
Biology 242 – Lecture
Chapter 19 (Cardiovascular System: The Blood)
Practice Quiz
I. Arrange the answers in correct sequence:
____ ____ ____ 1. Events of hemostasis: A. Platelet plug formation B. Coagulation C. Vascular spasm
____ ____ ____ 2. Stages in the clotting process: A. Formation of prothrombinase
B. Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
C. Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
___, ___, ___, ___, ___3. In order from highest to lowest percentage of a normal “diff” count:
A. Lymphocytes B. Basophils C. Neutrophils D. Monocytes E. Eosinophils
___, ___, ___, ___4. In order from most common to least common blood types (all population groups)
B. A
C. O
D. B
____, ____, ____ 5. In order from longest-living to shortest-living formed elements of the blood:
A. Platelets
B. Erythrocytes
C. Leukocytes (excluding lymphocytes which
may live for years!)
II. Circle the letter preceding the one best answer to each question:
6. Identify the value that is most likely to be outside the normal range for Ms. Marty, a 28 year old woman:
A. RBCs – 4.6 x 106/ μ L B. WBCs – 9000/μL C. Platelets – 1 x 106/μL D. Hemoglobin – 13.5 g/dL
7. All of the following correctly match parts of blood with principal functions except:
A. RBCs: carry oxygen and CO2
B. Plasma: carries nutrients, wastes, hormones, enzymes
B. WBCs: defense
D. Platelets: determine blood type
8. Which of the flowing chemical is an enzyme that converts fibrinogen to fibrin?
A. Heparin
B. Thrombin
C. Prothrombin
D. Tissue factor
E. Carbonic anhydrase
9. Neutrophilia is a condition that suggests:
A. Bacterial infection B. Viral infection
C. Fungal infection
10. Thrombocytes are formed in:
A. Myeloid tissue
B. Tonsils and lymph nodes
C. Spleen
D. Allergic reaction
E. Radiation
D. Peripheral circulation
III. Using the blanks provided, fill in the word or phrase that best fits the description given:
_____________________________11. Two important families of cytokines that stimulate WBC formation.
_____________________________12. This is the name of the hormone that increases RBC production.
_____________________________13. This is where the above named hormone is produced.
_____________________________14. This is a term that means decreased white blood cell count.
_____________________________15. This is a term that means elevated red blood cell count.
Biology 250 – Lecture
Chapter 19 Practice Quiz
Page Two
IV. Match the following:
___16. Blood condition in which RBC count or hemoglobin content is below normal
___17. A viral infection will trigger this blood condition
A. Transferrin
___18. This is the process of blood-cell production
C. Hypoxia
___19. Condition characterized by insufficient O2
reaching the cells (cellular oxygen deficiency)
___20. Fe3+ is transported by this plasma protein
D. Anemia
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B. Hemopoiesis
E. Lymphocytosis
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___21. Group of plasma proteins that stimulates
phagocytosis and inflammation
___22. An immature red blood cell; still posses a nucleus
A. Embolus
___23. Agranulocytes, these also serve as “wandering
___24. A thrombus that breaks free and travels in the blood
C. Complement
___25. An active plasma enzyme that can dissolve clots
by digesting fibrin threads
E. Monocytes
B. Plasmin
D. Reticulocyte