From: To: Date:

Chris Burns
Michael Wickenden, EEU Contract Administrator
BED’s Q2 2008 Report
Dear Michael,
We are pleased to submit the following report covering the period of April 1, 2008 thru June 30,
2008. The report includes highlights over the June period and the attached table covers costs and
savings for the Q2 2008 period.
Please note that we have an error in the “year to date costs” under Residential Smartlight due to
an incorrect allocation. This error will be correct for the July 2008 monthly report.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chris Burns
CC: TJ Poor of the VT DPS, Ann Bishop, Ed McNamara, Andrea McHugh of the VT PSB
BED Energy Efficiency Highlights
Large Commercial Services
 Hannaford / North Ave – Discussed with Hannaford’s engineer some proposed power factor
correction work that is being planned for this building. Suggested that the internal building
power system be monitored for a week at the service entrance, to ensure PF capacitors won’t
worsen any power harmonic issues that might be present.
 Burlington School District / Lighting Upgrades – Completed the processing of rebates
associated with lighting improvements recently done at several buildings.
 Fletcher Allen Health Care / Carrier Energy Saving Projects: plate frame heat exchanger
(free cooling) – Completed documentation of the project, and entry in to the BED database.
A rebate form has been signed by FAHC. Scheduled an inspection of the areas where various
energy saving improvements have been made so that the rebate process can be completed and
money released.
 UVM / Jeffords Building PS vs. LG Tariff Analysis – Completed this analysis using
projected electrical consumption data from the project’s building modeling software tool. As
a second reference point, used the actual consumption information from the Cook Physical
Science building, which has somewhat similar consumption. The LG rate was found to be
more favorable to the customer than the PS, based on the information available.
 Burlington Free Press / Liebert System Liquid Refrigerant Pumping – Arranged an inspection
of this cooling installation that was completed by a local contractor last October. Dodge
Engineering has made recommendations for installation changes which will allow the pumps
to provide the savings that were projected when the project was originally designed. Once
the modifications are complete and the site is re-inspected, a rebate will be made available to
the customer.
 Burlington Airport / Solar on Parking Garage Project – Coordination continues between the
airport, their engineering sub-contractor and BED’s power purchasing group.
 Airport Parking Garage Lighting Upgrade – Energy Services has responded to the customer’s
request for feedback on their choice of parking garage lighting fixtures – which is a single
lamp T5 HO design. Based on inputs and information from various other sources, the airport
plans to move ahead more slowly by installing a series of test fixtures and seeing how they
perform through the next winter season.
 UVM - Continue to work with UVM on several projects that include lighting, lighting
controls, HVAC and HVAC controls.
 General Growth Properties (101 Cherry Street. The Mall Complex) – Continue to work with
customer on lighting system energy efficiency measures. The Mall’s national maintenance
contractor contact BED regarding a large lighting project proposed for the 2009 budget year.
BED has provided a budgetary incentive numbers and will continue to monitor and support
the progress of this project to completion. This project is expected to be complete next year.
Also have standing offers to help them with HVAC and parking garage lighting
 YMCA “Go Green” – Attended third meeting of this group, whose purpose is to move the
facility towards a reduced environmental impact by changing key ways that it operates it
services. Delivered information on measured lighting levels in various areas of the building,
looking at the potential to reduce lighting energy usage. Also monitored the “phantom
loads” of their exercise machines to calculate the savings potential associated with
disconnecting power from the machines when they are sitting unused overnight. In relation
to the roof repair work that will soon be initiated, assisted in working with VGS and YMCA
maintenance to ensure additional insulation is installed in the roof assembly and any
applicable rebates are applied for.
Pat attended the annual GE Energy Efficiency Lighting Conference (two days) in Cleveland,
FAHC (UHC Campus) – An energy savings analysis has been completed for the lighting
retrofit upgrade Phase IV. There will be 1,047 T8 light fixtures being retrofitted to high
performance T8 ballasts and lamps throughout the Arnold building.
Smaller Commercial Services
 Gardeners Supply / High Bill Issue – Worked with Metering and the customer to arrange a
swap out of their existing new digital meter with a similar unit from stock. Both the original
meter and the new meter tested within specs. BED is taking this action to help assure the
customer that our metering is not the cause of the unexpected high usage readings.
 City Parking Garage Lighting / S Winooski & Bank St – Installation of high performance T8
fluorescent lighting has been completed at this parking garage. The rebate was released to
 City of Burlington, City Hall, Fletcher Free Library and Fire Station #1 & #2– Continue to
work with this customer to improve the efficiency and operational aspect of existing HVAC
equipment through improved building control features such as remote access and instant
trouble alarm notification. Also, working on several lighting improvements.
 Eleventh Hour Glass – Working with this customer in area of motor controls where a
variable frequency drive and temperature sensor would be installed to reduce energy
consumption associated with operating an exhaust hood system. This project expected to be
complete this summer.
 Burlington Furniture Company – Working with this customer in area of lighting power
reduction through the replacement of halogen lamps with halogen infrared lamps. This
project expected to be complete this summer.
 Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf – Working with this customer in area of commercial
refrigeration efficiency for existing cooler and freezer units and new freezer unit. This project
expected to be complete this year.
 Burlington Country Club - The installation of a new high efficient 10-ton AC rooftop unit
with a dual enthalpy control serving the economizer was completed. BED inspected the
installation and a rebate for both the rooftop unit and controls were processed for payment.
 Trade Winds Imports – The installation for a prescriptive lighting measure was completed
and the rebate for the EEM was processed for payment.
 Juniors Pizza (Main Street shop) - The installation for a prescriptive lighting measure was
completed and the rebate for the EEM was processed for payment. The payment.
 Rock’s Store - A walk through energy audit was completed at the 88 Oak Street store as
requested by the owner. Several energy efficiency measures (EEM) will be analyzed as
possible cost effective projects. The lighting, refrigeration (free air economizer, evaporator
fan controls, ECM evaporator fan motors and door heater controls), and the two speed
kitchen exhaust hood. Still ongoing.
New Construction/Equipment Replacement Services
 Moran Plant Refurbishment – Attended a presentation from a company called Ice Kube,
represented by Emerald Technologies, that has heat pump cooling & heating equipment that
they claim is highly efficient for the type of envisioned future use of the building. Waste
heat from the cooling / ice making process can be utilized for space heating of other areas of
the building.
 Hickok & Boardman Place – 6th Floor Expansion project drawings were reviewed for state
energy efficiency code compliance. There were some lighting improvement measures
recommended by BED that all parties agreed on and will pursue. Most of the measures will
merit rebates for going above code. Ongoing.
 Greer’s Dry Cleaning – A meeting with BED, Cummings Electric and Carlson Mechanical
was mandated by BED. BED had not been in contact with the owner for the new fit-up
construction work at the old Fitzpatrick GMC building that is presently in progress. BED is
still waiting on the lighting drawing design from the electrical contractors before any
approval of energy efficiency code compliance will be issued. DPW building inspectors and
the owner have all been informed of this.
 Jeffords Hall (UVM – Plant Science Building) – A meeting between the contracting
architect, contracting engineer UVM and BED was attended to discuss the energy efficiency
codes and the EEM rebate programs.
 The New North End Youth Center (Goss Ct Armory Building) – A meeting between REM
Development Company, VGS and BED was attended to discuss the energy efficiency codes
and the EEM rebate programs. The building will be going under major renovations by next
month and will be considered as a new construction project. In final design phase of a design
build project.
 Completed two single-family home final inspections, 68 Catherine Street and 180 East Ave.
Both have achieved 5 Star Vermont Energy Star Homes ratings.
Efficient Retail Products
 Advised 3 walk-in customers on smartlight and fluorescent torchiere lamp applications.
 ENERGY STAR Clothes Washers rebates for 2008 – 101
 ENERGY STAR Screw-in CFL rebates for 2008 – 17,751. Customer participation during
this quarter continues to be very strong due to the convenience of the buy down program.
 ENERGY STAR Compact fluorescent Hardwired fixture rebates (including floor and table
lamps) for 2008 - 77
 ENERGY STAR Residential screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2008 – 47
 ENERGY STAR Commercial screw-in CFL’s leased through Smartlight for 2008 – 201
 ENERGY STAR Refrigerators for 2008 – 62
 ENERGY STAR and CEE Tier Window AC units for 2008-6
 ENERGY STAR dehumidifiers for 2008-3
Existing Residential Buildings
 Since Jan 1, 2008, 2 electric space heat conversions have been completed.
 Since Jan 1, 2008, 14 electric hot water conversions have been completed. Currently
working with five additional customers.
Since Jan 1, 2008, 4 high efficiency\ECM motor ENERGY STAR furnaces have been
Since Jan 1, 2008, 2 ENERGY STAR Central AC systems have been installed.
Since Jan 1, 2008, 2 electric to natural gas clothes dryer replacements have been completed.
General high consumption audits with follow-up visits for 18 customers.
Continued working with JUMP (Joint Urban Ministry Program) on providing CFL’s and
efficiency information to low-income families that they are assisting. The goal is to
familiarize families using JUMP with the benefits of energy efficiency and help them to
enroll in the CVWS low-income weatherization program when possible.
Communications & Public Relations
 Participated with MS in a conference call on E-21 Legislative Committee about customers
potentially switching back to electricity due to increasing costs of oil and propane. A joint
statement from all electric utilities discouraging the switch back is planned.
 WARMTH Program - we now have 157 customers donating a total of $1,026.00 on a
monthly basis via their electric bill. One customer requested removal from the donation list
due to personal finances.
 Staff continues involvement in Burlington’s E2C2 (Energy and Environment Coordinating
Committee). The group continues to focus on energy reductions in buildings and
 Staff is meeting with City Hall administration to discuss the possibility of setting up a
Revolving Energy Loan Fund. Other ICLEI communities around New England have done
this, so we are looking into it.
 Staff attended the AFE (Association of Facility Engineers) monthly meeting at the Rowell
dairy farm in Sheldon, VT for a presentation from Bill Rowell on the CHP biogas (manure
digester plant).
Load Response Program
 Waste Water Treatment Facility / North Plant – Worked with BPW to explain and justify the
enrollment of the north plant in the ISO NE 30 min demand response program. A tentative
approval was received from the DPW Commission. However, there are several comments
from the city attorney’s office that must also be addressed before the contract can be signed.
 BED Local Demand Response program - The contract between BED and EnerNOC has been
signed. EnerNOC representatives are in Burlington during the week of 6/23/08 to install any
necessary new customer hardware and to discuss the program expansion with existing
demand response customers.
 UVM Davis Center / 30 Min Demand Response – The installation of the physical monitoring
equipment will be completed on 6/24/08. BED Metering has been alerted to be on hand to
assist EnerNOC in completing the install.