Welcome to KTH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning confernce Theme: Daring and Sharing!


Welcome to

KTH Scholarship of Teaching and

Learning confernce

Theme: Daring and Sharing!

March 12, 2015

Website: http://www.kth.se/ece/avdelningenfor-larande/hogskolepedagogik/kthsotl

KTH - School of Education and Communication in Engineering Science

Warming up

• I had tea for breakfast.

• I have presented on a pedagogical conference before.

• I have sufficient resources to develop my teaching.

• I think teaching gives good payback career wise.

• It happens a lot of exciting stuff in the pedagogical field at KTH.


The main purpose of this conference is for you to share your experiences and knowledge and to get inspired by your colleagues.

A way to make teaching skills more visible and assessable in order to upgrade how teaching merits are valued.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

(Ashwin & Trigwell, 2004)


Purpose of investigation

Evidence gathering methods and conclusions will be

1 To inform oneself Verified by self



To inform a group within a shared context

Verified by those within the same context

To inform a wider audience

Verified by those outside that context

Investigation results in

Personal knowledge

Local knowledge

Public knowledge

Seems tricky to balance the two… göras?

If there were equal emphasis on research and teaching it might be more positive for students and lecturers.

"The most effective strategy for strengthening the teaching-research nexus is to stop neglecting teaching and to provide more opportunities for lecturers' research strengths to have an impact on teaching, by them actually interacting with students."

Institutions also need to recognise and reward teaching.

From: Institutional strategies for linking research and teaching

by Graham Gibbs, Exchange magazine issue 3, 4 December 2002 http://www.exchange.ac.uk/issue3_contents.asp

How can you go even more public?

Publish a paper!

For example in Högre utbildning a Swedish peer reviewed journal.

Contributions in Swedish,

English, Danish and Norwegian

(bokmål) are accepted.


Types of contributions

Articles. No more than 6000 words including the abstract. Research papers. A scholarly approach and contain a well-defined research question

. Peer review.

Best practice. No more than 2000 words including the abstract. Successful practices in and around teaching, based on an evaluation in some form and should be viable in a broader field than the author's own context and subject area. Reviewed by the editors.

Research notes. Reflections. Debate. Book reviews. etc.

Or go to more conferences…

EuroSoTL 2015, June 8-9, Cork.


CDIO 2015, June 8-11 , Chengdu university http://www.cdio.org/node/5996

ISSOTL 2015, October 25-27, Melbourne http://www.issotl2015.com.au

5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, November 18-19 2015, Uppsala http://www.teknat.uu.se/utvecklingskonferens2015/

NU2016, June 15-17, Högskolan Malmö

(hemsida ännu inte uppe)

CDIO 2016, June 12-16, Åbo http://www.cdio.org/node/5995

Some practicalities
