

Biology 241 – Lecture Chapter 10 ( Muscular Tissue ) Practice Quiz


Match the structure on the left with the correct muscle description on the right.

(Choices may be used more than once)


_____a myofiber’s cell membrane


_____electrical conduction in the heart


_____striated, uninucleated


_____muscle of the tip of the tongue


_____muscle tissue of an artery


_____voluntary muscle




_____involuntary, striated

A. sarcolemma

B. intercalated disk

C. cardiac muscle

D. skeletal muscle

E. smooth muscle


Using the blanks provided, fill in the word or phrase that best fits the description given:

___________________ 9.

Term for a single somatic motor neuron and all of the myofibers it stimulates.

__________________ 10.

This is the term for any wasting of muscle tissue due to lack of use.

__________________ 11.

Name of the neurotransmitter that fills synaptic vesicles within the axonal end bulbs

of somatic motor neurons.

__________________ 12.

This is the quality demonstrated by muscle tissue when it produces electrical signals

in response to stimuli.

__________________ 13.

This is the name given to a tracing of the events of a muscle contraction.

__________________ 14.

This is where Ca ++ are concentrated within a relaxed myofiber.


Circle the letter preceding the one best answer to each question:


In muscle physiology, the latent period refers to:

A. the period of lost excitability that occurs when two timuli are applied immediately one after the other.

B. the brief contraction of a motor unit. C. the period of elevated oxygen use after exercise.

D. an inability of a muscle to contract forcefully after prolonged activity.

E. a brief delay that occurs between application of a stimulus and the beginning of contraction.


Which of the following muscle proteins and their descriptions are mismatched?

A. titin: regulatory protein that holds troponin in place B. myosin: contractile motor protein

C. tropomyosin: regulatory protein that blocks myosin-binding sites

D. actin: contractile anchoring protein that contains myosin binding sites

E. calsequestrin: calcium-binding protein


During muscle contraction all of the following occur EXCEPT :

A. crossbridges are formed when the energized myosin head attaches to actin’s myosin-binding site.

B. ATP undergoes hydrolysis. C. the thick myofilaments slide inward toward the M-line.

D. calcium concentration in the cytosol increases. E. the Z-discs are drawn toward each other.


Which of the following is NOT true concerning muscle fiber length-tension relationships?

A. If sarcomeres are stretched, the tension in the fiber decreases.

B. If a myofiber is stretched so that there is no overlap of the myofilaments, no tension can be generated.

C. Extremely compressed sarcomeres result in less muscle tension.

D. Maximum tension occurs when the zone of overlap between thick/thin myofilaments extends from the

edge of the H-zone to one end of a thick myofilament.

E. If sarcomeres shorten, the tension in them increases.

Biology 241 – Lecture Chapter 10 Practice Quiz – continued Page Two


What would happen if ATP were suddenly unavailable after the sarcomere had begun to shorten?

A. Nothing. The contraction would proceed normally.

B. The myosin heads would be unable to detach from actin.

C. Troponin would bind with the myosin heads.

D. Actin and myosin filaments would separate completely and be unable to recombine.

E. Myosin heads would detach completely from actin and bind to the troponin-tropomyosin complex.


Which of the following are sources of ATP for muscle contraction?

1. Creatine phosphate 2. Glycolysis 3. Anaerobic Cellular Respiration

4. Aerobic Cellular Respiration 5. Acetylcholine

A. 1, 2, and 3 B. 2, 3, and 4 C. 2, 3, and 5 D. 1, 2, 3, and 4 E. 2, 3, 4, and 5


*Sketch two consecutive RESTING sarcomeres and label all contributory molecules and pertinent

molecular level “structures”.

*Under your sketch, describe the intracellular conditions that need to exist in order to maintain

the sarcomeres in their resting state.
