Santiago Canyon College College Council MINUTES


Santiago Canyon College

College Council

(Planning and Budget Allocation)


March 27, 2007, 2:00 p.m., E-107

Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson, Steve Kawa, Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez

Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz (absent), Rosi Enriquez, Laura Wirtz , Connie Wilson, John Smith, vacant (alt)

Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards, Sheryl Martin, Terry Wilksen, Janell McWilliam (alt)

Student: Meg Rothi Technology: Curt Childress (absent) Communication: AnnMarie Librescu

Approved 4/10/07


1. Approval of Minutes, 3/13/07 Correction to #6: …lowest bid at $29 million…


Motion to approve minutes as corrected (Vargas/Barembaum) passed unanimously.



Associated Student Body:

Meg Rothi


Continuing Education: Jose



Classified Advisory Group:

Zina Edwards


Communications: AnnMarie



Technology: Curt Childress



Services: Steve Kawa

Resolutions have been written to change the Constitution and will be voted upon during

ASB elections; debates are on-going regarding a non-smoking campus; drafting resolution for student representation fee; looking for ways to “brand” participating in ASB, including a recruitment video; continuing discussion regarding GPA minimum standards for ASB officer – currently 2.2; working with faculty to encourage students to pay student services fees, which supports the ASB activities; reviewing possibility of a “college hour”; safe spring break activities – March 28-29; God debate by Philosophy Club, March 29; and, ASB banquet on Thursday, June 7.

No report.

Next meeting is Tuesday, April 3, featuring Lieutenant Trahan with an update on the next safety drill, and a representative from Zuk Group to review CalPERS and retirement planning.

AnnMarie’s new position of Public Information Officer reports to Teresa Mercado Cota.

Last Saturday’s Trig Star event was very successful, with 250-300 participants.

No report.

The board rejected the science building bids as presented. Possible solution is to serve as our own general contractor with Barnhardt. Morrie Barembaum commented on the complexity of the building in comparison to the remodel for OEC.

The Facilities Committee recommended endorsement of The Austin Co design for the new gym.

Forty kids were served at Project HOPE school this morning.

Prior to commencement, the fountain behind the monument will be filled in. During construction access from the E and D buildings will be blocked for two weeks.

Contact AnnMarie with any commencement success stories.

Motion to recommend endorsement to the Chancellor’s Cabinet for the use of

The Austin Co. design (rendition and plans) (Enriquez/Wilksen) passed unanimously.


Curriculum and Instruction

Committee: Linda Cucovatz


Academic Affairs: Mary



Student Success

Committee/Student Services:

John Hernandez


Educational Master Plan


Senate: Rosi Enriquez


President: Juan Vázquez

Quadrennial reviews are continuing.

Moving forward with the five-year master plan. Barbara Zunich is meeting with Jose

Vargas and John Hernandez tomorrow for edits. The plan should go to print prior to summer, and be presented to the Board in September.

Future Teachers Conference held last Friday had over 80 participants.

AmeriCorps students (mentors and tutors) hosted students at KinderCaminata; sponsored a “Cinderella’s for Life” event; and supported the tobacco free communities program.

Financial Aid Awareness Day was a success today.

The Scholarship Office received 100 applications for consideration.

The Waltmar Foundation has donated $10,000 for scholarships.

The transition to SEQL (sp?) software has been completed.

The Student Trustee met with the Senate regarding the cost of textbooks. Julie Slark will be convening a district-wide group to discuss this issue.

Distance Ed Committee has developed a readiness check-list for faculty that have not taught an on-line course.

The Model United Nations team returned from New York with the Most Distinguished

Delegation and Best Position Papers awards.

The Chancellor’s contract was renewed at yesterday’s board meeting.

FARSCCD is continuing negotiations.

Mapping of responsibilities project is on-going in preparation for the next accreditation report.

The State Chancellor’s Office has sent out the ARCC (accountability) report.

The Women’s Soccer team Ring Ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday at 12:15pm.

Santiago Canyon College - Mission Statement

Santiago Canyon College (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students develop knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication skills, and a commitment to local and global citizenship.

Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services, career education, continuing education, basic skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At

SCC we encourage students to plan, implement, and evaluate their educational progress through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community. (Approved by

CPAC: 1/25/05)
