Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart
For more than 30 years Coal Mountain Elementary School has been a
supporter of The American Heart Association through the Jump Rope
for Heart program. Our students have raised more than $173,535 in the
past to support AHA. This event offers many benefits. The money our
school raises will help fund potentially lifesaving research into heart
and blood vessel disease and stroke, the number 1 and 3 killers.
Students will have fun while learning new fun jump rope skills, the
importance of physical activity and community service. Finally,
depending on the amount of contributions collected, gift certificates to
purchase physical education equipment are raised for our physical
education program. Last year we received $600 in gift certificates to
purchase physical education equipment from US Games. That is a
tremendous benefit to our PE program!
Jump Rope for Heart is a school wide event for all grade levels. It is
traditionally held in February which is American Heart Month and
during regularly scheduled Physical Education classes.