UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX COUNCIL 23 May 2011 (2pm – 4.15pm) MINUTES Chair Mr Gore Present Mr Boyle, Mr Cornes Dr Cox, Lord Currie, Mrs Edey, Ms Evans, Mrs Galeotti, Mr Gray, Professor Henson, Professor Hulme, Ms Judd, Mr Krishnamoorthi, Dr Mackenzie, Dr Mansel-Thomas, Dr Nicol, Professor Massara, Professor Riordan, Professor Schulze, Ms Stamp, Ms Stevens, Mr Tolhurst, Professor Underwood, Dr Wood Apologies Mrs Regal Secretary Dr Rich In attendance Mr Albano, Mr Bannerman (for agenda item 14, C/11/24), Dr Campbell, Mr Connolly, Professor Pretty, Ms Saunders (for agenda item 16, C/11/27), Professor South, Dr Virdee (for agenda item 15, C/11/25 and C/11/26), Professor Wright. UNRESERVED BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Reported None 78/11 STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS Reported The Chair of Council starred agenda item 6, Chair’s Action (C/11/15). 79/11 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Noted No one present declared an interest in any item on the agenda. 80/11 MINUTES (C/11/14) Approved The minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2011. 81/11 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Noted There were no matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2011 that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda. 82/11 CHAIR’S ACTION (C/11/15) Reported (a) The Chair explained that a Joint Committee of Council and Senate had been established in accordance with Ordinance 6, to recommend to Council the appointment of a new Registrar and Secretary. A long list of candidates had been created and formal interviews were planned for 28 June 2011. 83/11 1 (b) Chair’s action had been taken to approve revisions to the Students’ Union (SU) constitution, Schedule 2 Election Regulations. The Chair of Council had discussed the revised the changes with the Academic Registrar, the SU Chief Executive and the SU President, before taking chair’s action. A re-run of the SU elections had taken place week commencing 9 May 2011. 84/11 VICE-CHANCELLOR’S REPORT (C/11/16) Reported In addition to his written report the Vice-Chancellor outlined progress with the USS pensions issue and with the Government’s planned White Paper on higher education. 85/11 a) A meeting of the USS Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) had taken place on 10 May 2011 with employer and UCU nominees, to give further consideration to the final form of the proposed scheme changes. The independent chair, Sir Andrew Cubie, had taken the casting vote to approve the changes to the pension scheme, which would be considered by the USS Board of Trustees in June. UCU highlighted its continued opposition to the proposed changes and it was thought that industrial action was possible. 86/11 b) Publication of the White Paper was expected on 13 June 2011, and it was suggested that the Government may be considering a method for relaxing student number control over the coming years. 87/11 HEFCE GRANT: CHANGES TO 2010-11 AND GRANT FOR 2011-12 (C/11/17) Reported The University had faired better in respect of recurrent funding for 2011-12 than the sector average. The reduction in grant was 3.09%, compared to a reduction of 4.08% for the sector average. In relation to teaching, the reduction was 3.29% compared to the sector average of 5.37%. The research grant had been reduced by 2.46%, compared to the sector average of 1.07%. There had been an in-year cut to the 2010-11 teaching grant for the University and its partner colleges. 88/11 Noted The HEFCE funding method had not changed, but the higher education sector would move over to a new funding regime from 2012-13. The reduction in the University’s block grant was partly mitigated by a growth in widening participation funding. The University would probably lose £17-18m in funding for teaching, once the full impact of the cuts was complete, but there was the opportunity to recover this income through increased tuition fees. The University would receive a capital grant of over £3m, largely for research, from 2011/12 to 2014/15. 89/11 FINANCE MONITOR (2ND UPDATE) (C/11/18) Reported The University was planning for a surplus of £2.45m for 2010-11, excluding exceptional items. The overall net surplus would be in the region of £0.854m. A small deficit was expected in 2011-12 and from 2012-13 onwards the financial position of the University would improve. 90/11 Noted The original save and earn quantum of £10m, proposed before the extent of funding cuts was known was discussed and had been revised to £6m. Council was reassured that this target was achievable for University managers. 91/11 That financial planning was based on Home/EU student numbers declining slightly from 2012-13 onwards on account of the new fees regime, and this reduction would be in the region of 8%. It was thought that the full effect of the new fees system would not be apparent until 2013-14, as there was a surplus of applicants in the current admissions 92/11 2 cycle, some of whom might apply for entry in 2012, and therefore 2013 entry would probably reflect any new trends more accurately. There was potential for growth in postgraduate taught, postgraduate research students and health. The reduction in student numbers presented the University with the opportunity of raising the quality of its student intake through the admission process. Resolved 93/11 that Council approved: i) a revised save and earn quantum, from £10m to £6m, mandating senior management to achieve the revised target; and ii) a £6m save and earn investment fund aimed at facilitating the improvement in recurrent headroom. 94/11 95/11 FINANCIAL REGULATIONS (C/11/19) Noted The Chair requested an amendment to the regulations to make it clear that the budget holder should immediately report any suspicion of fraud or irregularity to the Director of Finance, who would advise the University’s internal auditors and, where appropriate, the police. [changed underlined] 96/11 Reported The present financial regulations were outdated and the proposed new financial regulations had been drafted after extensive staff consultation and feedback. It was intended to bring any future changes to Council in the autumn term of each year. 97/11 Council were reminded that underpinning the financial regulations would be an extensive set of financial procedural notes, overseen by the Director of Finance, and which were available to members of Council upon request. 98/11 The Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee reported that the Committee welcomed the revised regulations, which gave the Committee reassurance that the University had a robust regulatory framework in place and was well managed. 99/11 The financial regulations now included procedures on procurement and would be revised by the office responsible for procurement in due course. 100/11 that the new University Financial Regulations be implemented with immediate effect. 101/11 Resolved PROPOSED PURCHASE OF WATERFRONT LAND, IPSWICH BY UCS Ltd (C/11/20) CONFIDENTIAL STUDENT’S UNION MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS 2010-11 (C/11/21) Reported That the governing body was responsible for the financial affairs of the Students’ Union, who would present its budget for the forthcoming year to Council in July, and its half year review in February of each year, together with the financial statements. 108/11 It was explained that the Students’ Union expected a small surplus to be made for this year, and that the fall in income was due to a decline in licensed trade, which reflected students’ drinking habits, a trend which was reflected in other Students’ Unions across the country. Trading in retail and catering was quite strong overall. The profile of activity for the Students’ Union saw very little income being generated over the summer months when most students were not on campus, but there were a number of fixed costs, and the profiling of the SU budget would be changed next year to reflect this. 109/11 3 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLAN: (i) PROGRESS REPORT (C/11/22) Reported Noted The successful introduction of the IHR system demonstrated by the fact that all members of staff had been paid on time in the April pay run. The next step would be to introduce further modules and realise some of the benefits arising from implementing the system. 110/11 External signage had been erected across the campus and the next stage would involve developing an internal signage and room numbering system that could be clearly understood by all. 111/11 Work on the Knowledge Gateway infrastructure had been slower than expected, and work on Clingoe Hill would not occur until the summer holidays and was expected to be complete before the start of the school autumn term. All infrastructure works were expected to be complete by 13 September 2011. 112/11 Confirmation was received that the University had received a bat licence and that works on Wivenhoe House could proceed to schedule. 113/11 There were a number of sports developments planned, including introducing a gym at Southend, permanent floodlights and replacing the synthetic sports pitch at Colchester. 114/11 Business cases for the Meadows development and Elmer Square project would be presented to the next meeting of Council for consideration. 115/11 The timing of the Clingoe Hill works would be communicated in a positive manner to the residents of Wivenhoe. Council was reassured that the work to Clingoe Hill would not go on into September 2011. 116/11 That the costs associated with changes to Wivenhoe House were being tightly controlled by the Director of Estate Management, and that advisory groups were providing input and expertise as and when required. 117/11 That the cost of building the Institute for Democracy and Conflict Resolution would be in the region of £11.5m, of which the University would provide £4.5m, with over £7m being raised through fundraising. The University was currently undergoing a feasibility study to identify donors and to establish a realistic timetable. If the monies were not forthcoming the architects would scale down the design and produce a smaller building, work on which was expected to commence in 2013. A copy of the feasibility study, or a summary thereof, depending on the size of document, would be circulated to Council members. 118/11 (ii) STUDENT CENTRE/LIBRARY EXTENSION: FULL BUSINESS CASE (C/11/23) Noted The Vice-Chancellor gave a presentation on the proposed new Student Centre and Library Extension. 119/11 That relocation of staff to the Student Centre would create decanting space for academic staff and possible alternatives for use of the vacant space would be discussed by the Space Management Group. 120/11 The Council boardroom would also provide a suitable venue for other meetings, including those involving visitors to the University. 121/11 4 Resolved Council welcomed the proposal, and requested that any space designed within the building, particularly relating to the Council room, should be as multi-purpose as possible and not restricted by design. 122/11 to approve the commitment of £21m from the Capital Investment Plan to take this project through to completion, noting that: 123/11 a) a sum of £500k had already been approved to take the project forward through the design process; b) recurrent revenue costs would be an average £1.9m per year exclusive of cyclical maintenance and IT/AV refresh costs; c) an amount of up to £210k would be required, in addition to the capital budget, for each of the 2011-12 and 2012-13 financial years to meet the cost of the student services project team. Council expressed its gratitude to the Vice –Chancellor and the project team in developing this innovative project. 124/11 125/11 126/11 127/11 UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX: LONDON PROJECT (C/11/24) CONFIDENTIAL KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: (a) GLOBAL IMPACT (C/11/25) Reported Noted The Vice-Chancellor explained that the KPI for league table position reflected the THE world rankings league table, which was currently red. This was an error as the University had risen from 273 to 248, which was an improvement on last year, albeit that this rise was due to a change in the method used. 135/11 Council were reminded that a red KPI did not necessarily mean there were serious problems, but that there was a lot to do, and intervention was required to bring a particular KPI back on track. 136/11 That market share and growth in relation to international students was currently amber, and there was still a lot to do in this area. The international link strategy was currently red, but this formed a very small part of the overall international strategy, and the University had effectively put this KPI on hold, pending a re-organisation of international structures. 137/11 (b) FINANCE (C/11/26) Reported Overall this KPI was green, which reflected forthcoming changes in the tuition fees system from 2012-13, the successful delivery of the voluntary severance scheme, a third year of low pay awards and changes to the USS pensions scheme, which was heading in the right direction. This was achieved whilst recognising that the sector was going through a period of uncertainty. 138/11 Noted This KPI would be reviewed in due course. 139/11 HEALTH AND SAFETY ANNUAL REPORT (C/11/27) Reported Council had reviewed the Health and Safety report last year and agreed that it should be considered on an annual basis. The Health and Safety Manager reported that 140/11 5 departmental statements had been requested and relevant training was in place and ongoing. That 80% of staff had been trained in fire safety and 95% of staff using display screen equipment had been training and assessed. 141/11 Individual tables should be presented to Council in colour in the future, and there was a need to ensure that more staff in Science and Engineering received basic fire safety training. 142/11 The Health and Safety Manager assured Council that the University had good health and safety systems in place. 143/11 Noted REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM SENATE (C/11/28) Resolved that all the recommendations contained in the report from Senate be approved. 144/11 REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: (a) Finance and Strategy Committee (21 March 2011 (C/11/29) Resolved that all the recommendations contained in the Knowledge Gateway – decision making protocol be approved. 145/11 Finance and Strategy Committee (9 May 2011 (C/11/30) Noted 146/11 (b) Audit and Risk Management Committee (3 March 2011) (C/11/31) Noted 147/11 (c) Nominations Committee (9 May 2011) (C/11/32) Resolved that all the recommendations contained in the report from the Nominations Committee be approved. 148/11 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 18 July 2011. 149/11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no further unreserved business to discuss. RESERVED BUSINESS There was no reserved business. Dr Tony Rich Registrar and Secretary May 2011 6