UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX COUNCIL 13 OCTOBER 2003 (2.15 – 5.05 pm ) MINUTES UNRESERVED BUSINESS Chair Mr Melville-Ross Present Mr Blundell, Professor Busfield, Mrs Cardew, Ms Colston, Professor Crewe, Professor Dowden, Dr Elston, Professor Foweraker, Mr Harker, Mr Hayman, Mr Hughes, Mr Jones, Mr Jordan, Mr Lewis, Mr Mack, Professor Massara, Professor Millard, Sir Robin Mountfield, Professor Muthoo Professor Nedwell, Mr Pertwee, Mr Rainbird, Professor Richmond, Mr Shamsaddini, Professor Sherer, Dr Steel, Ms Stevens, Dr Venn, Professor Wright Apologies Mr Burrow, Mrs Haynes, Ms Hodges, Mrs Macmillan, Lord Newton Secretary Academic Registrar In attendance Registrar and Secretary, Director of Finance, Director of Personnel Services, Director of Information Systems, Planning Officer, Ms Starling, Mrs Corcoran (Item 9), Dr Perkins (Item 7) Agenda item 1 CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Noted 2 215/03 Council was the first of the University’s formal committees to adopt the new format for presentation of committee papers. The Chair invited members to let the Academic Registrar know after the meeting if they had any comments. 216/03 STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS Noted 3 The Chair welcomed new members of Council elected by Senate and the new student member, Mr Shamsaddini, Vice-President (Finance and Services). No additional items were starred for discussion in addition to those indicated on the agenda. The unstarred items of the agenda were then deemed to have been received or noted and approved by Council as appropriate. 217/03 The Minutes of the meeting held on 30 June 2003 (Unreserved business) were signed as a correct record. 218/03 MINUTES Approved 4 5 MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES None. 219/03 VICE-CHANCELLOR’S REPORT (C/03/41) Received The Vice-Chancellor’s Report covered developments in South East Essex and Suffolk and progress on the Capital Buildings Programme. 220/03 Student Recruitment 2003/4 Noted 6(a) The Vice-Chancellor reported that he had been more optimistic about student recruitment in his report (written two weeks earlier) than had proved to be the case. A much larger than expected proportion of overseas students had not taken up their places. It was too early to know whether this was specific to Essex or was more widespread. On the positive, side the University would meet its contracted student numbers and there would be no financial clawback from the Funding Council. Home and EU numbers were about 2% up for undergraduates and the numbers of students enrolling on University schemes at South East Essex College were well up on last year. It was too early to have firm figures, but registrations appear to be about 9% below target for overseas postgraduate students. If there were 90-100 fewer overseas students than had been budgeted for, there would be a shortfall of approximately £¾m on tuition fee income. This would entail trimming some expenditure this year in order to ensure that the University had a reasonable surplus for 2003/4. Further information would be available when Budget Sub-Committee had the opportunity to consider the details. 221/03 Noting concerns about the University’s plans for continued expansion, the Vice-Chancellor indicated that it was too soon to know whether the shortfall in overseas students was a one year blip, signalled a plateau in recruitment or was the beginning of a decline. If it were to be viewed as a blip then the University would not intend to change the strategy for expansion, but if it was believed that overseas recruitment was likely to decline, then there would be serious implications for planning. 222/03 REPORT OF FINANCE AND STRATEGY COMMITTEE (C/03/42) (i) Strategic Plan 2003/04-2007/08 Noted The Strategic Plan would be submitted to HEFCE in November. It had two main purposes: it was required by HEFCE and other external agencies and was also it served an important internal function. It was reviewed periodically but revised annually. The latest version had adopted a more concise style than the previous plan, concentrating on performance indicators rather than detailed targets. The University’s broad strategic aims remained essentially unaltered, although their order had been revised to reflect a more outward-looking approach. 223/03 Resolved that the University Strategic Plan be approved, subject to minor amendments. 224/03 (ii) Capital Building Projects Update Resolved that the following amendments to project costings be approved: 225/03 a net increase of £194k on the cost of the University Quays footpath; a net increase of £120k on the cost of refurbishing the John Tabor Building (CPD Centre); the £90k increase on the notional cost of providing the Lakeside Theatre Rehearsal Space. (iii) Merger with East 15 Acting School Resolved 7 that the report summarising East 15 Acting School’s progress since merger in September 2000 be circulated with the minutes. RESEARCH PARK AND STUDENT RESIDENCES (C/03/43) COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 8 Report on capital building projects completed or in progress. 233/03 REVIEW OF THE ROLE OF HEADS OF DEPARTMENT (C/03/45) Noted Resolved 10 227/03232/03 CAPITAL BUILDING PROJECTS – UPDATE (C/03/44) Noted 9 226/03 Sir Robin Mountfield, Chair of the Working Group established to review the Role of Heads of Department, introduced the Report. The main objectives were to increase the incentives/reduce the disincentives for someone who took on the role of head of department and to facilitate an appropriate balance between the department and the centre in terms of strategic management. 234/03 Discussion points: Concern that the recommendations were too radical was expressed by some members while others took the view that the proposals were proportionate to the need to ensure sound management in all departments. Academic management was not seen as an exclusive activity but could be woven into an academic career. It had become increasingly difficult to recruit new heads of department so it was important to improve incentives, and to provide a career route for those who wanted to make a contribution over time e.g. as Dean or PVC. Although the majority of heads did an excellent job it was vital to have arrangements which would enable appropriate remedial action to be taken if there were performance issues. A small number of large departments carried a high balance of responsibility for the overall financial health of the University. There were clear parallels with arrangements within the NHS where the best senior clinical staff took on roles such as Clinical Director, and that system was reported to work well. 235/03 that Council expressed broad support to the recommendations of the Report of the Working Party on the role of Heads of Department, noting that there would be a period of consultation. The Report, impact on research at departmental level and a proposed change of Ordinance would be considered by Senate in December; and Council would make a final decision on the recommendations at its next meeting. 236/03 FUNDING HIGHER EDUCATION (C/03/46) Received The President of the Students’ Union introduced a paper setting out the Union’s opposition to the introduction of ‘top-up fees’ and calling on Council to approve a public statement to that effect. 237/03 Noted Council discussed the advisability of the University issuing any form of public statement, and instead favoured support for the concerted efforts of influencing groups such as the National Union of Students, the Council of University Chairmen and Universities UK. 238/03 Council was reminded that the details of the Government’s proposals on funding and student support were still not known. Although the general principles were known, including the establishment of the Office for Fair Access, the details were awaited and meanwhile were the subject of lobbying. It was possible, for example, that the additional maximum fee universities would be allowed to charge, currently set at £3,000, might be reduced to, say, £2,000 when the matter was considered in Parliament. There might also be an increase in the provision for maintenance grants for the low-income students. If the eventual package of student support arrangements did not in fact increase levels of student indebtedness then some of the arguments against increased fees would fall. 239/03 Many members of Council shared the view that, while they were personally opposed to the introduction of increased tuition fees, while there were no alternative funding proposals to produce the additional income which was a financial necessity for the sector, as responsible members of Council they would support increased fees for the financial health of the University. 240/03 There was no general agreement to the SU’s proposal to issue a public statement but members did favour having a Council seminar after the next meeting in February, by when sufficient details should have been published about the new funding arrangements. The Students’ Union would submit a paper to Senate in December. 241/03 Agreed 11 FINANCIAL COVENANTS (C/03/47) Resolved 12(a) that the loan facility in an original principal sum of £7,400,000 arranged with TSB Bank plc (now known as Lloyds TSB Bank plc and hereinafter referred to as the ‘Bank’) pursuant to a letter of 13 June 1996 be amended as proposed in a letter from the Bank dated 14 August 2003. that Mr Andrew Connolly be authorised to make the necessary arrangements with the Bank and to sign on behalf of the University the Letter of Variation which was circulated to Council and its terms and conditions approved. 244/03 ANNUAL REPORT FROM ALBERT SLOMAN LIBRARY (C/03/49) Received 12(c) 243/03 RESEARCH INCOME AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES – 2002/03 (C/03/48) Item deferred to next meeting. 12(b) 242/03 Report from the Albert Sloman Library for 2002/03 SUNDAY TIMES GOOD UNIVERSITY GUIDE (C/03/50) 245/03 Received 13 246/03 APPOINTMENT OF STUDENT UNION RETURNING OFFICER Resolved 14 Comparison of the University’s position in the Sunday Times university league tables over the past four years. that Richard Walker, NUS Regional Officer, be appointed as Returning Officer for the Students' Union elections for 2003/04. 247/03 REPORT OF CHAIR’S ACTION (C/03/51) Approved Actions taken by the Chair on behalf of Council since the last meeting on 30 June 2003. 248/03 15 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Noted Monday 2 February 1004 at 2.15 pm. 249/03 RESERVED BUSINESS 17 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 30 JUNE 2003 (RESERVED BUSINESS) Approved The Minutes of the meeting held on 30 June 2003 (Reserved Business) were signed as a correct record. Moira Collett Academic Registrar 23 October 2003 F:\Council meetings\03-04 meetings\2003 Oct\m-131003.doc 250/03