Biology 241: Human Anatomy & Physiology
This is a list of the boney landmarks you are responsible for knowing. Use it as a “checklist” for learning and
reviewing the salient features of the 206 bones (not counting the 6 ossicles) of the human skeleton. You must
know the names of, and how to recognize, ALL the bones of the human skeleton (including how to tell right from
the left for bilaterally occurring bones).
All 22 bones individually; 8 of the Neurocranium (Cranial Vault); 14 of the Faciocranium (Face)
*Frontal Bone:
(Frontal sinus)
Superciliary arch
Supraorbital notch (or foramen), Roof of the orbit
Squamosal suture (with the Temporal bone)
Coronal suture (with the two Parietal bones)
Parietal Bones:
Sagittal Suture between the R & L Parietal Bones (no other landmarks)
Occipital Bone:
Foramen magnum, Occipital condyles
External Occipital protuberance, Superior & Inferior Nuchal lines
Internal Occipital protuberance
4 Fossae: Anterior, Middle, Posterior Cerebral Fossae; Cerebellar Fossa
Lambdoidal suture (with the two Parietal bones)
One or more Wormian (aka intrasutural) bones may be present
Temporal Bones:
Mastoid process
Squamous portion; Zygomatic arch
Petrous ridge with internal / external auditory meatuses
Mandibular fossa
Jugular fossa and Jugular foramen
Carotid canal (or foramen)
*Sphenoid Bone:
Greater wings, Lesser wings
(Sphenoid sinus)
R + L Pterygoid processes, each with Medial / Lateral Pterygoid plate
Sella turcica (“Turkish saddle”)
Optic foramen
Superior / Inferior Orbital fissures
Foramen rotundum, F. ovale, F. spinosum (lie along the Crescent Ridge)
Foramen lacerum
*Ethmoid Bone:
Crista galli (“Rooster’s Comb”)
(Ethmoid air cells)
Cribriform plate, Perpendicular plate
Superior / Middle Nasal Concha
Palatine Bones:
Vertical plate / Horizontal plate (posterior part of Median palatine suture)
*Maxillary Bones:
4 processes: Frontal, Zygomatic, Palatine, and Alveolar (houses tooth sockets)
Incisive foramen (in palatine process between R + L maxillae)
Anterior nasal spine, Infraorbital foramen
Body, Angle, Ramus, Mandibular condyles (aka Condyloid processes)
Coronoid processes, Mental (‘chin”) tubercles, Mental foramen
Mandibular foramen, Mandibular notch
Zygomatic Bones:
4 processes: Frontal, Maxillary, Temporal (in zygomatic arch), 4th
Lacrimal Bones:
Lacrimal foramen
Nasal Bones:
Form anterior-most part of the “bridge” of the nose
Inferior Nasal Conchae: Also called (along with the Sup & Middle Nasal Conchae) as turbinates
Makes up most of the midline “nasal septum”
(* Indicates presence of one or more sinuses; called “air cells” in the Ethmoid Bone)
Body, Lesser Horns, Greater Horns
Only bone in the body which does NOT articulate with any other bone(s).
Each vertebra is an irregular bone composed of 1 Body, 2 Pedicles, 2
Transverse processes, 2 lamina, 1 spinous process, 1 vertebral foramen
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along with 2 superior and 2 inferior articular processes (each with it own
superior or inferior articular facet).
Total of (approx.) 32 vertebrae:
7 Cervical
12 Thoracic
5 Lumbar
5 Sacral (fused = “the Sacrum”)
1 – 4 Coccygeal (may be fused = “the Coccyx”)
*Names of vertebrae: C1 = Atlas; C2 = Axis; C3,- C7; T1 – T12; S1 – S5; Co1 – Co4
*Primary vertebral column curvatures: Thoracic and Sacral regions;
*Secondary vertebral column curvatures: Cervical and Lumbar regions
*Kyphosis (Thoracic region), Lordosis (Lumbar region), and Scoliosis (C, T, L)
*T1 – T12 have costal facets/demifacets; C1 – C7 have transverse foramina, C2 has dens
(aka odontoid process) associated with its body, Atlanto-occipital and atlantoaxial joints
provide for the gliding and rotational movement of the head at the neck.
»RIB CAGE (25):
3 parts: Manubrium, Gladiolus (aka Body), Xiphoid process
Note laterally lying facets for costal cartilages (for True Ribs 1 – 7)
Ribs #2 articulate at the manubrio-gladiolar junction; an important boney landmark
Vertebral end: Head, Neck, Tubercle*; Shaft; Sternal end: Costal facet(cartilage)
Costal angle, costal groove (*Tubercle has an articular part (with facet) and a non-articular part)
»SHOULDER GIRDLE (2 x 2 = 4):
CLAVICLE (2):Sternal end, Acromial end, smoother superior surface, rougher inferior surface, conoid tubercle
Body, Superior Angle, Inferior Angle, Spine, Acromial process, Coracoid process
Glenoid cavity and Scapular notch; 3 fossae: Supraspinous, Infraspinous, Subscapular
»UPPER EXTREMITIES (30 x 2 = 60):
Head, Greater tubercle, Lesser tubercle, Deltoid tuberosity, Medial & Lateral epicondyles
Trochlea and capitulum, Olecranon fossa (posteriorly), Coronoid fossa (anteriorly)
Radial head, Radial neck, Radial tuberosity,
Scaphoid facet, Ulnar notch, Styloid process
Olecranon process, Coronoid process
Semilunar notch (aka Trochlear notch), Radial notch, Styloid process
METACARPALS, CARPALS & PHALANGES: Per hand: 5 metacarpals I – V ( lateral→medial)
8 carpals: “Some Lovers Try Positions That They
Can’t Handle”
(Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate)
14 phalanges: 3 per finger (proximal, middle, distal); 2 per thumb (proximal, distal)
»PELVIC GIRDLE (1 x 2 = 2):
3 fused bones: Ilium, Ischium, Pubis; Arcuate Line, True pelvis, False pelvis
Acetabulum, Obturator Foramen, Ischial spine, Greater & Lesser Sciatic Notches
Ischial tuberosity
Iliac crest, Anterior superior & inferior iliac spines; Posterior superior & inferior iliac spines
(See TABLE 8.1, p.244 of Tortora Text for a Comparison of ♀ and ♂ Pelves)
»LOWER EXTREMITIES (30 x 2 = 60):
Head with fovea capitis, Greater trochanter, Lesser trochanter, Intertrochanteric crest
Linea aspera, Medial/Lateral condyles, Intercondylar fossa, Medial/Lateral epicondyles,
Popliteal surface, Adductor tubercle (PATELLA is interposed between Femur & Tibia)
Medial/Lateral condyle, Intercondylar eminence, Tibial tuberosity, Medial malleolus
Proximal end, distal end with Lateral malleolus (R from L)
METATARSALS, TARSALS & PHALANGES: Per foot: 5 metatarsals I – V (medial→lateral)
7 tarsals: “Clever Tibetans Navigate:
(Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, 1st Cuneiform (Medial), 2nd Cuneiform, 3rd Cuneiform, Cuboid
14 phalanges: 3 per toe (proximal, middle, distal); 2 per “great (aka big) toe”