From: To: Date:

Chris Burns
Michael Wickenden, Contract Administrator
BED’s May 2009 Report
Dear Michael,
We are pleased to submit the following report covering the period of May 1, 2009 to May 31,
2009. The report includes highlights over the period and the attached table covers costs and
savings for the period.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chris Burns
CC: TJ Poor of the VT DPS, Ann Bishop, Ed McNamara, Andrea McHugh of the VT PSB
BED Energy Efficiency Highlights
Large Commercial Services
 Staff attended a presentation from the Wilo pump company, who is marketing a version of
hot-water circulation pump with a built-in variable speed drive, sensors and controls in a
single package. It has been demonstrated that typical pumping volumes for heating loop
applications are far higher than required. It is not unusual to see 80% energy savings through
the controlled reduction of circulator pump speeds, while maintaining the same level of
building comfort.
 Staff attended and EVT hosted session on JUNO LED lighting
 Light Fair 2009 – Ron attended this conference/expo on emerging energy efficient lighting
technology. Met with many lighting manufacturers to learn about new lighting technology on
the market or planned to be on the market. The conference primarily focused on LED
lighting products which are making steps toward higher efficiency on continuous basis.
 FAHC – Proposed the replacement of about 80 175W high pressure sodium lamps with high
performance T8 fluorescent technology in the employee parking garage. BED delivered a
preliminary proposal, with estimated savings of about 100,000 KWH per year, and saving
$10,000 annually in electrical charges. Also obtained additional background on their 2008
chiller plant upgrade from 3-way to 2-way valves. The analysis has been presented to
FAHC; about 270,000 KWH will be saved annually, a portion of which is during BED’s
peak hours.
 FAHC (UHC Campus) – The lighting of the existing T8 fluorescent fixtures to be retrofitted
to HPT8 lamps and ballasts for the Arnold Building is approximately 90% complete. Still
 Burlington Airport/Geo-Targeting Project – Attended several BED / EVT joint meetings at
the airport. An RFP was issued for the implementation of an energy analysis throughout the
125,000 sq. ft facility. Hallam Engineering will inventory the building equipment, including
lighting and mechanical systems, and recommend energy saving measures based on
estimated energy savings and project costs. Their proposal was recently delivered to BED /
EVT. The survey is expected to begin around June 1, and a phase 1 report to be completed
by end of July, 2009. Garage Lighting – A joint investigation between EVT and BED was
implemented to look at possible LED products for the parking garage, as well as related
roadway and employee parking area lighting. A lighting coordination meeting was held with
the engineering company designing the parking garage expansion, to ensure best potential
products are analyzed, without duplicating efforts.
 Burlington School District – Barnes School Refurbishment – Attended a meeting with BSD
personnel to explain the LEED new construction building certification program, and discuss
the merits and drawbacks of having Barnes go through the certification process.
 Pomerleau Real Estate – Met with customer to discuss energy efficiency exterior lighting
opportunities to reduce overall energy consumption, and maintenance costs.
 UVM (Given Building) – A cost benefit energy savings analysis was completed for replacing
the existing air dryer (non-cycling) to a new cycling compressor air dryer. The results of the
analysis were e-mailed to UVM.
 Fortieth Burlington LLC (128 Lakeside Ave.) – A cost benefit savings analysis for
optimizing the existing 25 ton Liebert AC unit serving the main computer server room was
Fortieth Burlington LLC (Building #21) – Assisting with an optimization of the compressed
air system. An independent consultant is in the process of completing a study using
instrumentation equipment to aid in optimizing the efficiency of the compressed air system.
Several measures will be analyzed for cost effectiveness. Still ongoing.
Burlington Waste Water treatment Facility / Blower upgrade at the north plant – Completed a
1-week data logging session of the power usage of the north plant aeration “blower A”.
Awaiting the installation of the new K-Turbo blower unit, arrival expected end-of-May or
early June, so that post-project metering can be completed.
Smaller Commercial Services
 Attended AFE meeting tour at the Teal Farm in Huntington. This is a renewable powered
farm demonstration project.
 Burlington Electric Department / Re-Commissioning Effort – In preparation for CX
Associates June 2nd visit to begin the formal re-commissioning, BED has set up some of its
own in-house data logging equipment to monitor and record ventilation fan energy use in the
building. Phase II and III lighting to replace the exiting MH fixtures and old T12 fixtures
have been completed to new T5HO and HPT8 fixtures. The occupancy sensors for
controlling the T5 HO fixtures located in the rear area of stock room is not complete. Still
 DPW – Central Parking Garage Lighting upgrade – Provided a preliminary estimate for
energy savings and a rebate to DPW for the upgrading of high pressure sodium lighting (250
lamps) to HP T8 fluorescent fixtures. About 311,000 KWH would be saved annually, with
35 KW savings in demand.
 Maltex Partnership – Met with customer to identify energy efficiency measures throughout
the entire building including tenant spaces where building owner is considering upgrades in
order to make rentable space marketable on an energy efficient basis. Several
recommendations were recommended in the area of lighting efficiency, lighting controls,
replacement HVAC equipment and building envelope.
 First August – Met with customer to review a new business fit-up project. Recommended
proper ventilation of new bread oven and discussed efficient HVAC options for a
conditioned bread rising/storage room.
 Burlington Children’s Space – Met with customer to discuss energy efficiency measures for
an existing business on N Winooski Ave. Recommended efficiency measures in the areas of
lighting controls, lighting efficiency and exterior lighting.
 209 Battery Street Property – The EEM to replace the existing six ton air source heat pump
to a new Mitsubishi Hyper Heater inverter unit serving the Dinse, Knapp & McAndrew
tenant is complete.
 171 Battery Street (New Hair Solon) – A walk through energy audit was completed. Electric
baseboard heat removal, interior lighting and electric hot water removal were measures
recommended by BED to the new owner. Still ongoing.
 Green Mountain Hydraulics – A walk through energy audit was completed as requested by
the owner. Several energy efficient lighting measures were recommended by BED.
New Construction
 Burton Company – Initial discussions have begun with Burton concerning the possible move
of their manufacturing facility into Burlington. Burton is in the middle of evaluating the
financial impacts of moving-versus-staying in their current location. The stay or move
decision should be made by the end of May.
 Jeffords Hall (UVM – Plant Science Building) – Completed EEM analysis work for the
lighting using the power lighting density methodology. The HVAC and premium efficient
motors measures are still being analyzed.
 Perry Hall (Champlain College)- Continue to work with project team on several energy
efficiency measures.
 Vermont ENERGY STAR Homes (VESH) - There are currently eight on-going projects
enrolled in the program.
 Both residential and commercial new construction markets continue to be very slow.
Efficient Products
 ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers rebates for 2009 – 84
 ENERGY STAR Screw-in CFL rebates for 2009 –7,688
 ENERGY STAR Compact fluorescent Hardwired fixture rebates (including floor and table
lamps, LED down lights and ceiling fans) for 2009 – 69
 Residential ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2009 – 7
 Commercial ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2009 –179
 ENERGY STAR window AC rebates for 2009 – 0
 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers for 2009 – 1
 ENERGY STAR Refrigerators for 2009 – 52
 ENERGY STAR freezers for 2009 –0
Existing Homes
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 0 electric space heat conversions have been completed but currently
working with three property owners.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 13 electric hot water conversions have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 6 high efficiency\ECM motor ENERGY STAR furnaces have been
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 0 ENERGY STAR Central AC systems have been installed.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 12 refrigerators in market rate multi-family have been early retired and
replaced with ENERGY STAR units.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 4 electric to natural gas clothes dryer replacements have been completed.
 Incoming calls concerning high bills and energy conservation measures continue as
customers are continuing to worry about energy costs. There were 35 incoming calls this
month with many follow-ups.
 There are 5 Watts Up appliance meters out on loan to customers as of this time.
 For this month, processed 10 VGS direct install CFL projects. BED contracts with VGS to
have their energy auditors install CFLs and collect potential electrical EE measure
 Continue to work with the low income weatherization program on several ongoing projects.
BED continues to promote the LISF program to customers in need.
Continued working with JUMP (Joint Urban Ministry Program) on providing CFL’s and
efficiency information to low-income families that they are assisting. The goal is to
familiarize families using JUMP with the benefits of energy efficiency and help them to
enroll in the CVWS program when possible.
Demand Response Program
 BED/EnerNOC Demand Response Program status – UVM and EnerNOC have identified two
additional back-up generators on the Trinity Campus, servicing Mann and Delehanty that are
likely candidates for both the ISO NE and BED demand response programs. This may be an
additional 300KW in droppable load available from the university.
 Rhino Foods – A joint EnerNOC /BED visit was made to Rhino to discuss the potential for
demand reduction at their Burlington facility. There is definite interest by the customer,
which could also include demand response at their Williston warehouse (for GMP).
 Burlington Town Center / EnerNOC Demand Reading Check – At the request of EnerNOC,
we supplied them with BED’s 15 minute interval data of the main Town Center billing meter.
This info is being used to help them verify the accuracy of the demand data that is being sent
to their network operations center. At first look, their readings appear to be higher than
Communications & Public Relations
 Press release on McNeil generating station signing a contract for RMI to remove and recycle
100 percent of the wood ash.
 The Currents newsletter will be in the June bills. The main article is on LED lighting.
 BED continues to participate in the Mayor’s Burlington Sustainability Action Team (BSAT).
The goal is for all city departments to reduce energy usage and waste and have more
sustainable overall habits.
 BED staff continues to participate in AARP’s Sustainable City program. A transportation
forum will be held in Montpelier at the end of May.
 BED participated in Kids Day on May 16. The event was quite successful and lots of kids got
bucket truck rides. We had items for give-away related to energy efficiency and energy