UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX COUNCIL 23rd July 2007 ( 2.15pm -4.00pm ) MINUTES UNRESERVED BUSINESS Chair Ms Stevens, Pro-Chancellor Present Mr Barrett, Mr Blundell, Dr Burnett, Ms Colston, Mr Cornford, Professor Sir Ivor Crewe, Professor Downton, Mrs Edey, Mr Elston, Mr Gore, Mr Lewis, Mr Mack, Dr Mackenzie, Professor Massara, Lord Newton, Mr Rainbird, Professor South, Ms Stamp, Professor Sunkin, Dr Watt Apologies Professor Busfield, Professor Cairns, Mrs Garbutt, Ms Hodges, Miss McFaull, Mr Melville-Ross, Sir Robin Mountfield, Mr Murphy, Mr Nicol, Professor Pretty, Dr Steel Secretary Registrar & Secretary In attendance Academic Registrar, Director of Finance, Director of Estates, Director of Strategic Planning, Director of University of Essex Southend, Professor Mitra By invitation Mr Boyle, Mr Doughty CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Noted The Chair welcomed Mr Boyle, an external candidate for the role of Chair of Council, and Mr Doughty, the incoming President of the Students’ Union, who were attending the meeting as Observers. 86/07 STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS Noted The following items were starred for discussion in addition to those on the agenda: 13(a): 14(c): 17: 22: 87/07 Senate Report to Council Nominations Committee Membership of Committees of Council Any other business Item 12, Annual Report on the Strategic Plan, which was not starred, was listed on the agenda as ‘for information, but was ‘for approval’. 88/07 The unstarred items of the agenda were then deemed to have been received or noted and approved by Council as appropriate. 89/07 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Noted No-one present declared an interest in any item on the agenda. 90/07 MINUTES Approved The Minutes of the meetings held on 21 May 2007. 91/07 VICE CHANCELLOR’S REPORT Reported The Vice-Chancellor gave an oral report which covered: 92/07 a. Student recruitment: applications and acceptances; b. Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills; c. Increase in student maintenance grants. Noted The improvement in overseas student recruitment was welcomed and staff involved were thanked for their hard work in implementing various recruitment initiatives, some of which would take some years to make a significant impact. 93/07 In relation to the change in maintenance grants, the increase would mean that students regarded as ‘nearly poor’ would receive additional government funding, which in turn might lead the University to revise its bursary scheme. The overall percentage of tuition fee income used for bursaries and access initiatives was not expected to reduce. It was not clear from where the extra £400m the government needed to fund this increase would be drawn, but it was likely to be taken from the overall HE budget. 94/07 FORECAST OUTTURN 2006/07, BUDGET 2007/08 AND FINANCIAL FORECASTS TO 2010/11 (paper C/07/24) Forecast Outturn 2006/07 Noted Correction to circulated paper C/07/24: P.5 The figure for the change since March in the two tables should was +£310k rather than +£470k P.16 The second bullet point should read ‘ Long-term debt servicing costs not to be greater than operating case inflow’ (rather than ‘not to be less than’) 95/07 Reported The Director of Finance updated the information in paper C/07/24. The sale of Avon Way had been completed, totalling £6.15m. Finance and Strategy Committee had agreed to cancel the Students’ Union outstanding loans (as at 31 July 2007) of £741k. HEFCE had informed the University that following an audit of 2004/05 student returns, when it had found that non-completion rates had been underestimated, teaching grant totalling £814k was repayable in respect of 2004/05 and 2005/06. The University would appeal against the decision but the outcome would not be known until early 2008 so that sum was set aside in the current year’s accounts. The net impact of these variances was that the University’s projected surplus for 2006/07 was £3.5m. 96/07 Ignoring the material non-recurring items, the underlying recurrent deficit for the year was £175k, despite the new income stream from tuition fees. There were three main factors contributing to this: a reduction in the volume of research and teaching activity; reduced research contract income; and the start-up costs of the Southend campus. 97/07 Budget 2007/08 and Financial Forecasts to 2010/11 Reported UCS Ltd would start trading in 2007/08 and while Council would want to oversee its financial performance, it should be ignored in terms of judging the University’s performance. It would be consolidated as a single line in the accounts, taking 50% of the UCS surplus or deficit and showing it as the outturn from the joint venture. 98/07 Putting aside UCS, the projected surplus for 2007/08 was £1m, rising to £2.5m by 2010/11. Since next year would be the second year of variable fees, with a net income of £4.8m, rising to steady state at £7m the following year, the new income stream was not flowing through as had been hoped. 99/07 The exceptions to the expectations of modest growth were an increase in research income of nearly 24% arising from an award to the Institute of Social and Economic Research worth £15.5m over five years, and the anticipated improvement in the financial position relating to Southend which should cease to be in deficit and move quickly towards substantial surpluses. The latter was dependent on rapid student number growth, and whether this could be delivered in accordance with the business plan, or not, was the biggest risk within the University’s financial forecasts. 100/07 Financial health was also reliant on surpluses from residences, catering and conferences, which were set to grow over the planning period. There could be a high degree of confidence that these surpluses would materialise. 101/07 The balance of the surplus came from the activity labelled ‘Colchester Core T&R’ which was regrettably in a spiral of decline, a function of low volume growth and the funding gap. The problem may be worse than the forecasts suggested arising from pay inflation, which was linked to RPI. If it continued to increase then it could add £800k of unbudgeted cost in 2008/09. There could also be additional costs arising from the outcome of actuarial valuations of the two support staff pension schemes which were due in the Autumn. 102/07 Noted Colchester Core T&R figures were slightly misleading because some Southend costs (centrally funded services) were actually included in this line, which therefore had a negative impact and masked the fact that the Southend outturn was actually lower than it appeared. 103/07 Reported The Capital Fund, which brought together capital expenditure and external financing 104/07 remained overdrawn at the end of next year and the following year, despite the cash receipt from Avon Way. It reverted to surplus after that because the projected capital expenditure in later years was unrealistically low. For that reason the work on devising a new financial strategy had been commissioned, and that work was ongoing. Noted The financial projections ignored the impact of FRS 17, the accounting standard on pensions, which would not be known until late September and could have a positive or negative effect on the final figure. 105/07 As the cost of debt servicing was set to exceed cash inflow in 2006/07 and 2007/08, there would have been a breach of banking covenant for these two years, but the bank had confirmed that it would be willing to waive the covenant. 106/07 Although there was relatively poor performance in terms of income, there had been a rapid growth in assets, and borrowing arrangements could benefit from being renegotiated on that basis. 107/07 Resolved i) ii) iii) to note the 2006/07 forecast outturn recurrent deficit for the year of £175k but that the profit from the disposal of Avon Way, along with other exceptional items, converted this to a projected surplus of £3.5m. that the budget for 2007/08 and later year forecasts be approved, noting a projected recurrent surplus for the year of £1.4m or £1m after exceptional items (and ignoring UCS Ltd) in 2007/08. that Finance & Strategy Committee be required to continue its work on devising a new financial strategy to permanently lift the University’s surplus above 3%, to be in a position to afford new investment and be better placed to deal with unexpected events. 108/07 PROGRESS REPORT ON FINANCIAL STRATEGY DISCUSSIONS (paper C/07/25) Reported Noted In July 2006 Council asked Finance and Strategy Committee to assess investment needs and identifying a strategy to improve the level of recurrent surplus to fund those needs. 109/07 Considerable work towards this goal had been undertaken but in some cases the outcome would take some time to materialise, including improving the financial position of the newly merged Department of Computing and Electronic Systems, improving the financial viability of East 15 Acting School though its expansion at Southend, and examining and taking action on the results of the Tribal benchmarking exercise which was looking at the costs of support services in the University. 110/07 The work would continue with the involvement of the new Vice-Chancellor and there would be a further report back to Council after consideration of progress by Finance and Strategy Committee during the autumn term. The final report would include an implementation plan. 111/07 FORMULATING AN INVESTMENT POLICY FOR THE UNIVERSITY (paper C/07/26) This item was deferred to the next meeting. 112/07 UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX SOUTHEND (a) Southend Business Plan (paper C/07/27) Noted The draft Business Plan provided background information for the consideration of the proposal to purchase premises for East 15 and to develop the old Prudential building. A revised version would be considered at the October meeting of Finance and Strategy Committee and a final version would be considered by Council in November. 113/07 (b) Proposal to Acquire Premises for East 15 and to Develop the Prudential Tower (paper C/07/28) Received The report of the meeting of Finance and Strategy Committee on 17 July (paper C/07/38), gave a comprehensive summary of the proposals to address the need for more academic and administrative space in Southend in the next few years, and outlined the urgent need for additional rehearsal and performance space for East 15 activities. 114/07 Reported Council had previously approved the purchase of the Empire Theatre in Southend, with EEDA funding, but meanwhile a new opportunity had arisen which would provide a more suitable space to cater for East 15’s teaching needs beyond 2008 and allow for its expansion. The United Reform Church on Nelson Street was perfectly located and planning permission was not expected to cause any difficulty. EEDA 115/07 had agreed in principle that if the University’s bid to purchase the Church was successful, the funds that would have been put into the Empire Theatre could be transferred to the purchase or, more probably the refurbishment of the Church. The funding could not be guaranteed but was highly probable. Resolved that expenditure of up to £900k for the purchase of the United Reform Church, Nelson Street, Southend be approved 116/07 Noted Finance and Strategy Committee (F&S) had discussed the opportunities and risks of entering into discussions with Squarestone, the development company which owned the old Prudential building, known as the ‘Pru Tower’, adjacent to the UoES High Street Building. It was proposed that it should be converted into a learning and teaching block. The University would be the lead client and would take a long-term lease on two floors in the first instance. F&S had agreed that the University should pursue negotiations with Squarestone to achieve the framework of an acceptable proposal for use of the Prudential building and develop a funding package designed to protect the University’s long term interests. 117/07 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENTS Capital Development (paper C/07/29) Noted 118/07 ANNUAL REPORT ON THE STRATEGIC PLAN (paper C/07/30) Resolved that the annual report on the Strategic Plan be approved. 119/07 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM SENATE (a) Senate: 4 July 2007 (paper C/07/31) Noted The wording of the target proposed by the Equality and Diversity Committee to increase the percentage of women in senior appointments was unclear. 120/07 Resolved that the target should be ‘To increase the number of women appointed to senior roles as Heads of Department, Deans and Pro Vice Chancellors from 11% in 2006 to 20% by 2010’. 121/07 Resolved that all other recommendations contained in the Report from Senate be approved. 122/07 (b) Approval of Revised Ordinances (paper C/07/32) Resolved that revised Ordinances be approved with effect from 1 August 2007. 123/07 (c) Proposed Partnership with Kaplan Open Learning (KOL)(Paper C/07/33) Received Extract from the Senate minutes (4 July 2007), the proposal paper submitted to Senate, report of the Institutional Validation, University Procedures for the Evaluation and Approval of a Prospective Collaborative Partner and updated information on projected finances. 124/07 Reported Since the Senate meeting, the Institutional Validation Panel had confirmed that it was satisfied that KOL had met the conditions set out in the Institutional Validation report, subject to clarification of the governance procedures for the partnership. It was confirmed by the Dean of Academic Partnerships that this would be addressed through the contractual agreement, as would the condition that clauses allowing 125/07 early termination of the partnership by the University were satisfactory. Noted Senate had also required that that the extent to which the University would benefit from access to KOL’s expertise in online delivery of courses be clarified and made explicit. 126/07 Reported KOL would facilitate the creation of on-line versions of existing or new Essex 127/07 modules and run them on the KOL servers. Initially it was envisaged that two modules would be transferred to the on-line platform, with Essex academic staff providing the content and KOL staff providing technical support and advice about on-line approaches to pedagogy. KOL would also provide appropriate access, training and support to the lecturers to enable them to manage the various discussion forums, document sharing, student induction and other aspects of the platform. If complex content required elaborate processing to reach a final on-line form, KOL might look to recover some of the direct costs of the technical support. Noted In response to points raised in discussion, it was confirmed that students enrolled by KOL on the University’s validated courses would be students of the University which meant that they would have access to support services such as the Students’ Union and the Library, although they would have different levels of entitlement from Colchester campus-based students to services. Concerns about a possible take-over of Kaplan’s parent company at some point in the future would be addressed through appropriate clauses in the legal agreement. 128/07 Resolved that Kaplan Open Learning be approved as a partner institution of the University of Essex for a period of five years from 11 September 2007, subject to confirmation by Finance and Strategy Committee at the meeting on 10 September that the legal agreement between the University and Kaplan was approved. 129/07 Noted Dr Watt dissented from the resolution. 130/07 (d) Campus Relations (paper C/07/34) Resolved that the Policy on Tackling Violent Extremism in the Name of Ideology or Belief and Maintaining Cohesive Campus Relations be approved. 131/07 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES (a) Finance & Strategy Committee: 16 April, 21 May and 18 June and 17 July 2007 (papers C/07/35, C/07/36, C/07/37, C/07/38) Noted The recommendations from Finance and Strategy Committee had been considered and approved under earlier agenda items. 132/07 (b) Audit & Risk Management Committee: 6 March and 19 June 2007 (papers C/07/39 C/07/40) Noted 133/07 (c) Nominations Committee: 21 May 2007 (paper C/07/41) Reported The Registrar gave a progress report on the appointment of a new Chair of Council from January 2008. The vacancy had been advertised internally and on the Public Appointments website. There had been discussions with all those who had expressed an interest in being considered, and CVs of those that wished their names to go forward were being provided to Council members, and the current ViceChancellor and Chair of Council would be in touch with each member to ascertain 134/07 their views. Nominations Committee would draw up a short-list on basis of those comments, and would appoint a selection committee, including the new ViceChancellor, to interview the candidates and make a recommendation to Council. Noted There was no specified procedure laid down for the appointment of the Chair of Council and it was agreed that one was desirable so that there was a clear and transparent process to be followed in future. Such a procedure would be drafted for Council’s approval. 135/07 Resolved Recommended to Council: 136/07 that the Dean of the Graduate School and the Dean of Dean of Academic Partnerships should be appointed as members of Council from 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008. Resolved that the following members of Court be re-appointed for the period 1 August 2007 – 31 July 2010: Mr C Barnett Mrs E Blundell Mr R D Hart Mr G Hewlett Mr H E Kempe Mrs E Kerr-Smiley 137/07 Mrs K Merriweather Mr E A Peel Mr R P Spendlove Rt Revd J Waine Mr C T White-Thomson (d) Remuneration Committee (18 June 2007) (paper C/07/42 attached) Noted 138/07 (e) Health and Safety Committee (paper C/07/43) Resolved that the revised University Safety Policy be approved. 139/07 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS League Tables (Paper C/07/44) Noted The Guardian University League Tables 2003-2007. 140/07 UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX COLLECTION OF LATIN AMERICAN ART DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2007-2012 (Paper C/07/45) Resolved that the University of Essex Collection of Latin American Art Development Plan 2007-2012 be approved. 141/07 MEMBERSHIPS OF COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL 2007/08 (paper C/07/46) Resolved that the membership and terms of reference of Committees of Council 1 August 2007 to 31 July 2008 (as set out in paper C/07/46) be approved, subject to the amendment that the membership of Nominations Committee would not include Professor Burnett, as he would not continue to be a member of Council. 142/07 Noted A revised recommendation would be proposed. 143/07 STANDING ORDERS FOR MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL(paper C/07/47) Resolved that the Standing Orders for meetings of the Council(as set out in paper C/07/47) be 144/07 approved, in accordance with Ordinance 11. CHAIR’S ACTION Noted The Chair’s action to approve the University’s No Smoking Policy (paper C/07/48). 145/07 HEFCE’S ASSESSMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL RISK (paper C/07/49) Noted 146/07 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY a. Formal Delegation of Powers (paper C/07/50) Resolved that the schedule of powers formally delegated by Council to other bodies be approved. 147/07 b. Delegation of Authority for Summer Period Resolved that the Chair be authorised to take action on behalf of Council during the summer break. 148/07 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Noted The Vice-President (Finance) of the Students’ Union thanked Council for the support he had received during his two years in membership and paid tribute to the Vice-Chancellor. 149/07 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Noted The dates of meeting in 2007/08: 150/07 Monday 8 October 2007 Monday 26 November 2007 Monday 17 March 2008 Monday 21 July 2008 RETIRING MEMBERS Noted On behalf of Council, the Chair thanked Lord Newton and Mr Rainbird, whose periods of appointment came to an end on 31 July 2007, for their support for the University and the valuable contributions they had made to the work of Council and its committees. 151/07 The Chair noted that 2006/07 had been a transitional year for membership of Council, taking account of the reduction in the size of Council which would come into effect next year, which meant that exceptionally most academic staff members of Council were standing down, although some might be re-elected by the Senate as representatives. 152/07 The Chair thanked Mr Barrett and Ms McFaul, of the Students’ Union for their contribution to the work of Council. 153/07 It was the Vice-Chancellor’s final meeting of Council before his retirement and the Chair extended the very warmest thanks and good wishes to him on behalf of members of Council. There was no reserved business. Dr Tony Rich Registrar and Secretary 27 July 2007 154/07