UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX COUNCIL 16 February 2009 (2.15 pm - 5pm) MINUTES Chair Mr Gore Present Mr Barnard, Mr Boyle, Professor Busfield, Mrs Edey, Ms Garbutt, Professor Hulme, Mr Kavakeb, Mr Lewis, Dr Mackenzie, Professor Massara, Professor Nicol, Professor Riordan, Dr Schulze, Ms Stamp, Dr Steel, Ms Stevens, Dr Wood Apologies Ms Colston, Mr Cornes, Mr Gray, Mrs Regal, Professor Schurer Secretary Registrar and Secretary In attendance Academic Registrar, Director of Estate Management, Director of Finance, Professor Downton, Ms Grinter, Professor South, Professor Temple By invitation Mr Barnwell (item 10 only: University of Essex Knowledge Gateway) INFORMAL BUSINESS Presentation by UCS Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Professor Bob Anderson UNRESERVED BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Noted Welcome by the Chair and introductions. 1/09 STARRING OF AGENDA ITEMS Noted The following agendum was starred for discussion, in addition to those on the agenda: 2/09 Item 11(a) Finance and Strategy Committee (2 February 2009 meeting) DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Noted The Chair declared an interest in respect of agenda item 10: University of Essex Knowledge Gateway. Mr Gore knew Mr Barnwell, but had no current working relationship with him or his company. 3/09 MINUTES (C/09/01) Approved The minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2008 were approved. 4/09 1 VICE-CHANCELLOR’S REPORT (C/09/02) Noted In addition to his report the Vice-Chancellor provided up to date admissions information to members of Council. 5/09 That there had been a significant increase in undergraduate and postgraduate applications in comparison to the previous year. 6/09 The increase in applications could be due to a number of factors, including the University benefiting from a decline in the pound, the current economic climate and the proactive recruitment strategies taken by the University to increase Home/EU applications for courses in Social Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. 7/09 The University of Essex was in a stronger position than other institutions in relation to international recruitment. 8/09 This was still an early stage in the admissions cycle and it was of the utmost importance that applications were converted to firm acceptances. 9/09 Expected increase in student numbers at Colchester had to be carefully managed with respect to teaching space and student residences. The University Space Management Group would be looking at various ways of making better use of existing space. Consideration would be given to extending the teaching day. Additional student residences were planned to be in place on the Meadows by 2011. There would inevitably be some short term difficulties accommodating additional student numbers. 10/09 RESEARCH ASSESSMENT EXERCISE 2008:OUTCOME (C/09/03) Noted The results published on Thursday 18 December 2008 by The Guardian, The Independent and The Times newspapers had ranked the University of Essex ninth in the league of universities in relation to the quality of research, compared to tenth place in 2001. The University had met its strategic objective of remaining a top ten research university in RAE 2008. 11/09 Normalisation of the grade point averages for each Unit of Assessment (UoA) by the University of Surrey had placed the University of Essex in sixth position nationally. 12/09 The number of UoAs in the top 5 and top 10 nationally were an improvement on the last Research Assessment Exercise in 2001. 13/09 Council acknowledged the tremendous effort that academic departments had contributed to the success of the University in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. 14/09 2 Following release of more detailed information in January 2009 the next step would be to embark with academic departments on a period of reflection and what could be learnt for the future. This exercise would be co-ordinated by the Research Strategy Committee. 15/09 Further details for each UoA would be made available to the higher education sector in June 2009, for scrutiny and analysis and to further support the development of new research strategies, where appropriate. 16/09 The amount of the University’s quality-related research (QR) funding following RAE 2008 was not yet known, but the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) would be publishing institutional allocations in March 2009. It was expected that HEFCE would moderate any potential reduction in income to institutions, to avoid any dramatic shortfalls in funding. 17/09 The Research Excellence Framework, which was a metrics based method, was currently being piloted in a number of higher education institutions. However, it was thought that HEFCE might retain a one track approach, which involved peer review, for assessing the quality of research in future. 18/09 BUDGET UPDATE 2008/09 AND LATER YEAR FINANCIAL FORECASTS TO 2011/12 (C/09/04) Noted The current budget update and later year financial forecasts to 2011/12 took three factors into account: income from student recruitment, the capital investment plan and staff costs. 19/09 There were a number of factors not included such as the teaching grant (£320k higher than expected), student accommodation (£300k higher than expected) and the additional costs arising from the voluntary severance scheme (not as yet finalised). It was envisaged that over £1m of recurrent cost savings would result from the initial outlay on the voluntary severance scheme. 20/09 The University had recovered £1.2m worth of Value Added Tax (VAT) from the Gateway building and this would contribute to the cost of the scheme. 21/09 The HEFCE grant letter was expected in March, but the allocation of funds to the sector for teaching and research was up 3.2% and 4.5% respectively. The full financial impact for the University would not be known until the grant letter was received. 22/09 Insearch provided an additional £1m of student tuition fee income to the University, but the impact on the bottom 23/09 3 line was modest. The University was currently operating within all of its bank covenants and this position would remain unchanged when the large capital loan was taken into account. 24/09 The Retail Price Index was presently below 1% and expected to be negative within the next one or two months. The Universities and Colleges Union (UCU) had submitted a pay claim for 8% and was seeking to hold a ballot of its members. The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) had reported that there would have to be a rise of 2% in employer contributions, otherwise the increase in pension costs would have to be met by an increase in employee contributions or a future reduction in employee benefits. 25/09 The updated financial forecasts included a 2% pay increase for University employees from August 2009 and a 2% increase in USS employer contributions. 26/09 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLAN: Capital Investment Plan: Progress Report (C/09/05) Noted The Registrar and Secretary reported that no new schemes were being presented at this stage. The total cost of the Capital Investment Plan was £250m of which priority projects amounted to £88m. Of these projects those amounting to £5.4m were complete, £39m were currently in progress and £3.65m were at the procurement stage. 27/09 The Colchester Sports Centre Fitness Suite project had been brought forward to 2009/10, due to the receipt of £200k in additional funding and in response to the Government’s request to bring forward capital expenditure in the current economic downturn. 28/09 Particular mention was made of the completion of the third and fifth floors of the Gateway Building and phase 1 of the Clifftown Studios, for which the Director of Estate Management and his staff were congratulated for delivering the project on time and on budget. Phase 2 of the Clifftown Studios project was currently underway, to be completed in Autumn 2009. 29/09 Refurbishment of Square two was at the design stage. Tenders from architects had been received by Friday 13 February. 30/09 Capital Financing: Progress Report (C/09/06) Noted That none of the loan had been drawn down and the University had executed the first stage of the hedging 31/09 4 policy. Hedging had only taken place where there had been firm expenditure commitments, for example, the London Road project. This would give the University the option of procuring additional hedging as and when new capital projects were approved. 32/09 UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX KNOWLEDGE GATEWAY (C/09/07) CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: (a)(i) Finance and Strategy Committees (1 December 2008) (C/09/08) Resolved that a change in accounting policy, namely that finance charges associated with the capital programme be capitalised and treated as a component of the cost of the fixed asset, effective from the 2008-09 financial year. 43/09 (a)(ii) Finance and Strategy Committees (2 February 2009) (C/09/09) Carisbrooke-Essex Partnership Noted Resolved That negotiations with Carisbrooke were ongoing and there were still some details to be resolved. The International Centre would be taken out of the Carisbrooke-Essex Partnership. 44/09 The Chair should sign the revised supplementary agreement and would consult with one or more members of the Finance and Strategy Committee, as appropriate. 45/09 that delegated authority be given to the Chair to sign the revised supplemental agreement, subject to satisfactory resolution of the following issues listed below. 46/09 1. The International Centre, as the flagship building for the Knowledge Gateway, be taken out of the Partnership arrangements in terms of it not being included in the profit share arrangement; 47/09 2. The £600k outstanding from the University loan to the Partnership be treated as a Partnership cost and for the University to seek its recovery before any profits were distributed; 3. To continue discussion with Carisbrooke to agree sensible working arrangements on the basis of the matters raised above. 48/09 49/09 (b) Nominations Committee (C/09/10) Resolved that all the recommendations contained in the report from 50/09 5 the Nominations Committee be approved. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM SENATE (C/09/11) Resolved that all the recommendations contained in the report from Senate be approved. 51/09 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: Research (C/09/12) Noted That the ranking for the research quality indicator be revised as the University had already retained its top 10 position. Revision would be dependent on the timing and outcomes arising from discussions on the Research Excellence Framework. 52/09 Proportion of income from research, including QR, would be reviewed, as the 30% target could not realistically be achieved under existing arrangements. 53/09 The target of 85% research active staff remained in place. 54/09 BANK MANDATE (C/09/13) Resolved that the list of account signatories for University of Essex accounts and subsidiary company accounts be approved. 55/09 CHAIR’S ACTION (C/09/14) Noted That Chair’s Action had been taken in February 2009 to approve the University as a member of the Institute for the Digital Economic Age (IDEA) Limited. 56/09 ANY OTHER BUSINESS Noted That Council would hold a future meeting at Southend in 2010. 57/09 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Noted Monday 11 May 2009 RESERVED BUSINESS There was no reserved business. Dr Tony Rich Registrar and Secretary February 2009 6