1. DPS
A. Planning Responsibilities
i. Conduct efficiency potential studies and propose long-term demand-side
resource acquisition goals and associated investment budgets for EEUs as part
of the process in the development of the EEU Long-Term Demand Resources
Plan, as noted in Part II.2.
ii. Propose Quantifiable Performance Indicators as identified in Part II.3, and
after review
iii. Propose Avoided Costs to be used in demand-side resource acquisition
activities as outlined in the approved Memorandum of Understanding between
parties in Docket 5980.
iv. Participate in and facilitate, where necessary, EEUs participation in a Long
Range Transmission Plan, as required under Docket 7081 and identified in
Part II.6 of this document.
v. Participate in the development of EEU Annual Plans as described in Part V.13
vi. Develop, in collaboration with EEUs and DUs, guidelines specifying eligible
demand response applications and economic screening procedures for EEU
treatment of demand response; as identified in Part I.2.H of this document.
vii. Develop Statewide DSM Screening Tools to be used by an EEU when
assessing the cost-effectiveness of efficiency measures, as described in Part
Provide recommendations concerning areas of the state to be targeted for
increased efficiency services to address transmission and distribution
B. Evaluation Responsibilities
i. Collaborate with EEUs to expand and update EEU Technical Reference
Manual, as identified in Part II.7.A
ii. Conduct market characterization and baseline studies as described in Part
iii. Conduct impact and process evaluations as it deems necessary, as described in
Part II.7.F and Part II.7.G, respectively.
iv. Act as independent evaluator for purposes of an EEU’s Forward Capacity
Market participation (Part I.2.I) and fulfillment relevant of ISO-NE
v. As part of EEU Long-Term Demand Resources Plan, develop evaluation plan
identifying evaluation priorities and proposed evaluation budget
C. Regulatory Process Responsibilities
i. Develop demand-side resource goals and associated budgets for, guided by
the objectives and criteria of 30 VSA §218c, §209(d), §209(e), §202(a), and
other applicable sections of Vermont statutes, as identified in Part II.2.D.v.
ii. Participate in Overall Performance Assessment, End of Cycle Reconsideration
of Appointment, and any other Board proceedings and provide comment and,
as noted in Part II.4.C.ii and Part II.5.C.iv, respectively
(a) Should cause require at a different time than the Overall Performance
Review or End of Cycle Reconsideration, request that the Board initiate
review of EEU Appointment, as identified in Part II.5.
iii. Conduct annual savings verification, as described in Part II.7.E and submit
reports to the Board
iv. Review Quantifiable Performance Indicators and prepare recommendation
regarding findings and any appropriate adjustments to be submitted to the
PSB. Part II.3.D.ii
v. Responsibilities related to Cost-of Service Compensation
vi. Participate in VSPC process, as outlined in the Memorandum of
Understanding in Docket 7081, to determine areas for geotargeted efficiency
program focus.
vii. Approve any EEU provision of assistance to CHP projects over 500 kW, as
described in Appendix A 2.c.
D. Administration Responsibilities
i. Maintain protocols for addressing and resolving complaints concerning
performance of its responsibilities from customers and stakeholders and
ensuring overall service quality. Parts V.4, V.15, and V.24
ii. Jointly with EEUs and Vermont Utilities, establish information and data
protocols for the efficient exchange of information as described in Part V.8
iii. Develop jointly with EEUs, montly, quarterly, and annual reporting protocols
as described in Part V.11
iv. Ensure no unfair advantage was gained by an EEU due to its relationship with
a customer if an EEU bids to perform performance contracting services to one
of its customers, as described in Part V.23