Chapter 15: Atypical Sexuality

Chapter 15: Atypical Sexuality
1. The scientific term for problematic sexual desire or behavior is _______.
a. partialism b. paraphilia c. paranormal
d. polygynous
e. polyandry
2. The condition in which a person is neither sexually aroused nor able to reach orgasm
without the presence of a particular item is called _________.
a. transvestism b. masochism c. sadism d. exhibitionism
e. fetishism
3. People whose atypical desires dominate their lives are usually _________.
a. children b. senior citizens
c. women
d. men
e. adolescents
4. Heterosexual men who wear women’s clothing because they find it sexually arousing are
called _________.
a. transvestites b. transexuals c. bisexual
d. voyeurs e. exhibitionists
5. When an exhibitionist misinterprets his victim’s reactions as a reciprocation of his sexual
interest, he is exhibiting _______.
a. cognitive distortion b. habituation c. self-flattery d. self-importance e. rational thinking
6. Exhibitionism accounts for over _______ of convictions for sex crimes in the United States.
a. one-quarter b. one-third c. one-half
d. two-thirds
e. three-quarters
7. Jack is sexually aroused only while watching women undress. Jack would be called a _______.
a. transvestite b. transsexual c. masher
d. flasher
e. voyeur
8. Meg is sexually aroused while whipping Mark, and Mark is aroused while being
whipped. Meg is a _______ and Mark is a _______.
a. sadist; masochist b. masochist; sadist c. brute; coward d. butch; femme e. man hater; self loather
9. _______ are people who are sexually fixated on sexual contact with animals.
a. Zoophiles b. Animal lovers
c. Pedophiles
d. Autophiles e. Heterophiles
10. Regarding sexual orientation, _______ pedophiles outnumber _______ pedophiles by
more than two to one.
a. bisexual; transsexual
c. heterosexual; homosexual
e. hypersexual; asexual
b. homosexual; heterosexual d. asexual; hypersexual
11. Of the drugs used to treat paraphilias, _______ is administered via intramuscular injection.
a. Depo-Provera b. Viagra c. estradiol
d. Zoloft
e. Prozac
12. In _______ therapy, sex offenders are trained to identify situations that may trigger a
repeat offense and avoid those situations.
a. relapse prevention b. OCD c. aversion d. habituation e. covert sensitization
13. Another term for a male homosexual drag artist is ________.
a. drag girl b. drag boy c. drag queen
d. drag king e. tranny
14. Adult _______ reenact infancy for sexual satisfaction.
a. boys b. girls c. tots d. children e. babies
15. _______ opposes age-of-consent laws for sexual relationships.
16. Some states have mandated _______ treatment for recidivist sex offenders.
a. Zoloft b. GnRH c. estradiol d. testosterone
e. Depo-Provera
Chapter 16: Sexual Disorders
1. Which of the following is not a common sexual problem in women?
a. Premature orgasm
d. Lack of sexual pleasure
b. Lack of interest in sex
e. Inability to experience orgasm during coitus
c. Decreased vaginal lubrication
2. As men age, they are increasingly likely to experience
a. transvestism b. premature ejaculation c. sadism d. exhibitionism e. erectile dysfunction
3. The absence of erections during sleep suggests a(n) _______ cause for erectile dysfunction.
a. organic b. psychological c. anxiety d. paraphilic
e. depressive
4. Stop-start sex therapy is designed to ________.
a. delay ejaculation b. achieve ejaculation c. delay erection d. achieve erection e. tease a partner
5. Erectile dysfunction is usually associated with men, but some women experience failure
of _______ erections.
a. ovarian b. uterine c. clitoral
d. labial
e. vulvar
6. Vaginal _______ is thinning of the vaginal walls.
a. scarring b. stretching c. Episiotomy d. atrophy
e. malformation
7. _______ exercises may improve sexual function in women and men.
a. Pilates b. Yoga c. Water d. Kegel
e. Core strength
8. Erectile dysfunction affects a majority of men over the age of _______ years.
a. 30 b. 40 c. 50 d. 60 e. 70
9. _______ is a long-acting medication used to treat erectile dysfunction.
a. Viagra b. Tadalafil c. Sildenafil
d. Levitra e. Vardenafil
10. A common objective in sex therapy for erectile dysfunction is to reduce ________.
a. depression b. compulsion c. addiction
d. anxiety e. relationship abuse
11. Masters and Johnson believed that premature ejaculation resulted from ________.
a. hormonal disorders b. learning c. genital malformations d. infertility e. habituation
12. According to a NHSLS study, approximately _______% of men complain of pain
during sexual activity.
a. 1 b. 3
c. 7
d. 13
e. 18
13. Vaginismus is thought to occur when _______ muscles of the vagina spasm.
a. uterine b. cervical
c. unstriated
d. smooth
e. striated
14. According to a NHSLS study, approximately _______% of women said that they did
not always experience orgasm during sex with a regular partner.
a. 10
b. 30
c. 50
d. 70
e. 90
15. Long-term _______ couples are especially likely to lose interest in sex.
a. teenage
b. gay c. lesbian
d. engaged
e. interracial
Chapter 14: Sexual Orientation
1. According to one theory of lesbian relationships, _______ lesbians take a dominant role
in sex while _______ lesbians take a submissive role in sex.
a. butch; femme b. femme; butch c. top; bottom d. bottom; top e. butch; bisexual
2. The gay rights movement began in __________.
a. the United States b. France c. Switzerland
d. Brazil
e. Germany
3. The first U.S. gay rights organization was founded in _______ in the 1950s.
a. Massachusetts b. California c. Connecticut d. Florida e. Texas
4. In _______, homosexuality was no longer classified as a mental disorder.
a. 1963 b. 1973
c. 1983
d. 1993
e. 2003
5. People who experience significant sexual attraction toward both sexes are termed ________.
a. promiscuous
b. homosexual c. heterosexual d. bisexual e. transexual
6. In 2003 a state Supreme Court paved the way for gay marriage in the state of ________.
a. California b. Massachusetts
c. Connecticut
d. Florida e. Texas
7. The first openly gay man to be elected to city government in the United States was _______.
a. James West b. Gavin Newsom c. John Money d. Alfred Kinsey e. Harvey Milk
8. In most random sample surveys, less than _______% of men report that they are only
sexually attracted to other men.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 11
d. 12
e. 22
9. A cell group in the hypothalamus that differs in size between gay and straight men is _________.
a. INAH1
b. INAH2
c. INAH3
d. INAH4
e. INAH5
10. Early Christians, such as _______, strongly disapproved of homosexual behavior
between men or women.
a. Jesus
b. Gabriel
c. St. Maurice
d. St. Paul
e. Thomas Aquinas
11. The first U.S. lesbian organization was founded in ________.
a. Los Angeles
b. San Francisco c. Northampton
d. Boston
e. New York City
12. By 2008, _______ states had enacted laws banning discrimination on the basis of gender identity.
a. 5
b. 13
c. 15
d. 20
e. 25
13. _______ is a lifelong process for gay people.
a. Psychotherapy b. Coming out c. Maltreatment
d. Lovesickness
e. Unrequited love
14. One problem with gay meccas is that they may represent a flight from other aspects of
cultural _____.
a. acceptance
b. identity
c. revision
d. questioning
e. upheaval
15. A well-known lesbian musical festival is the _______ Womyn’s Music Festival.
a. Michigan b. Massachusetts
c. Connecticut
d. Los Angeles e. San Francisco
Chapter 17: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
1. Which of the following statements is false?
a. STDs were once called venereal diseases after Venus, the Roman goddess of love.
b. In earlier centuries, people were thought to have brought STDs on themselves by
engaging in sinful behavior.
c. Columbus supposedly took syphilis from America to Europe.
d. European colonists brought syphilis back to America.
e. AIDS and syphilis are similar in that both are caused by bacteria.
2. The symptom of pubic lice is ________.
a. nausea b. urethral discharge
c. itching
d. a chancre
e. loss of appetite
3. Trichomoniasis can be cured with a single dose of __________.
a. metronidazole
b. penicillin
c. doxycycline
d. acyclovir
e. aspirin
4. Syphilis is caused by infection with ________.
a. Sarcoptes scabiei b. Tricomonas vaginalis c. Treponema pallidum
d. herpes
e. HIV
5. Most cases of syphilis in the United States today occur in __________.
a. Desert Storm vets
c. college students in the northeast e. illegal immigrants
b. southern African Americans
d. evangelical Christians
6. Visible genital warts are most often caused by HPV types _______ or _______.
a. 6; 11 b. 6; 18
c. 8; 11
d. 8; 18
e. 8; 21
7. A symptom of hepatitis B is _______, or yellowing of the skin.
a. hypospadias b.nausea
c. jaundice
d. fever
e. cryptorchidism
8. AIDS is caused by ________.
a. HPV
b. HIV
c. RSV
e. herpes
9. HIV-infected people are considered to have AIDS when their CD4 counts drop below ________.
a. 1000
b. 800
c. 600
d. 400
e. 200
10. A study by Michael Stein revealed that _______% of people receiving treatment for
HIV infection had not divulged their status to all their recent sex partners.
a. 2
b. 8
c. 13
d. 23
e. 40
11. Approximately _______% of Americans acquire an STD by the age of 25 years.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
e. 50
12. _______ may cause scarring of the oviducts.
a. Herpes
c. Genital warts
d. Gonorrhea
e. PID
13. Approximately _______% of women infected with chlamydia are asymptomatic.
a. 10
b. 25
c. 50
d. 75
e. 90
14. Cystitis occurs when urethritis spreads to the ________.
a. testes
b. prostate
c. penis
d. bladder
e. rectum
15. _______ is an amplifying protein that makes cells produce more HIV viral RNA than normal.
a. Nef
b. Tat
c. Rev
d. gp120
e. HSV
Chapter 7: Gender
1. A person’s sense of femaleness or maleness is called __________.
a. iconic sex b. gender role c. sexual orientation d. gender identity e. gender constancy
2. ________ published the book Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792.
a. Mary Shelley b. Mary Wollstonecraft c. Margaret Mead d. Germaine Greer e. Marie Antoinette
3. Gender constancy is evident in children between _______ of age.
a. 6 and 12 months b. 12 and 24 months c. 1 to 2 years d. 2 to 3 years
e. 3 to 4 years
4. By _______ of age, sex differences in toy preference emerge.
a. 12 months b. 18 months
c. 2 years d. 3 years
e. 4 years
5. In their attitudes toward sex, men express far more _______ attitudes than do women.
a. permissive b. regulatory c. conservative
d. punitive
e. restrictive
6. Which of the following groups would be most likely to agree with the statement “I would
have sex only if I was in love”?
a. Teenagers b. Men
c. Women
d. Senior citizens
e. Conservatives
7. Which approach proposes that gender-related traits are inculcated by parents, siblings,
and society in general?
a. Physiological b. Endocrine c. Evolutionary d. Social
e. Developmental
8. Women outperform men on tests of _________.
a. navigation b. fine manipulation of objects c. mental rotation d. aggression e. sexual jealousy
9. By _______ of age, boys show greater throwing accuracy than girls.
a. 6 to 12 months b. 1 to 2 years c. 2 to 3 years
d. 12 to 18 months
e. 18 to 24 months
10. Men’s sexual jealousy serves to reduce the likelihood of ________.
a. not having a mate
d. being murdered by a rival male
b. rearing another man’s child
e. being pursued by another male
c. not having a child until middle age
11. The primary social influence on gender is the ________.
a. school system b. peer network c. religious upbringing d. population of a town or city e. family
12. A federal law that banned gender discrimination in schools is _________.
a. Title X b. Title IX c. Title V d. Title III e. Title I
13. The name given to M-to-F transgendered individuals in Polynesia is __________.
a. two-spirit b. berdache c. mahus
d. Amazon
e. hijras
14. _______ is a transexual pioneer from the 1950s.
a. Germaine Greer b. Margaret Mead c. John Money. d. George Jorgensen
e. Ray Blanchard
15. In a surgically constructed penis, unwanted openings to the outside that develop in the
urethra are called __________.
a. fistulas b. strictures
c. cryptorchidism
d. hypospadias
e. scrotal fusion
16. Following a one-night stand, men are more likely to report feeling _______ while
women are more likely to report feeling _______.
a. satisfied; shame b. shame; satisfied c. shame; in love d. in love; satisfied e. shocked; in love