Car Care -820 Course

Car Care-820
Mr. Tainter
Classroom Room 316/315
Office: Room 310
Phone: 715-726-2406 x1313
1 Semester: ½ Credit
Lab Fee: $5
This course is intended for those students with limited or no knowledge of how to care for an
automobile. Students will be exposed to such topics as purchasing a vehicle, insurance options,
service contracts, appearance, along with care and maintenance schedules as well. Students will also
learn the basic fundamentals of the engine, powertrain, chassis, and body care. A large portion of the
semester will be devoted to the laboratory experiences in which students will learn by doing.
Equipment used will be “home use” auto washers, buffers, anti-freeze testers, tire pressure gauges, and
basic hand tools. Students who have taken or are enrolled in Automotive Technology or Advanced
Automotive Technology will not be allowed to take this course. Taking Car Care does not meet the
prerequisite for Automotive Technology.
You must also have a valid driver’s license and it is highly recommended that you have access to a
vehicle that you can bring into the lab on a regular basis to perform various maintenance tasks
All my contact information is listed at the top of this syllabus. The easiest way to discuss questions or
concerns is to talk to me before or after school, or during Lunch & Learn A. Parents should feel free
to contact me by phone and/or email.
Your semester grade is weighted; 45% - 1st quarter, 45% - 2nd quarter and 10% - final exam. Each
quarter grade is based on accumulated points and also weighted; assignments (80%), tests (10%), and
class performance (10%). Quizzes are given periodically throughout the semester with a
comprehensive final exam at the end of the semester. Grading scale is the high school standard;
A(92.5) A-(89.5) B+(87.5) B(82.5) B-(79.5) C+(77.5) etc.
All class work will be given a specific due date, with ample time to complete your work. Any
assignment turned in after the due date is only worth ½ credit, with no work accepted after the end
of each quarter. If you need extra time on an assignment the lab is open by appointment before/after
school and during lunch A. If you are absent for an assignment you will be given two days to make up
this work. It is your responsibility to follow up and get any assignments or information you missed.
Extra Credit
If extra credit opportunities arise, they will be given to the entire class. Students may not request
extra credit on an individual basis.
Academic Integrity Policy
As in all classes at Chi-Hi, you are expected to demonstrate honest, ethical and honorable academic
behavior, including compliance with the district’s Academic Integrity Policy (see student handbook
for details). Instances of cheating, plagiarizing, or other academic dishonesty will be referred to the
Main Office for appropriate consequences, which typically include getting zero on the
assignment/project/test with no opportunity to make it up, removal from academic honor societies,
and (in repeat offenses) failure of the course.
Infinite Campus
I assume that you will regularly monitor your grades on Infinite Campus. I try to keep my grades as
up-to-date and accurate as possible, but occasionally there will be errors (e.g. assignment marked
missing that isn’t, wrong score entered, etc.). If you notice an error please politely alert me when it is
still possible to fix them (e.g. NOT three weeks after the end of the semester). Keep in mind that due
to the length of time needed to complete many assignments in this class the grade on Infinite
Campus might not change for a period of time.
Class Materials
For this course you will need safety glasses, folders, 3 ring binder, notebook, and a pen/pencil for
Being in class on a regular basis provides you the best opportunity to learn. It is your responsibility to
contact me for any missed work because of an absence. Excused absences allow you to make up the
missing assignment or test, unexcused absences allow you to make up only the missed test.
Classroom Rules
As your teacher, it is my goal to provide a safe and productive learning environment for all students.
You, as young adults, are expected to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner. This includes
showing respect to other students, taking care of the lab equipment and following all school rules.
Any actions that could disrupt the education of others will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by
the following steps with one or all of these being a possible consequence per teacher discretion.
1st offense: Warning/Detention/loss of performance points/office referral and/or parent contact
2nd offense: Detention/loss of performance points/office referral/parent contact
3rd offense: Detention/loss of performance points/office referral/parent contact
4th offense: Removal from class
We have read the syllabus, and understand what is expected.
STUDENT SIGNATURE:________________________________________________________ DATE:_______________
PARENT/GUARD. SIGNATURE__________________________________________________ DATE:_______________