EEU Evaluation Functions and Roles Draft for Discussion Purposes – 11/9/07

EEU Evaluation Functions and Roles
Draft for Discussion Purposes – 11/9/07
Measure Savings Characterization
Market Characterization & Baseline Studies
Implementation Tracking
Measurement, Including Metering
Savings Verification
Impact Evaluation
Process Evaluation
Independent Audit of Costs & Savings
Current contract
DPS/EEU (minor)
PSB 3-year
PSB 3-year
Measure Savings Characterization is the process of specifying the assumptions
and algorithms for calculating savings for individual electricity-saving measures. It
includes specification of any assumed energy and demand values, hours of use,
adjustment (in-service rates, free ridership, etc.) and other factors that affect
electrical savings. For custom measures, it may specify simply the key variables
that need to be calculated or measured and the formulas to be used in calculating
savings. These characterizations are documented for Efficiency Vermont in a
“Technical Reference Manual” that is expanded and updated as deemed
appropriate. This work has been carried out to date by a standing joint committee of
the DPS and the EEU (EVT and BED), with participation of the Contract
Market Characterization and Baseline Studies are processes of gathering and
analyzing information about the characteristics of different markets to support
assessment of energy efficiency potential, development of market intervention
strategies and establishment of baselines from which efficiency savings can be
measured. It includes building, appliance and equipment saturation surveys, sales
data, consumer attitude and behavior surveys and market structure analysis. This
work has been carried out to date by the DPS, typically through competitivelyprocured energy program evaluation or survey contractors. The EEU carries out
some additional market characterization work as deemed necessary to plan services
and initiatives, but does not have any designated responsibility to do so.
Implementation Tracking is the process of gathering and systematically storing
customer, measure, project, and activity data in a database system. This is carried
out by the EEU as part of routine operations and seeks to include all relevant
information for evaluation activities.
Measurement, Including Metering is the process directly measuring quantities
that contribute to determination of electricity savings. It includes direct metering of
individual or multiple end-use loads, counts of measures, and testing. It is carried
out by the EEU either as part of implementation (e.g. commissioning) or as part of
post-installation evaluation activities.
Savings Verification is the annual process carried out by the DPS to assess the
EEU annual savings claim (MWh, MW and TRB). This process results in a
recommendation to the PSB for a quantitative adjustment to the EEU savings claim.
In includes analysis of measure and project data from the EEU tracking system,
review of project files, and any field verification visits that are deemed to be
Impact Evaluation is the formal assessment of quantitative savings (MWh, MW
and TRB), typically at the initiative or portfolio level. This includes studies that
analyze of pre- and post-installation measured electricity use and studies that seek
to determine market effects of efficiency initiatives.
Process Evaluation is the range of activities that can be carried out to evaluate the
design and implementation of EEU operations. It uses surveys, interviews and
activity data to understand and assess EEU processes, quality and effectiveness. It
typically develops recommendations for strategy and/or process improvement. The
DPS has included some elements of process evaluation in comprehensive EEU
evaluation activities to date.
Independent Audit of Costs and Savings is a requirement of legislation. The PSB
engages an independent expert to assess the overall costs, benefits and costeffectiveness of the EEU every three years. The resulting report of this audit is
provided to the Legislature.
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