163 ACORN LANE ∎ COLCHESTER, VT 05446 ∎ VOICE (802)655-8454 ∎ FAX (802)655-8550 ∎ E-MAIL martin@gmpvt.com April 18, 2008 VIA EMAIL Susan Hudson, Clerk Vermont Public Service Board 112 State Street, Drawer 20 Montpelier, Vt 05602 RE: Comments requested on EEU budget estimates and disposition of Forward Capacity Market funds Dear Mrs. Hudson The following comments are provided by Green Mountain Power Corporation (“GMP”) in response to the Public Service Board’s (“Board”) April 9, 2008 memorandum requesting comments on three items; 1) Comments on other parties comments regarding recommendations on how to set the budget levels for the Energy Efficiency Utility’s (“EEU”) 20-year efficiency forecast and whether that forecast should include geographic targeting, 2) Comments on what GMP believes would be appropriate EEU budget levels for 2009 through 2011, and 3) The disposition of Forward Capacity Market (“FCM”) revenues. In answer to the first question, GMP agrees with the Department of Public Service (“DPS”) comments (which are quite similar to GMP’s original comments) that the EEU should use current budget levels, adjusted for inflation, in its 20-year efficiency forecast. One area of minor difference is that GMP believes that geographic targeting should be included throughout the 20-year forecast. In answer to the second question, GMP would like to see the 2009 through 2011 EEU budgets remain equal to the 2008 budget, which would mean only inflationary modifications would be made to the 2008 budget level. GMP agrees with the DPS’ reasons for level funding. As the DPS detailed in its memo dated April 4, 2008, it has concerns over potential federal legislation related to baseline considerations, updates to the Technical Reference Manual, rapid compact fluorescent light market transformation, EEU stability in regards to keeping pace with the recent large budgetary increases, the effects of recent legislation on the EEU, and recent Vermont State Planning Committee activities. GMP finds the DPS reasoning to be compelling. GMP continues to support geographic targeting based mainly on the premise that energy and demand saved in certain areas of the State has greater value than energy and demand saved in other areas of the State. GMP does not expect that conducting additional processes to determine the next three years of efficiency budgets would yield fundamentally different conclusions from the funding levels recommended by the Department and GMP. In regards to the disposition of FCM revenues GMP believes that net FCM revenues should go towards reducing the impact of customer’s electric bills. In order to do this GMP recommends that these net revenues be used to offset a portion of the Energy Efficiency Charge (“EEC”). It should be remembered that the assignment of FCM revenues to the EEU (as opposed to distribution utilities) puts upward pressure on distribution utility rates. By lowering the EEC that each customer is obligated to pay, total electric costs to the customer should remain substantially equal. Furthermore, GMP recognizes that the FCM is in its infancy and revenue and cost estimates are difficult to ascertain with any great accuracy. GMP believes that these estimates should be done on a yearly basis and assimilated into the yearly EEC budgeting process that occurs late in the fall of each year. These estimates could then be trued up with actual net revenues thus making any over/under collection possibilities moot. This process is currently being used regarding other aspects of the EEC rate setting procedure. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions about these comments or if we can provide additional information to assist the Board, please let me know. Sincerely, David P. Martin David P. Martin cc: EEU Service List