejudice 8. Ongoing Monitoring, Savings Verification and Evaluation Key elements of ongoing monitoring, savings verification and evaluation, and responsibility for each, is summarized as follows: Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 16 Provided Without Prejudice Function Measure Savings Characterization Market Characterization & Baseline Studies Implementation Tracking Measurement, Including Metering Savings Verification Impact Evaluation Process Evaluation Responsibility EEUs and DPS DPS, EEUs (optional) EEUs EEUs DPS DPS EEUs, DPS (optional) A. Measure Savings Characterization is the process of specifying the assumptions and algorithms for calculating savings for individual electricity-saving measures. It includes specification of any assumed energy and demand values, hours of use, adjustment (in-service rates, free rider rates, etc.) and other factors that affect electrical savings. For custom measures, it may specify simply the key variables that need to be calculated or measured and the formulas to be used in calculating savings. These characterizations shall be documented in a “Technical Reference Manual” that is maintained by an EEU. The Technical Reference Manual shall be expanded and updated as deemed appropriate by a standing joint committee of the DPS and EEUs. B. Market Characterization and Baseline Studies are processes of gathering and analyzing information about the characteristics of different markets to support assessment of demand-side resource potential, development of market intervention strategies and establishment of baselines from which efficiency savings can be measured. It includes building, appliance and equipment saturation surveys, sales data, consumer attitude and behavior surveys and market structure analysis. The DPS shall be responsible for carrying out the market characterization work it deems necessary and appropriate. The DPS shall consult and coordinate with EEUs in planning and conducting this work. EEUs shall carry out additional market characterization work as they deem necessary to plan their services and initiatives, as well as to support their long-range resource planning responsibilities. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 17 Provided Without Prejudice C. Implementation Tracking is the process of gathering and systematically storing customer, measure, project, and activity data in a database system. This shall be carried out by the EEUs as part of routine operations and shall include all relevant information for evaluation activities. D. Measurement, Including Metering is the process directly measuring quantities that contribute to determination of electricity savings. It includes direct metering of individual or multiple end-use loads, counts of measures, and testing. It shall be carried out by An EEU either as part of implementation (e.g. commissioning) or as part of post-installation evaluation activities. E. Savings Verification is the annual process carried out by the DPS to assess an EEU’s annual savings claims (MWh, MW and TRB). This process shall result in a recommendation to the Board for a quantitative adjustment to EEU savings claims. In shall include analysis of measure and project data from EEU tracking systems, review of project files, and any field verification visits that are deemed to be appropriate. F. Impact Evaluation is the formal assessment of quantitative savings (MWh, MW and TRB), typically at the initiative or portfolio level. This includes studies that analyze of pre- and post-installation measured electricity use and studies that seek to determine market effects of efficiency initiatives. The DPS shall carry out such evaluations if and when it deems them to be beneficial. G. Process Evaluation is the range of activities that can be carried out to evaluate the design and implementation of EEU operations. It uses surveys, interviews and activity data to understand and assess EEU processes, quality and effectiveness. Such evaluations will develop recommendations for strategy and/or process improvement. The DPS shall include any elements of process evaluation that it deems beneficial into its other EEU evaluation activities. An EEU shall conduct process evaluations as it deems appropriate and useful. The DPS and EEUs shall coordinate their assessment of the need for process evaluation and the conduct of Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 18 Provided Without Prejudice process evaluation activities. The DPS and EEUs shall share results of any process evaluations. Part III. Initial Appointment and Transition This section addresses one-time issues associated with initial Appointment and transition to the new EEU structure. 1. Initial Selection of Entities The Parties agree that the Board should issue an order under 30 V.S.A. §209(d)(2) appointing VEIC and BED to serve as EEUs until such time as the Board selects any other entities through the review and reconsideration of Appointment processes described in this document. Said orders shall establish VEIC’s continuing authorization to the use of the name Efficiency Vermont in its provision of EEU services. 2. Transition Period A. Savings Goals and Budgets for Transition Period i. (to be drafted) B. Quantifiable Performance Indicators for Transition Period (to be drafted) i. (to be drafted) C. (other transition period considerations) i. (to be drafted) Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 19 Provided Without Prejudice Part IV. Summary of Roles and Responsibilities This section summarizes the roles and responsibilities of various parties, organized by party. 1. Board (to be drafted) 2. EEUs (to be drafted) 3. DPS (to be drafted) 4. Distribution Utilities (to be drafted) 5. VELCO (to be drafted) Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 20 Provided Without Prejudice Part _V. Administration An EEU is responsible for the maintenance, ongoing development and monitoring of its own management and operational systems, including: (1) general project management; (2) budgeting; (3) financial management; (4) contract management; (5) dispute resolution; and (6) information technology system management and data collection. An EEU shall maintain and enhance as it deems appropriate a management reporting system that enables its management to ensure proper control over its operational activities and strategic direction and facilitates the preparation of required reports and evaluation of its performance as an EEU. 1. Budgeting. An EEU shall develop, monitor and manage the overall budget for its operation. In order to plan, manage and report on progress over the course of the contract, an EEU will also develop, and may revise over time, forecasts of costs expected to be incurred in each quarter and each year of the Appointment. Such cost forecasts shall not be subject to Board approval and will be submitted to the Board only to provide the Board with detailed information on an EEU ’s progress and ongoing expected costs. Budget and forecast categories and the detail of breakdown shall be, at a minimum, the same as those specified in XXX. 2. Financial Management. An EEU shall maintain the necessary budgeting, invoicing, expenditure approval, payroll, and financial accounting systems to review, approve, and track budgets, invoices and payments associated with carrying out the responsibilities of the Appointment. An EEU shall maintain financial and accounting records consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles consistently applied. An EEU shall provide information and documentation required for an OMB A-133 audit, which an EEU shall have performed on an annual basis as required by law. The Board may prescribe the forms of all books, accounts, papers and records of an EEU which shall keep and render its books, accounts, papers and records accurately and faithfully in the manner and form prescribed by the Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 21 Provided Without Prejudice Board. An EEU shall comply with all orders and directions of the Board relating to such books, accounts, papers and records consistent with the terms of 30 V.S.A. § 221. 3. Contract Management. An EEU shall solicit, hire and/or contract with all necessary staff and subcontractors to effectively perform the responsibilities of the Appointment. An EEU shall maintain the administrative capability to manage these resources, ensure the completion of each task and sub-task effectively, and ensure that subcontractors are compensated in a timely manner. 4. EEU’s Dispute Resolution Process. In conjunction with the Director of the Consumer Affairs and Public Information Division at the DPS, an EEU shall maintain protocols for addressing and resolving complaints concerning performance of its responsibilities from customers and stakeholders such as electric utilities and subcontractors. Said protocols shall establish a process for quickly bringing such disputes to a resolution. To facilitate the resolution of disputes, provisions regarding the Board’s continuing jurisdiction over an EEU should be included the Appointment and the Docket where the Appointment is made should be kept open in order to provide the Board continuing jurisdiction to act in all matters respecting the activities and services of an EEU, where appropriate. 5. Information Technology, Data Collection, Reporting. An EEU shall maintain and enhance, as it deems necessary and or appropriate, information technology and data collection and reporting systems. Information in this system shall include, but not be limited to, tracking data on customers, energy product and service providers, service activity, projects, measures, costs and savings. The system shall have the capability to satisfy an EEU’s planning requirements and to work with Vermont Utilities in all activities as required under the Appointment. The system shall have the ability to produce ad hoc reports for information requests from the Board and the DPS. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 22 Provided Without Prejudice 6. Manage Customer-Specific and Competitively-Sensitive Information. An EEU shall maintain a Confidential Information Management System. The purpose of this system is to provide appropriate protections in the collection, processing, storage and retrieval of information that is customer-specific or could otherwise provide an unfair competitive advantage to an entity engaged in the provision of energy services outside the scope of responsibilities of the Appointment. An EEU shall be responsible for managing this system. When appropriate an EEU may provide customer-specific and/or competitively-sensitive information to its employees, EEU contractors, regulators, and DUs. Any EEU contractors given such information shall also protect its confidentiality and shall agree in their contract(s) with an EEU (1) to abide by the guidelines detailed in the Confidential Information Management System referenced above, and (2) not to provide any confidential information to affiliates not directly involved with EEU activities. Regardless of whether an EEU follows its system for managing confidential information, an EEU is solely responsible for the intentional or accidental release of any confidential information. An EEU agrees to indemnify the Board for any claims resulting from the release of any confidential information. 7. Data Collection. An EEU shall collect and electronically compile data that is: (1) directly related to its energy service planning and implementation activities; (2) easily obtainable by an EEU as part of its routine implementation and planning activities; and (3) needed to monitor, assess, verify, and evaluate its performance, to report on its activities, and to improve the planning, design and delivery of services. Data from Vermont Utilities, subcontractors and employees shall be collected and stored electronically in a consistent format in the following categories: A. Customer/Client/Circuit Data; B. Planning and Forecasting Data: C. Customer Usage Data including circuit data; Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 23 Provided Without Prejudice D. Measures and Services Data; E. Data on Other Relevant Persons, Businesses or Organizations; F. Distribution Utility Account Data; and G. Other Data for Market Assessment and Evaluation Purposes. An EEU shall make this information available to the Board, the DPS, the Vermont Utilities, and any independent evaluation firms under contract to the Board or the DPS, subject to the establishment of reasonable confidentiality procedures. An EEU shall coordinate, manage and secure all such data identified in the above list that it needs to obtain from the Vermont Utilities. If a Vermont Utility is not reasonably responsive to a request for information from an EEU after a reasonable period of time, then an EEU may ask the Board to resolve the dispute. The parties agree that this paragraph is not intended to require an EEU to secure data from Vermont Utilities that fail to respond to such requests for information. 8. Vermont Utilities Planning and Ratemaking Support Data. An EEU shall gather particular data elements for use by Vermont Utilities in planning and ratemaking. Upon reasonable request, an EEU shall provide DUs and VELCO with reasonable estimates of electricity savings resulting from EEU operations, including information or assumptions an EEU collects or develops as a matter of course in its normal business activities. The EEUs shall work with the DPS and the Vermont Utilities to establish reasonable information and data protocols for the efficient exchange of information. 9. Administrative and Financial Data. An EEU shall keep records of administrative and financial data consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles consistently applied as defined by the Board, Governmental Accounting Standards Board and the Financial Accounting Standards Board. This includes systems to track general project management, invoicing, payroll Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 24 Provided Without Prejudice and contractor payments, and to produce the necessary reports for monitoring these duties. The DPS and the Board shall be provided access to this data as may be required by the DPS or the Board. 10. Data System Documentation/User's Manual. An EEU shall maintain, and update as necessary, the documentation of the Customized Software used for data tracking and reporting. An EEU shall provide notice to the Board and the DPS with any substantive changes to this data system documentation. 11. Required Reports. An EEU shall prepare and submit Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports as further described below. An EEU shall work with the Board, the DPS and Vermont Utilities to identify and assess any additional reporting that might better satisfy the needs of the Board, the Fiscal Agent, the DPS, the Vermont Utilities and simplify or clarify the presentation of information, and/or lower the costs of reporting. Such additional reporting, to be developed, would address the needs of Vermont Utilities for information on resource acquisition in designated geographically-targeted areas. A. Monthly Reports. An EEU shall prepare and submit Monthly Reports to the Board, the DPS and Vermont Utilities. These reports shall include: (1) actual expenditures for administrative, information technology and service delivery costs compared to the annual component of the approved three-year budgets and (2) MWh and MW savings estimates. B. Quarterly Reports. An EEU shall prepare and submit Quarterly Reports to the Board, the DPS, and the Vermont Utilities. Given that an Annual Report will be submitted after the end of each calendar year a Monthly Report will be submitted for the periods ending in December of each year in lieu of a Quarterly Report. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 25 Provided Without Prejudice Quarterly Reports shall include: (1) actual expenditures for administrative, information technology, and service delivery costs compared to the annual component of the approved three-year budgets; (2) committed customer incentive payments as evidenced by a signed incentive contract that specifies that a future incentive payment will be made to an EEU customer; (3) report of progress made towards achieving energy and capacity savings targets, and other indicators of performance; (4) a summary of activity highlights for the quarter; and (5) a summary of any significant changes or anticipated changes in implementation strategies and services. Quarterly Reports shall also include information (when such information is made available to an EEU by EEU customers) on the degree of leveraging (including customer contributions and grant funds) achieved by an EEU. C. Annual Reports. An EEU shall prepare and submit Annual Reports to the Board, the DPS, and the Vermont Utilities. Annual Reports shall include: (1) actual expenditures for administrative, information technology, planning and service delivery costs compared to the annual component of the approved three-year budgets; (2) committed customer incentive payments as evidenced by a signed incentive contract that specifies that a future incentive payment will be made to an EEU customer; (3) a summary of progress and highlights for the year, including any significant changes in strategies or services; (4) report of progress toward achieving energy and capacity savings targets, and other indicators of performance; (5) the annual energy and capacity savings claim, with adequate supporting data to meet the requirements of the Board for verification by the DPS. In addition to the above, an EEU shall develop materials that summarize annual report results for public distribution. The planning and design of these materials will include the DPS and the Board to ensure that the function and timing of the materials are appropriate. An EEU shall distribute these materials on a schedule to be Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 26 Provided Without Prejudice developed as part of the design process. D. Occasional Reports to Vermont Utilities. Upon request, an EEU shall provide reasonably-available information to individual Vermont Utilities for planning and rate regulation in mutually agreed-upon formats. E. Reporting by Sector. For the purposes of the required reporting as detailed in this section the Business Sector and the Residential Sector are defined as follows: Business Sector Business New Construction Existing Business Residential Sector Retail Efficient Products Residential New Construction Existing Homes Existing Business consists of the following markets: Commercial and Industrial Retrofit Commercial and Industrial Equipment Replacement Existing Homes consists of the following markets: Residential Retrofit Multifamily Retrofit Residential New Construction consists of the following markets: Single Family New Construction Multifamily New Construction F. Customer Credit Reporting. Notwithstanding the above, Customer Credit costs and benefits may be included and/or excluded and reported separately in different summary reports, as may be determined by the Board. All reports that include Customer Credit shall explicitly state so. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 27 Provided Without Prejudice 12. Information Requests. An EEU shall respond in a timely and complete manner to any information requests regarding budgets, expenditures, savings, and activities submitted by the Board, the Fiscal Agent, the DPS or a Vermont Utility. An EEU shall also respond in a timely and complete manner to any information requests submitted by members of the Vermont General Assembly or legislative staff, including providing legislative testimony on EEU related activities or energy issues when requested. 13. Annual Plan. An EEU shall prepare and submit to the Board an Annual Plan by November 1 of the preceding year. However, an EEU shall not be required to prepare an Annual Plan for any period beyond the period of its Appointment. In these Plans, an EEU shall summarize market intervention strategies, service offerings, markets initiatives and other planned implementation activities for the coming year. These components shall be presented as part of an integrated market strategy for each of the two primary market sectors: Business and Residential. These plans shall be developed in consultation with the DPS and the Vermont Utilities. In developing these Annual Plans, an EEU shall also make full use of the following information: A. reports from an EEU market assessment and evaluation activities undertaken by the DPS; B. the EEU’s formal Quality Assurance system (including participant satisfaction/feedback records); C. feedback from subcontractors; D. ongoing, informal feedback from individual participants; E. ongoing solicited and unsolicited input from business, professional and trade associations, trade allies, and other groups with which an EEU interacts over the year; and F. the EEU’s knowledge of regional and national information regarding energy efficiency technologies and opportunities, program experience and evaluation results. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 28 Provided Without Prejudice The Annual Plans shall include any request from an EEU for re-allocation of funds between the Business Sector and the Residential Sector. Any major changes to be made between Annual Plan filings shall be included as part of Quarterly Reports to the Board. 14. Coordination Service Delivery with BED. Any other EEU shall make every reasonable effort to coordinate with BED’s EEU selfadministration within BED service territory, consistent with the Board’s August 1, 2002 “Decision in re: Report of the Department of Public Service to the Board on Vermont’s Energy Efficiency Utility” (pp. 5-7); the Board’s Orders in Docket 5980. An EEU shall maintain ongoing coordination agreements with BED. An EEU shall also attempt to negotiate a cost-sharing agreement with BED which recognizes (1) that parallel or overlapping efforts may be more efficiently and economically performed by either BED or an EEU on behalf of both entities, and (2) that many services and activities that an EEU necessarily provides on a statewide basis fulfill or reduce certain of BED’s obligations related to delivery of EEU services in BED service territory. This cost-sharing agreement between an EEU and BED shall provide a mechanism for fair exchange of compensation for EEU services among the two entities. Any disputes between another EEU and BED regarding the coordination efforts or compensation detailed above shall be mediated by the Board. 15. Manage EEU Staff and Contractors. An EEU shall solicit, select, hire and oversee employees and contractors to perform the responsibilities of the Appointment, and develop methods for managing their performance and compensation. An EEU shall strive to bring in industry-specific and technologyspecific specialized expertise on an as-needed basis to provide the appropriate level of energy efficiency technical assistance to EEU business customers. An EEU shall review, approve if appropriate, and pay contractors and contractor expenses in a timely manner. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 29 Provided Without Prejudice 16. Quality Assurance. An EEU shall maintain quality assurance standards and procedures, to be set forth by an EEU in a written Quality Assurance Plan, copies of which shall be provided to the Board, and the DPS. An EEU shall ensure that both direct employees and contractors apply the quality assurance standards and methods set forth in the Quality Assurance Plan. Any substantive changes to the Quality Assurance Plan shall be provided to the Board and the DPS. The Quality Assurance Plan shall include the dates for submission of Quality Assurance Reports. 17. Coordinate With Other Energy Efficiency Activities. An EEU shall coordinate its EEU activities with those of state, regional and national energy efficiency efforts, including (1) the U.S. Department of Energy/ Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star Program; (2) Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships; (3) the Vermont Weatherization Assistance Program; (4) the School Energy Management Program of the Vermont Superintendents' Association; and (5) the Act 250 process (10 V.S.A. §§ 6081-6092). Other state, regional or national initiatives or organizations may emerge in the future; an EEU shall be expected to evaluate the potential benefits of those efforts and coordinate with and participate in them in a manner that is consistent with an EEU’s mission and the State’s policy objectives for energy efficiency. 18. Technical Assistance and Educational Support for Energy Code Activities. An EEU shall provide technical support and training regarding the Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) and the Commercial Building Energy Standards (CBES). Any support activities that are funded by EEU EEC Funds shall be described in the Annual Plan. The anticipated support includes, but is not limited to: A. direct technical assistance, including a telephone “hot line”; B. development, production and delivery of educational materials; and C. development and delivery of workshops and professional training. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 30 Provided Without Prejudice An EEU shall provide technical support, but shall not be responsible for RBES or CBES activities that require the development of new provisions for the energy code, legislative advocacy regarding adoption of new or updated energy codes, or the evaluation of energy code activities. 19. Coordinate With Vermont Utilities. An EEU shall coordinate with any demand-side resource acquisition planning or implementation carried out by Vermont Utilities on their own behalf (e.g., voluntary programs provided by a DU in its own service territory), where appropriate. An EEU shall also coordinate with Vermont DUs to determine whether power quality and power factor may be affected in situations in which the application of demand-side resource technologies might have a significant material impact on the integrity of a distribution or transmission utility’s transmission and distribution system or a customer's facility. If problems are identified, an EEU shall cooperate with the affected Vermont Utility and/or customer to resolve the problem. 20. Working With and Through Vermont Product and Service Providers. To both achieve resource acquisition and accomplish the Board's market transformation goals, an EEU shall work with and through Vermont providers of energy-related products and services, including design professionals (architects, engineers and designers), energy service providers, contractors, retailers, distributors, suppliers and manufacturers. An EEU shall strive to affect critical decision points in the supply chain that impact energy efficiency decisions in the marketplace by providing targeted, strategic support to these Market Actors, including, but not limited to: A. training and education to build efficiency-related skills and knowledge; B. project-specific technical assistance; C. provision of software, design guides, manuals and other technical resources; D. promotion to consumers of the products and services offered by these providers; and E. financial incentives to these providers to overcome specific market barriers. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 31 Provided Without Prejudice In carrying out this work an EEU shall seek to expand the availability of energy-saving products and services available from Vermont providers and seek to increase the standard-practice levels of efficiency in these products and services. In providing EEU services, an EEU shall not use its own employees to provide any design or engineering services that are required to be provided by licensed professional architects and engineers, and shall not provide certifications of designs or engineering that assume professional liability. 21. Installation of Measures. An EEU shall promote, utilize and support the development of the broad network of Vermont businesses to provide for the installation of demand-side resource measures. An EEU will rely on this network of building, electrical, mechanical, HVAC, and other contractors to provide and install measures. 22. Consumer Marketing, Public Information, and Education. An EEU shall implement marketing, public education and consumer information activities as part of a strategy to (1) promote customer participation in and market awareness of EEU services, (2) increase consumer awareness and understanding of the benefits of reducing energy use, (3) increase consumer demand for energy-saving products and services, and (4) affect consumer decision-making in consumer-driven energy efficiency choices. At a minimum, an EEU will provide: (1) a toll-free number as further described in 30 V.S.A. § 209(d)(3); (2) a web page describing services available to customers; (3) effective customer response and referral procedures; and (4) a system for tracking, addressing and resolving customer complaints promptly. An EEU shall also develop and implement energy education and technical training services and initiatives, including cooperative activities with Vermont educational institutions, vocational training, and continuing education. 23. Develop Independent Funding Sources. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 32 Provided Without Prejudice An EEU shall, to the best of its ability, facilitate the development of, and/or develop, independent funding mechanisms that leverage non-EEU Funds (such as grant and Federal funds) that will increase the acquisition of cost-effective demand-side resources. An EEU shall develop and implement mechanisms to help overcome lack of customer access to financing for demand-side resource investments so that customer contributions to measure costs can be maximized consistent with the Board’s principles of sound program design. 24. Cost-Effectiveness Screening. When assessing the cost-effectiveness of efficiency measures, an EEU shall utilize the Societal Test as further described by the Board in its April 16, 1990 Order in Docket No. 5270. An EEU shall use statewide cost-effectiveness screening tools provided by the DPS in its planning and implementation activities. An EEU shall incorporate the externality values provided by the Board and shall incorporate in its screening tools, as well as any new avoided costs and externality adjustments approved by the Board, but shall not be responsible for development, maintenance, distribution or support of statewide cost-effectiveness screening tools other than for the EEU’s own use and convenience in carrying out the responsibilities of the Appointment. The Board shall provide a reasonable amount of time for an EEU to implement any new avoided costs or externality adjustments approved by the Board. An EEU shall keep current documentation on all measure and program assumptions. Changes to existing measure characterizations and program assumptions, and all assumptions for new measures and programs, shall be coordinated with the DPS. All changes shall be documented in the Technical Reference Manual, including the basis for the new assumption. An EEU shall provide annually the Technical Reference Manual to the Board, DPS and the Vermont Utilities. An EEU shall provide on an ongoing basis any substantive changes in the TRM to the Board, DPS and the Vermont Utilities. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 33 Provided Without Prejudice 25. Support for State Resource Planning, Market Assessment and Evaluation Activities. An EEU has primary responsibility, unless otherwise directed by the Board, for determining whether and to what extent it will collect, compile, and assess information on the characteristics and current status of markets targeted by current strategies and markets that are potential targets for new strategies and service offerings. This information may include changes or expected changes in these markets, opportunities for emerging energy efficiency technologies and practices, and the status and progress of EEU -funded programs in capturing the potential for cost-effective energy savings. An EEU’s responsibilities with respect to collecting information related to market transformation effects shall be limited to data about its efforts (e.g., an EEU will collect information about its installations, but is not responsible, for example, for collecting information about awareness of new energy efficient technologies among Vermont residents). An EEU shall provide data and information collected under this Paragraph to support the DPS’s demand-side management resource planning and evaluation activities, in particular, the DPS’s obligation to conduct EEU program evaluation and the DPS’s evaluation of an EEU’s performance, market conditions, and available demand-side resource potential. In addition, an EEU shall be available for consultation with the DPS regarding the development of the DPS’s Twenty Year Electric Plan, pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 202. An EEU shall also cooperate to the best of its ability and within its budget constraints in the identification and prioritization of information needs and the exchange of information with the Board and DPS as necessary to effectuate strategic planning, multi-year program planning and budgeting, market assessment, and program evaluation. 26. Limitations on Performance Contracting. If an EEU or any of its contractors advises a customer to use performance contracting and the EEU or its contractor desires to bid for that contract, said EEU or its contractor shall notify the Board and DPS in advance of submitting a bid. The Board or DPS may contact the customer and/or use other mechanisms to ensure that said EEU, or its Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 34 Provided Without Prejudice contractor’s relationship with said EEU, does not give either of them an unfair advantage in the bidding process. 27. Standards of Performance. An EEU shall perform the responsibilities of the Appointment consistent with all service quality requirements set forth in the Appointment, applicable professional standards, and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Board. Part _VI. Compensation and Termination For the entire term of the Appointment, an EEU shall coordinate its activities and the fulfillment of the responsibilities of its Appointment with the Fiscal Agent, the DPS and other entities that may be specified by the Board. 1. Compensation. In consideration of the fulfillment of the responsibilities of Appointment, the Board shall authorize EEU to receive payments in accordance with the payment provisions further specified in xxxxx. A. The maximum amount payable to EEU shall be the amount of EEU EEC Funds established by the Board. This maximum amount is inclusive of all eligible costs, expenses and all earned performance incentives. B. Two types of compensation shall be provided to an EEU: (i) Cost-of-Service Compensation and (ii) Resource Acquisition Compensation. Both types of compensation shall be provided from EEU EEC Funds, but the basis of compensation is different for each. i. Cost-of-Service Compensation Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 35 Provided Without Prejudice (a) Cost-of-Service Compensation shall be provided to an EEU for certain Eligible Services and Initiatives specifically designated in the Order of Appointment, and any subsequent modifications made by the Board. (b) When the Board establishes year-by-year EEU budgets through adoption of Efficiency Resource Plans, a portion of the total EEU budget will be set for Cost-of-Service Compensation. (c) The budget for Cost-of-Service Compensation shall be a not-to-exceed amount covering the three years after the budget is established. (d) The three-year, not-to-exceed budget for Cost-of-Service Compensation may be modified for certain causes beyond an EEU’s control… [note: need more here about how this would work] (e) An EEUs Cost-of-Service Compensation shall compensate an EEU for reasonable actual costs incurred providing the Board-designated Eligible Services and Initiatives, plus, where appropriate, an operations fee of xx%, plus any earned performance-based payments as described further in section xxx. (f) Eligible Services and Initiatives shall be specifically defined [note: definitions to be provided here? Or in another section? Or later?], and shall include: (i) Technical assistance and educational support for energy code activities as further described in section xxx. (ii) Contribution and support to DPS potential studies, forecasts and plans as further described in section xxx. (iii)Support for DPS Evaluation activities as further described in section xxx. (iv) DUP and transmission planning activities as further described in section xxx. (v) VSPC participation as further described in section xxx. (vi) ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market participation as further described in section xxx. (vii) Applied R&D activities as further described in section xxx. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 36 Provided Without Prejudice (viii) Training and workforce development activities as further described in section xxx. (ix) Energy education activities as further described in section xxx. ii. Resource Acquisition Compensation (a) Resource Acquisition Compensation shall be provided to an EEU for services and initiatives that acquire demand-side resources specified in Efficiency Resource Plans (e.g., MW, MWh, TRB). (b) When the Board establishes year-by-year EEU budgets through adoption of Efficiency Resource Plans, a portion of the total EEU budget will be set for Resource Acquisition Compensation which is equal to annual EEU EEC Funds less the portion set aside for performance-based payments, less the annual budgets Cost-of-Service Compensation. (c) From the funds available for Resource Acquisition Compensation,an EEU shall be provided Resource Acquisition Compensation for EEU’s actual costs incurred to secure resource acquisition, plus an operations fee of xx%, plus payment for any earned performance incentives. C. Of the total budget for the three-year period following establishment of the budget, xx% shall be held back and set aside for performance-based payments that may be earned only by an EEU’s attainment of Quantifiable Performance Indicators, as described in section xxx. D. EEU award of performance-based incentives shall be contingent on EEU meeting Minimum Performance Requirements, as further described in section xxx. E. EEU award of performance-based incentives shall be scaled, using Scaled Performance Indicators to be determined by the Board and further described in section xxx. F. Eligible Costs and Expenses i. Subject to the limitations of the budget, as described above, an EEU shall be compensated for reasonable and appropriate labor and expenses incurred in Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 37 Provided Without Prejudice fulfilling the responsibilities of the Appointment. Compensation for such services and expenses shall be based on an EEU’s actual costs incurred. ii. An EEU’s actual costs shall include: wages or salaries of staff working directly to fulfill the responsibilities of the Appointment; fringe-benefit and payroll-related costs associated with such wages and salaries; an equitable allocated share of the An EEU’s organization-wide indirect costs; any and all out-of-pocket costs (e.g., telecommunications, travel, copying/printing, postage/delivery, marketing, equipment) directly attributable to performing the responsibilities of the Appointment; mileage reimbursement at the Internal Revenue Service-approved rate only for use of a personal motor vehicle; any and all costs to develop and produce Customized Software; any and all contractor costs directly attributable to fulfillment of the responsibilities of the Appointment; funds disbursed to program participants (e.g., financial incentives, cooperative marketing); and other reasonable and appropriate costs that the An EEU incurs to fulfill the responsibilities of the Appointment. An EEU shall use the guidelines established by the Federal Government for Federal cost reimbursable grants, or other comparable standards agreed upon by the Board, as the basis for determining whether or not a particular direct or indirect cost item incurred under the Appointment is reasonable and appropriate. Such Federal guidelines are contained in OMB Circular A-122 dated May 10, 2004. iii. In addition to the above costs, an EEU shall also be reimbursed its actual cost as charged by a lending institution under the an EEU’s line of credit with that lending institution, to borrow funds to finance any eligible costs and expenses incurred and paid for by the an EEU prior to receiving its monthly payment from the Fiscal Agent or due to a shortfall in funds available from the Fiscal Agent. Failure of the Fiscal Agent to pay an approved EEU invoice on a timely basis due to the lack of available funds shall not constitute an acceptable basis on which an EEU may terminate an Appointment; however, a material failure of this type may (if of such magnitude and duration as to impede or prevent expected operations) constitute grounds for modification or reduction of an EEU’s obligations under Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 38 Provided Without Prejudice the Appointment (but only to the extent directly required by such delay or failure of payment). iv. An EEU shall operate in accordance with the guidelines detailed in OMB Circular A-122, or other comparable standards agreed upon by the Board. The Board an EEU shall come to agreement on the following items: (a) The types of costs that constitute an EEU’s fringe-benefit and payrollrelated costs and an EEU’s organization-wide indirect costs; and (b) The method for allocating an equitable share of an EEU’s fringe-benefit and payroll-related costs and an EEU’s organization-wide indirect costs. (c) Any modifications to the above two items must be agreed upon in advance by the Board. v. Notwithstanding the above, all eligible costs, expenses and fees paid to an EEU are subject to the Total Compensation limitation detailed in Paragraph xx. G. Invoice Requirements i. An EEU shall submit monthly invoices of eligible costs and expenses for payment by the 25th day of the subsequent month, or the next business day if the 25th is not a business day. All invoices shall, at a minimum, include the name, address, and tax I.D. number of the EEU; an itemized summary identifying and describing the activities performed and expenses incurred; the amount claimed for each task or expense category; and the total amount of the invoice. Invoices shall clearly separate requests for compensation for labor expenses and other expenses including payments to contractors, and reimbursement for funds disbursed to EEU program participants. The form of the invoice shall be agreed upon by the EEU and the Board. ii. An EEU shall require that invoices to an EEU from contractors or other third parties shall, at a minimum, conform to the EEU’s invoice requirements stated above and to any format and requirements established by the Board. H. Invoice Submission and Review I. An EEU shall submit invoices for review and payment by the Fiscal Agent, Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 39 Provided Without Prejudice J. Payment of Invoices i. Unless instructed otherwise by the Board, disbursements by the Fiscal Agent will be made once each month; the Fiscal Agent will pay approved monthly invoices by the last business day of the following month. ii. The parties understand that the Fiscal Agent may not have collected adequate funds from the distribution utilities in a particular month to pay EEU invoices in full. In order to be made aware of these shortfalls, the Board will direct the Fiscal Agent to inform EEUs on a monthly basis of the total funds available to pay EEU invoices. The total funds available shall be the EEU EEC Funds collected to date. Any unpaid EEU invoices from prior months shall be paid first and then a partial payment shall be made on EEU’s current monthly invoices. All EEU invoices shall be paid in full, as funds become available. iii. At any termination of Appointment, an EEU will most likely still be due payments for one or more monthly invoices and for any performance incentives earned pursuant to section xxx. In such a case, an EEU’s unpaid invoices shall be paid prior to any payments being made to any other new entity who has been Appointed as a replacement EEU. K. Carryover of Funds. An EEU may carry over unspent funds from one year to the next. The amount of any carryover funds shall be reflected in appropriate EEU reports, plans and budgets. L. Reliance by Board on Representations. All payments made under an Appointment will be made in reliance upon the accuracy of all prior representations by the An EEU, including but not limited to bills, invoices, progress reports and other proofs of work. M. Suspension of Payment to an EEU. In addition to other remedies, the Board reserves the right to suspend all payments to an EEU if required reports are not provided to the Board or its designated representatives on a timely basis; if there are continuing deficiencies in an EEU’s reporting, record keeping or invoicing responsibilities and requirements; or if the performance of the responsibilities of the Appointment are not adequately evidenced. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 40 Provided Without Prejudice 2. Termination of Appointment. A. Termination For Cause i. In the event that an EEU materially breaches the terms of the Appointment, the Board may without prejudice to any of its other legal remedies terminate the Appointment upon (xx period of time) written notice to EEU and be relieved of the payment of any amount due to EEU for costs after the date of such termination, except as provided in subparagraph “xx” below. Alternatively, the Board may, in its sole discretion, provide an EEU with time to cure any breach. ii. An EEU’s inadequate management and financial capability may be cause for a decision to terminate an Appointment pursuant to this subparagraph. iii. In the event an Appointment is terminated for cause, the Board may proceed in any manner it deems proper. EEU shall be compensated for satisfactory services rendered and eligible costs and expenses as provided in subparagraph “xx” below; however, in its discretion, the Board may deduct from any sum due to EEU under the Appointment, all expense, damage or other harm incurred by the Board or its agents as a result of EEU’s failure to perform its obligation under the Appointment B. Termination – Bankruptcy. In the event proceedings in bankruptcy are commenced against an appointed EEU, it is adjudged bankrupt, or a receiver is appointed, the Board may terminate the Appointment by giving (xx period of time) notice in writing to the EEU. C. Termination by Board to Appoint a Different Implementing Entity, or to Terminate Appointment of any EEU. As a result of overall reviews and evaluations of an EEU, as provided for in Section XX, the Board may choose to terminate the Appointment of an EEU in order to appoint a different entity to act as an EEU. The Board may also terminate an Appointment if it chooses to no longer use an EEU to perform the functions identified in 30 V.S.A. §209(d). Any such termination shall be effective no sooner than (xx period of time) after notice of the Board to the affected EEU of its determination to terminate the Appointment and subject to the conditions of termination in sub-paragraph xx below. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 41 Provided Without Prejudice D. Termination by an EEU. An EEU may request, and the Board shall grant, termination of its Appointment obligations without good cause upon giving xx months written notice to the Board prior to said termination date. E. Responsibility of Parties Upon Expiration or Termination of Appointment i. Upon termination of an Appointment, an EEU shall provide reasonable transition assistance as requested by the Board to the Board and any entity designated by the Board to ensure that the functions of an EEU are continuously carried out without interruption. In such event, EEU agrees to use all reasonable efforts to mitigate its expenses and obligations hereunder. ii. In the case of Termination by Board under sub-paragraphs XX and XX above, the EEU shall be compensated for all satisfactory services rendered and eligible costs and expenses prior to the notice of termination and until the end of the termination notice period. The EEU shall be paid for all reasonable services rendered and costs and expenses incurred by an EEU subsequent to termination, but only for reasonable transition assistance which could not, by reasonable efforts of an EEU, have been avoided. iii. If this Appointment is terminated without good cause pursuant to subparagraph XX above, the EEU shall receive all performance incentives that are earned and verified as of the date of such termination. In addition, the Board agrees to work with an EEU to determine an appropriate performance incentive to be paid to an EEU based on actual results toward performance goals for the current performance period. iv. If this Appointment is terminated without good cause pursuant to subparagraph XX above, then the Board also agrees that the following costs are allowable under this Appointment and agrees to reimburse an EEU for the following: v. Costs for premature termination of an EEU’s leases for space that it no longer will utilize for any of an EEU’s non-EEU operations. Such costs shall not exceed $XXXX. vi. Employee termination costs for any of its employees that cannot be utilized for any of an EEU’s non-EEU operations. Such costs shall not exceed $XXXX. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 42 Provided Without Prejudice vii. Leasehold write-off costs for any leasehold improvements that will be abandoned as a result of premature lease termination. Such costs shall not exceed $XXXXX. viii. Asset write-off costs for any assets that were purchased by an EEU as part of its overall operations but will no longer be required by an EEU’s non-EEU operations. Such costs shall not exceed $XXXXX. ix. However, if this Appointment is terminated pursuant to subparagraph XX above, the obligation to reimburse an EEU for the above costs and performance incentives will be limited to available funds. x. All costs to be reimbursed to an EEU for either termination without good cause under subparagraph XX above or termination under subparagraph XX above shall not exceed any of the limits detailed above, shall be limited to the actual reasonable out-of-pocket costs incurred by an EEU, and shall be determined in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles consistently applied. xi. All records and data related to Work performed under this Appointment in the possession of an EEU and its subcontractor(s) shall be made available and turned over to the Board or its designated representative upon the expiration or termination of an Appointment, at the Board's request. These transfers shall be accomplished no later than ten (xx) working days after the dates of notification to an EEU to transfer the data and documents. However, an EEU and its subcontractor(s) must be provided with any records and data that it will need to undertake any transition assistance after these records and data have been turned over to the Board. F. Committed Incentive Payments. It is expected that, on the date of any termination of Appointment, an EEU will have outstanding contracts for customer incentive payments. The EEU shall be relieved of those obligations, and responsibility for them will be assigned to the new entity serving as an EEU. G. Other EEU Commitments. It is expected that, on the date of any termination of Appointment, an EEU will have outstanding commitments made as part of its responsibilities as an EEU, including, but not limited to loans, loan guarantees, Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 43 Provided Without Prejudice partnership agreements and committed capacity in the ISO-NE FCM. An EEU shall be relieved of those obligations, and responsibility for them will be assigned to the new entity serving as an EEU. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 44 Provided Without Prejudice Part _VII. Definitions When capitalized and italicized, whether in the singular or plural, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings in constructing the Appointment. 1. Appointment means the appointment of an entity by the Board, as further described in 30 VSA §209 (d)(2), to act as an energy efficiency utility, carrying out the responsibilities established in an Order of Appointment under the terms and conditions set forth in the Order of Appointment, and any subsequent Orders of the PSB related to the appointment. 2. BED means the City of Burlington Electric Department. 3. Board or PSB means the Vermont Public Service Board identified in 30 V.S.A. § 3. 4. Customer Credit Net Pay Option Available Incentive Funds are the total funds available to customers who qualify under the Customer Credit program pursuant to Board Memorandum dated January 27, 2004. These are the EEC Funds that are rebated back to the qualifying customers and are not available as compensation to an EEU to perform the responsibilities of the Appointment. 5. Comprehensive energy efficiency program means a coordinated set of activities carried out by a regulated electric or gas utility or other entity as appointed by the Board pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §209(d) to meet the public’s need for energy services through efficiency, conservation or load management in all customer classes and areas of opportunity which is designed to acquire the full amount of cost effective savings from such investments or programs as contemplated under 30 V.S.A. §218c(a)(2). 6. Customized Software means any computer software that is not readily available for purchase and that is modified, developed, and/or written by an EEU or its subcontractor(s) specifically for the purpose of performing the responsibilities of the Appointment. 7. Department or DPS means the Vermont Department of Public Service. 8. DSM means demand side management. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 45 Provided Without Prejudice 9. Distribution Utilities or DUs means utilities providing retail electric service to Vermont customers in Vermont under the supervision of the Board. 10. DUP means distributed utility planning. 11. EEC means the Energy Efficiency Charge, which is the volumetric charge to retail customers of electric Distribution Utility customers for the support of demand-side resource acquisition pursuant to 30 V.S.A § 209(d)(3) and Board Rule 5.300 12. EEC Funds means all funds collected via the EEC. 13. EEU means an entity appointed by the Board to act as an EEU under §209 (d)(2). The term specifically includes BED so long as they have Board approval to selfadminister EEU responsibilities for their retail customers. 14. EEU EEC Funds means the portion of the EEC Funds that are available to an EEU to perform the responsibilities of the Appointment. For an entity other than BED, an EEU EEC Funds for a calendar year are comprised of the total EEC Funds approved for collection (not including any true-up from over/under collections of the EEC from prior years) by the Fiscal Agent for that calendar year plus any Board-approved carryover of unspent EEC Funds from prior calendar years less the following deductions: A. DPS EEU monitoring and evaluation costs; B. Fiscal Agent fees; C. Fiscal Agent audit fees; D. Customer Credit Net Pay Option Available Incentive Funds; E. EEC Funds collected from BED’s ratepayers that are for BED’s selfimplementation of EEU services within BED’s service territory, as ordered by the Board, including BED’s share of DPS EEU monitoring and evaluation costs, Fiscal Agent fees, Fiscal Agent audit fees; and F. Any other costs the PSB determines are required in order to effectively administer, monitor or evaluate an EEU. 15. ERP means Efficiency Resource Plan. 16. EVT means Efficiency Vermont. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 46 Provided Without Prejudice 17. FCM means the ISO-New England Forward Capacity Market. 18. Fiscal Agent means the person or entity selected and retained by the Board to receive the EEC Funds from utility companies, those funds having been paid to utility companies by electricity consumers in Vermont for the provision of demand-side resource acqusition, and to disburse those funds under the direction of the Board. 19. IRP means integrated resource planning, including DUP and transmission planning, as contemplated pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 218c. 20. NTA means non-transmission alternative and includes Generation and/or demandside resource acquisition measures that may defer or avoid construction of transmission system facilities. 21. NTA Analysis means an analysis to identify cost-effective and viable NTAs to address a Reliability Deficiency that provide Equivalence, compare those alternatives to the likely transmission-only alternative(s) to address the deficiency, and evaluate which alternative is the best choice to address the deficiency. Such identification and analysis also shall include viable alternatives to address the deficiency that encompass both transmission and non-transmission elements. 22. Parties mean the Department and those entities on behalf of which a signature appears at the end of this document. 23. QPIs means Quantifiable Performance Indicators. 24. Reliability Deficiency or Reliability Deficiencies means an existing or forecasted violation, pre- or post-contingency, of applicable bulk transmission system or subsystem design or operating criteria, with consideration given to the reliability and availability of individual system elements. 25. State means the State of Vermont. 26. System-wide Programs means the DSM programs being delivered under the EEU structure pursuant to the Board’s regular budget-setting cycle under 30 V.S.A. § 209(d), and does not include any additional DSM offered or required to be offered under DUP or as part of an NTA to address a supply problem or Reliability Deficiency. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 47 Provided Without Prejudice 27. T&D means transmission and distribution 28. VEIC shall mean the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation. 29. VELCO means Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. and Vermont Transco LLC. 30. Vermont Utility or Vermont Utilities includes VELCO and the DUs. 31. V.S.A. means the Vermont Statutes Annotated. 32. VSPC means the Vermont System Planning Committee. Discussion Draft of November 27, 2007 48 Provided Without Prejudice