All students entering Latin I-B or Honors Latin I-B in ninth grade are required to know these words in their entirety- 3 principal parts and meanings for verbs! Nominative, Genitive, Gender for nouns! Introductiō Latīnae - Verbs 3rd person present 1st p.p. 1st Conjugation 8 agitat 5 ambulat 9 celebrat 7 cēnat 3 circumspectat 3 clamat 9 dat 6 festinat 10 exclamat 3 exspectat 2 gustat 8 habitat 8 incitat 11 invitat 2 intrat 1 labōrat 7 lacrimat 2 laudat 7 narrat 7 necat 10 nuntiat 7 parat 3 portat 8 postulat 8 pugnat 6 pulsat 7 rogat 2 salutat 10 servat 5 spectat 5 stat 6 superat 11 verberat 6 vituperat 4 vocat agitō ambulō celebrō cēnō circumspectō clamō dō festinō exclamō exspectō gustō habitō incitō invitō intrō labōrō lacrimō laudō narrō necō nuntiō parō portō postulō pugnō pulsō rogō salutō servō spectō stō superō verberō vituperō vocō 2nd p.p. agitāre ambulāre celebrāre cēnāre circumspectāre clamāre dāre festināre exclamāre exspectāre gustāre habitāre incitāre invitāre intrāre labōrāre lacrimare laudāre narrāre necāre nuntiāre parāre portāre postulāre pugnāre pulsāre rogāre salutāre servāre spectāre stāre superāre verberāre vituperāre vocāre 3rd p.p. agitāvī ambulāvī celebrāvī cēnāvī circumspectāvī clamāvī dedī festināvī exclamāvī exspectāvī gustāvī habitāvī incitāvī invitāvī intrāvī labōrāvī lacrimavī laudāvī narrāvī necāvī nuntiāvī parāvī portāvī postulāvī pugnāvī pulsāvī rogāvī salutāvī servāvī spectāvī stetī superāvī verberāvī vituperāvī vocāvī Meaning chases, hunts walks celebrates dines looks around shouts gives hurries exclaims waits for tastes lives (in) encourages invites enters works cries praises tells kills announces prepares carries demands fights hits asks greets protects, saves watches stands overpowers beats scolds calls All students entering Latin I-B or Honors Latin I-B in ninth grade are required to know these words in their entirety- 3 principal parts and meanings for verbs! Nominative, Genitive, Gender for nouns! 2nd Conjugation 12 complet 9 exercet 11 favet (+dat) 4 habet 12 iacet 9 manet 11 placet (+dat) 3 respondet 3 ridet 10 tacet 1 sedet 7 terret 12 timet 3 videt 3rd Conjugation 9 agnoscit 4 agit 12 amittit 3 bibit 8 consumit 5 contendit 4 coquit 11 credit (+dat) 5 currit 8 ducit 6 emit 9 emittit 12 incidit 7 intellegit 11 legit 12 mittit 5 petit 5 plaudit 7 procedit 11 promittit 9 ostendit 4 quaerit 8 recumbit 4 reddit 6 scrībit 3 surgit 9 tradit 4 vēndit 4 inquit compleō exerceō faveō habeō iaceō maneō placeō respondeō rideō taceō sedeō terreō timeō videō complēre exercēre favēre habēre iacēre manēre placēre respondēre ridēre tacēre sedēre terrēre timēre vidēre complevī exercuī favī habuī iacuī mansī placuī respondī risī tacuī sedī terruī timuī vīdī fills exercises favors, supports has lies down remains pleases answers laughes is silent sits scares is scared sees agnoscō agō amittō bibō consumō contendō coquō credō currō ducō emō emittō incidō intellegō legō mittō petō plaudō procedō promittō ostendō, quaerō recumbō reddō scrībō surgō tradō vēndō agnoscere agere amittere bibere consumere contendere coquere credere currere ducere emere emittere incidere intellegere legere mittere petere plaudere procedere promittere ostendere quaerere recumbere reddere scrībere surgere tradere vēndere agnovī ēgi amīsī bibī consumpsī contendī coxī credidī cucurrī duxī ēmī emīsī incidī intellexī lēgī mīsī petivī plausī processī promīsī ostendī quaesīvī recubuī reddidī scrīpsī surrēxi tradidī vēndidī recognizes does loses drinks eats hurries cooks believes, trusts runs leads, takes buys throws falls understands reads sent attacks, seeks applauds advances promises shows seeks lies down, reclines gives back writes stands up hands over sells he, she says All students entering Latin I-B or Honors Latin I-B in ninth grade are required to know these words in their entirety- 3 principal parts and meanings for verbs! Nominative, Genitive, Gender for nouns! 3rd-io Conjugation 10 accipit 10 capit 7 cōnspicit 9 cupit 7 facit 12 fugit 9 inspicit 11 rapit accipiō capiō cōnspiciō cupiō faciō fugiō inspiciō rapiō accipere capere cōnspicere cupere facere fugere inspicere rapere accēpī cēpī cōnspexī cupivī fēcī fugī inspexī rapuī accepts, receives takes catches sight of wants, desires makes, does escapes, runs away inspects, examines grabs, seizes 4th Conjugation 5 audit 11 cōnvenit 12 custodit 4 dormit 10 invenit 9 revenit 12 sentit 5 venit audiō cōnveniō custodiō dormiō inveniō reveniō sentiō veniō audīre cōnvenīre custodīre dormīre invenīre revenīre sentīre venīre audivī cōnvēnī custodīvī dormīvī invēnī revēnī sensī vēnī hears comes together guards sleeps finds comes back feels, senses comes Irregular Verbs 6 abest 10 abit 5 adest 1 est 3 exit 10 it 9 fert 9 offert absum abeō adsum sum exeō eō ferō offerō abesse abīre adesse esse exīre īre ferre offerre afuī abiī adfuī fuī exiī iī (ivī) tulī obtulī is away goes away is here is leaves goes brings, carries offers Nouns 1st Declension – f. 5 agricolam, ae (m) farmer 2 ancilla , ae female slave 2 cena , ae dinner 4 cēra , ae wax tablet 1 culina , ae kitchen 12 epistula , ae letter 5 fabula, ae story 5 fēmina , ae woman 12 flamma , ae flame 3 ianua ae door 2nd Declension – m. 2 amīcus ī friend 4 anulus ī ring 6 avarus ī miser 1 atrium ī (n) reception hall 2 cibus ī food 1 coquus ī cook 1 cubiculum ī (n) bedroom 2 dominus ī master 1 fīlius ī son 3 forum ī (n) forum 3rd Declension 1 canis, is (m/f) dog 7 centurio, centurionis (m) 12 cinis, cineris (m) ash 9 civis, is (m) citizen 5 clāmor is (m) noise 10 frater, fratris (m) brother 6 fur, furis (m) thief 11 gens, gentis (f) family, clan 9 homo, hominis (m) man 9 hospēs, hospitis (m) guest All students entering Latin I-B or Honors Latin I-B in ninth grade are required to know these words in their entirety- 3 principal parts and meanings for verbs! Nominative, Genitive, Gender for nouns! 2 mēnsa ae table 12 fundus ī farm 6 infans, infantis (m/f) baby st nd 1 Declension – f. 2 Declension – m. 3rd Declension 4 pecunia ae money 8 gladius ī sword 4 iudex, iudicis (m) judge 4 poeta (m) ae poet 1 hortus ī garden 5 iuvenis is (m) young man 8 porta ae gate 10 imperium ī (n) empire 3 leō, leōnis (m) lion 5 puella ae girl 10 inimicus ī enemy 1 māter, mātris (f) mother 11 pugna ae fight 10 liber, librī book 4 mendax, mendacis (m) liar 10 sententia ae opinion 6 lībertus ī freedman 2 mercator , is (m) merchant 8 silva ae forest, woods 11 murus ī wall 12 mōns, montis (m) mountain 3 taberna ae shop, inn 4 negōtium ī (n) business 3 navis, is (f) ship 12 terra ae land, ground 8 nuntius ī messenger 12 nubes , is (f) cloud 2 toga ae toga 7 poculum ī (n) cup 1 pater, patris (m) father 2 tunica ae tunic 8 puer, puerī boy 10 pax, pacis (f) peace 5 turba ae crowd 1 servus ī slave 8 pēs, pedis (m) foot 7 umbra ae ghost 4 signum ī (n) sign, seal 7 pestis is (m) pest 1 via ae street, way 8 spectaculum ī (n) show 8 sanguis, sanguinis (m) blood 3 villa ae house 12 templum ī (n) temple 11 senātor, is (m) senator 1 tablinum ī (n) study 5 senex, senis (m) old man 1 triclinium ī (n) dining room 5 urbs, urbis (f) city 3 vinum ī (n) wine 10 uxor is (f) wife 11 vir, virī man 4th Declension 10 portus, ūs (m) harbor 5th Declension 9 diēs, eī (m) day 6 rēs eī (f) thing, matter 7 nihil - nothing (indeclinable, so not within a declension) Pronouns 4 ego - I 4 tū - you (singular) 8 eum, eam - him, her (accusative) 8 hic, haec, hoc - this (can be an adjective too) 9 ille, illa, illud - that (can be an adjective too) 10 nōs – we 10 vōs – you (plural) Adjectives 1st and 2nd Declension 6 bonus, bona, bonum good 10 callidus, callida, callidum smart 10 contentus, -a, -um satisfied 12 densus, densa, densum thick 3rd Declension 8 ferox, ferocis fierce 6 fortis, is e brave, strong 7 ingēns, ingentis huge 11 liberalis, is e generous Numbers 12 unus, una, unum one 12 duō, duae, duo two 12 tres, tres, tria three quattuor four All students entering Latin I-B or Honors Latin I-B in ninth grade are required to know these words in their entirety- 3 principal parts and meanings for verbs! Nominative, Genitive, Gender for nouns! 8 ignāvus, ignāva, ignāvum lazy, cowardly 12 mirabilis, is ,e wonderful, quinque five strange 3 irātus, irāta, irātum angry 7 omnis, is ,e all, every sex six 2 laetus, laeta, laetum happy 11 utilis, is e useful septem seven 3 magnus, magna, magnum big, great octō eight 9 medius, media, medium middle novem nine 5 meus, mea, meum my decem ten 7 mortuus, mortua, mortuum dead 5 multus, multa, multum many 11 noster, nostra, nostrum our 9 nōtus, nōta, nōtum well known 5 optimus, optima, optimum best, very good 6 parvus, parva, parvum small 4 perterritus, perterrita, perterritum terrified 11 primus, prima, primum first 7 pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful 11 secundus, secunda, secundum second 11 sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitum worried 10 solus, sola, solum alone, lonely 11 stultus, stulta, stultum stupid 9 suus, sua, suum his, her, its (own) 11 tertius, tertia, tertium third 8 tōtus, tōta, tōtum whole 6 tuus, tua, tuum your Prepositions Object in the Accusative Case 3 ad to, toward, near 1 in into, onto 6 per through 9 post after, behind 7 prope near Adverbs 9 celeriter – fast 8 facile – easily 6 ferociter – fiercely 12 fortiter - bravely 12 frustra – in vain 7 heri – yesterday 5 hodiē – today 12 iam – now, already 12 igitur – therefore 6 intentē – intently Object in the Ablative Case 7 cum with 11 dē down from, about 4 ē, ex out of, from 1 in in, on 9 iterum – again 9 mox – soon 3 non – not 11 nunc – now 6 olim – once (upon a time) 12 optimē – very well, excellently 12 paene – almost, nearly 9 paulisper – for a short time 6 postquam – after 10 quam – how, than 6 quod – because 2 quoque – also All students entering Latin I-B or Honors Latin I-B in ninth grade are required to know these words in their entirety- 3 principal parts and meanings for verbs! Nominative, Genitive, Gender for nouns! 8 saepe – often 4 sed – but 10 semper – always 4 satis – enough 8 statim – at once 6 subito – suddenly Interrogatives 7 tacitē – quietly 7 tamen – however cui (sing.); quibus (plural) – to whom, for 12 tandem – at last, finally whom 4 cur - why Adverbs (continued) -ne - ? 6 tum – then num – Surely . . . not? 7 valdē – very 4 quis (sing); qui (plural)– who 10 vehementer – violently, loudly quid – what quem (sing.) quos, quas (plural) whom quo – where (to) 5 ubi - where unde – where (from) Exclamations 3 ecce! 4 ēheu! 5 euge! Ita verō! minimē! Look! Oh dear! Alas! Yes! No! Imperatives Conjunctions aut - or 3 et - and 3 salvē! salvēte! Hello! 11 valē! valēte! Good-bye