From: To: Date:

Chris Burns
Michael Wickenden, Contract Administrator
BED’s March 2009 Report
Dear Michael,
We are pleased to submit the following report covering the period of March 1, 2009 to March 31,
2009. The report includes highlights over the period and the attached table covers costs and
savings for the period.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chris Burns
CC: TJ Poor of the VT DPS, Ann Bishop, Ed McNamara, Andrea McHugh of the VT PSB
BED Energy Efficiency Highlights
Large Commercial Services
 Attended the ASHRAE monthly meeting that sponsored the Dodge Engineering presentation
on HVAC valve issues and another presenter on energy net zero residential construction.
 State of VT Water & Wastewater Meeting in Waterbury – Attended a meeting with the
Water Resources and Water Supply Divisions of the State of VT to discuss potential stimulus
incentives available for water and waste water facility projects throughout the state.
 Burlington WWTF / Blower upgrade at the north plant – Working with the customer and
EVT to plan a data logging protocol for pre- and post-project electrical consumption
measurements. This data will be used to quantify savings, verify appropriate rebate levels
and estimate paybacks.
 UVM (Marsh Science) – Completed an energy savings analysis for replacing sixty
incandescent 65 watt dimmable down lights to 15 watt CFL dimmable screw-in lamps. The
lighting measure is presently in-progress.
 Fortieth Burlington LLC (128 Lakeside Ave./UVM Space) – A cost benefit savings analysis
was completed for retrofitting sixty-eight two, three and four lamp fluorescent T8 light
fixtures to HPT8 lamp and ballasts in the UVM space of the first floor.
 FAHC (UHC Campus) – The lighting of the existing T8 fluorescent fixtures to be retrofitted
to HPT8 lamps and ballasts for the Arnold Building resumed after being delayed for a few
months. Four floors have been completed with about 25% left to do.
 FAHC / ESCO energy saving projects – Analysis of the large interior lighting energy savings
project of last year has been completed (approx. 8,000 fixtures changed or upgraded). BED
is also looking for more technical details concerning a chiller plant efficiency upgrade
completed by Carrier during the same period, so savings can be verified.
 UVM / Power Factor Study – At the request of the customer, updated a power factor study
done for the major buildings on campus. Most building power factor issues have been
addressed, but improvements might be made in at least two buildings.
 Burlington Airport / Geo-Targeting Strategies – Attended a BED meeting with EVT to
continue to discuss a joint strategy to assist the airport in reducing their electrical
consumption and demand as part of the state’s geo-targeting strategy.
 Burlington School District / Lighting Rebates – Completed the processing of a number of
prescriptive lighting rebates covering 11 school buildings.
 General Growth Properties (Town Center Shopping Mall) – Met with customer to measure
existing v-belt drive system on 100-hp and 40-hp motors so that a new synchronous belt
drive system could be installed.
Smaller Commercial Services
 BED – Phase II and III lighting to replace the exiting MH fixtures and old T12 fixtures to
new T5HO and HPT8 fluorescent fixtures is now in progress. The men’s locker room and
restroom HPT8 light fixtures are complete. Still ongoing.
 Burlington Electric Department / Re-Commissioning Effort –The purpose of this project is to
determine if the space heating, cooling and ventilation equipment performance, and its
control strategy is optimized for the building. A first informal walkthrough from the
commissioning agent occurred at BED on 3/20/09. A more formal investigative visit to
evaluate building and equipment operations will occur at the end of March or into April,
209 Battery Street Property – The EEM to replace the existing six ton air source heat pump
to a new Mitsubishi Hyper Heater inverter unit serving the Dinse, Knapp & McAndrew
tenant is presently in progress.
Whim – A cost benefit energy savings analysis was completed to replace forty-seven screwin 90-watt halogen lamps to integrated ballast metal halide lamps. The measure was highly
recommended by BED since it shows less than a one year payback. The owner plans to
pursue the measure in about three phases.
Burton Snowboards – Completed a cost benefit savings analysis for replacing the existing
1,920 three watt dc automotive show case lamps to 120 new LED Lumisheet 34” strip lamps.
The measure was marginally cost effective but indicates a high maintenance savings due to
the fact that the existing lamps have an extremely short life. Burton Snowboards will decide
on pursuing the measure within the next few months.
First Baptist Church – Completed an energy audit of the building. Some upgrades of lighting
to CFLs and T8 fluorescent fixtures have already been done. Potential savings may be
possible with VFD control of heating system pumps and continued conversion of old T12
fluorescent fixtures.
North Star Sport – Met with customer to review proposed heating and cooling system
efficiency project. Prepared an analysis of energy savings expected over current system.
This project is expected to be complete in the coming month or two.
Hoff Curtis Law Office – Met with customer to review proposed heating and cooling system
efficiency project. Prepared an analysis of energy savings expected over current system.
This project is expected to be complete in the coming month or two.
Vermont Lake Monsters – Preformed an energy audit of main grandstand building and
various out buildings in the Centennial Field property. Several energy efficiency measures
where recommended. Currently working with customer to identify energy efficiency
measures that will improve the field lighting system.
Skinny Pancake – Performed an energy audit and advised customer on economics of several
fuel sources being considered for new cooking equipment.
New Construction/Equipment Replacement Services
 Jeffords Hall (UVM – Plant Science Building) – Continued final EEM analysis work for
lighting, HVAC and premium efficient motors measures. Still ongoing.
 Staff member completed a four hour online seminar presented by AEE on LED Lighting.
 696 Pine Street Property – Completed a new construction energy code compliance review for
the property. The building met or exceeded CBES energy efficiency guidelines and a memo
of approval was mailed to DPW. There were energy savings analysis completed for the
lighting and HVAC equipment installed. The New World Tortilla space lighting, high
efficient 6.5 ton rooftop unit and dual enthalpy economizer control qualified for energy
efficient rebates. In addition, the three vacant spaces (ready for fit-up) each have rooftop
units with dual enthalpy controls that qualified for energy efficient rebates.
 210 Shelburne Road Property - A meeting between the general contractor and BED was
conducted to discuss the new renovation construction project that will be in progress within
the next month. A CBES new construction energy code compliance review for the property
has been started.
FAHC / New Oncology Wing – Have worked with the customer’s engineering design
contractor, the customer, and the commissioning entity to verify that this project complies
with CBES. The lighting system will likely qualify for a BED rebate, due to its low lighting
power density. A LEED Silver certification is being sought for the building.
Price Chopper / Expansion – Discussed this upcoming project with an ESCO in NH who is
involved in lighting upgrades in the main store. A meeting to talk about this and other
project details is to be arranged sometime near the end of March.
Blue Bird Café (former Tortilla Flats space) – Met with customer to review project HVAC,
refrigeration and kitchen exhaust equipment energy efficiency possibilities. This project is
under construction currently and is expected to be completed in the coming months.
We currently have 8 buildings enrolled in the Vermont Energy Star Homes Program.
Efficient Products
 ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers rebates for 2009 – 38
 ENERGY STAR Screw-in CFL rebates for 2009 –4,729
 ENERGY STAR Compact fluorescent Hardwired fixture rebates (including floor and table
lamps) for 2009 – 14
 Residential ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2009 – 2
 Commercial ENERGY STAR screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2009 –148
 ENERGY STAR window AC rebates for 2009 – 0
 ENERGY STAR Dehumidifiers for 2009 – 0
 ENERGY STAR Refrigerators for 2009 – 29
 ENERGY STAR freezers for 2009 –0
Existing Homes
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 0 electric space heat conversions have been completed but currently
working with three property owners.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 7 electric hot water conversions have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 5 high efficiency\ECM motor ENERGY STAR furnaces have been
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 0 ENERGY STAR Central AC systems have been installed.
 Since Jan 1, 2009, 2 electric to natural gas clothes dryer replacements have been completed.
 Incoming calls concerning high bills and energy conservation measures continue as
customers are continuing to worry about energy costs. There were 30 incoming calls this
month with many follow-ups.
 High bill investigations: visited 6 locations this month and used WattsUp appliance meters at
many locations. There are 4 Watts Up appliance meters out on loan as of this time.
 For this month, processed 3 VGS direct install CFL projects. BED contracts with VGS to
have their energy auditors install CFLs and collect potential electrical EE measure
 Continue to work with the low income weatherization program on several ongoing projects.
BED continues to promote the LISF program to customers in need.
 Continued working with JUMP (Joint Urban Ministry Program) on providing CFL’s and
efficiency information to low-income families that they are assisting. The goal is to
familiarize families using JUMP with the benefits of energy efficiency and help them to
enroll in the CVWS program when possible.
Demand Response Program
 BED/EnerNOC Demand Response Program status – Working with Champlain College and
EnerNOC to develop an approach to estimating aggregate kW demand reduction for the
major buildings of the college. The plan will then be documented, and a preliminary DR
contract written, so that the concept and program benefits can be evaluated by college
 Burlington School District – BED has offered to assist the BSD in assessing it’s potential
demand response load drop by using its 15 min interval metering equipment at three key
buildings (BHS, Champlain, Edmunds) to record actual load reductions as kW reduction tests
are being conducted.
Communications & Public Relations
 Staff presented to a large seminar at UVM in the Rubenstein School on the sustainability
measures that Burlington is taking.
 Staff attended the economic stimulus workshop that was held by Sen. Leahy and his staff.
 Staff attended a DPS meeting to discuss potential plans for the use of stimulus funds for
energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
 Legacy and Burlington Sustainability Action Team meetings continue.
 Staff gave a presentation to a CCV class studying energy and sustainability issues.