Near- to Mid-Term Energy Mineral Sources: Bridge to the Future for Alternative Energy William A. Ambrose April 3, 2007 Bureau of Economic Geology John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences Energy Minerals Division American Association of Petroleum Geologists Acknowledgments ● Jeremy Platt, Laura Wray, and Creties Jenkins EMD Region Councilors Jeffrey R. Levine (Southwest) Michael A. Wiley (Gulf Coast) Charles Boyer III (Eastern) Ed Ratchford (Mid-Continent) James G. Clough (Pacific) Laura L. Wray (Rocky Mountain) Publication was authorized by the Director, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin Data Sources AAPG (Energy Minerals Division) U.S. Department of Energy Energy Information Agency USGS Gas Technology Institute SMU Geothermal Laboratory Outline ● Global and US Energy Supply ● Energy Minerals -Coal -Coalbed Methane -Gas Shales -Oil Shale -Gas Hydrates -Uranium -Tar Sands -Geothermal Energy ● Summary Billion barrels oil equivalent yr-1 Estimates of 21st century World energy supplies Billion barrels oil equivalent 1900 Alternatives Coal Natural Gas Oil 2000 2100 Quadrillion (1015) Btu Energy Resource Distribution USDOE U. S. Unconventional Gas Share of Production (Includes Tight Gas) 100% U. S. Technically Recoverable (Tcf) 80% Unconventional Gas Resources 60% Tight Gas: Coalbed Methane: 40% Shale Gas: 20% Geopressured: 250 60 55 1,100? 0% EIA (2005) 1990 Unconventional Gas 2003 2025 Other Domestic Production Modified from EIA (2005) U. S. Electricity Generation 2002 Generation (million MWh) Coal Oil Nat. Gas Nuclear Hydro Renewable/Other 31 15.5 3.1 Courtesy NRG and CEED Energy Mineral Resources “Earth materials (other than conventional oil and natural gas) capable of being produced for energy.” EMD (2007) ● Resources -Coal -Coalbed Methane -Gas Shales -Oil Shale -Gas Hydrates -Uranium -Tar Sands -Geothermal Coal-Fired Capacity Additions Capacity, MW EIA (2005) FutureGen: Coal Gasification FutureGen Electric transmission lines Power block Gasifier ● Flexible fuel source ● Near-zero-emission gasifier ● CO2 , H2 pipelines CO22 used for enhanced oil recovery Plume from CO22 injected into saline aquifer ● Stacked storage -EOR -Deep brine-bearing fm. BEG (2006) Miscible CO2-EOR Potential: 4.7 BBbl in Gulf Coast Bituminous Lignite Holtz and others (2005) USGS (2007) Coalbed Methane Fruitland Fm. San Juan Basin Ferron CBM field, Utah Accounts for ~10% of US dry natural gas reserves. Annual US production almost 2 Tcf. Historical U.S. Coalbed Methane Production Production 1,800 1.8 Annual (Tcf) Annaul Production (Bcf) U. S. CBM Resources 1,500 1,200 Total Resources: 749 Tcf 900 600 1980 300 0 1970 1980 2000 GRI/DOE2000 1990 Modified from Scott and others (1995) U.S. Gas Shale Basins and Resources Total Shale Gas-In-Place: 467-607 Tcf Schlumberger (2005) Estimated Recoverable: 55-100 Tcf Mid-Continent Shale-Gas Basins Fayetteville Shale ● 2.5 million acres leased ● ~180 wells: end 2006 ● IP: 2-3 MMcfd for horizontal wells Modified from ARI (2006) World Oil Shale Resources ●1 Ton of rock= 1 Barrel of oil ●2.6 Trillion Barrels worldwide ●Current activity: Brazil, China, Estonia ●Other deposits in Australia, Jordan ●US activity: Utah, Colorado (ended 1991) Kerogen: bulk of organic material USDOE Oil Shale Mining and Processing Stuart Project, Queensland Mining Strip and Open Pit Underground Retort Processing Crushing Separation Heating to 450°C (H2, H2O) Southern Pacific Petroleum In-Situ Conversion US Resources & Production 1.2-1.8 Trillion bbl in place 4.5 MMBbl, 1985-1990 Shell E&P Worldwide Gas Hydrate Distribution USGS (2002) Seafloor Mound Arctic Gas Hydrate Mallik Test in Canada USGS (2004) ● Up to 590 Tcf in onshore Alaska North slope (Collett, 2004) ● 500 to 4,000 ft depths ● Thermogenic source ● Shallow sand reservoir below permafrost Hunter et al. (2004) U. S. Uranium Deposits U3O8 reserves*, $72.00/lb. Source: Uranium Industry Annual 2002 Yellowcake Wyoming: New Mexico: AZ, CO, UT: Texas: 255 245 108 14 *million pounds Source: EIA (2006) Spot Price, Jan. 15, 2007: $72.00/lb. (Ux Consulting Company, LLC) US Uranium Workforce UEC, DOE Nuclear Power Plant Sites We 104 Reactors each generating >100 MW 55 MMlb. of U3O8 yr-1 consumed 2.7 MMlb. yr-1 produced NuStart $520 million project License application: 2008 Construction: 2010 Completion: 2014 NuStart Candidate Site American Nuclear Society, Inc. World Tar Sands And Heavy Oil Resources Conventional Crude Oil 1.02 trillion barrels Heavy Hydrocarbons 5.6 trillion barrels Syncrude Canada Ltd. (2004) Petroleum Equities. Inc. (2003) Geothermal: Surface Heat Flow Geothermal Power Geothermal Power Plant Modified from SMU Geothermal Laboratory (2004) Energy Minerals Summary Commodity U. S. Resources (+) (–) Coal 3,968 Billion Tons Abundant Env. Impact Coalbed Gas 749 Tcf Abundant Water Disposal Gas Shales 467-607 Tcf Self-sourced Var. Production Oil Shale 1.2-1.8 Trillion bbl Abundant Expensive Gas Hydrates >10,000 Tcf? Worldwide Recovery Uranium 622 MMlb. @ $72/lb. Low CO2 Disposal Bitumen 76.2 Billion bbl Shallow CO2 Emissions Geothermal 2.4 x 1019 joules Low CO2 Distribution