Our Country’s History Need to Know Ch. 6 Social Studies

Need to Know Study Guide
Ch. 6 Social Studies
Our Country’s History
*Native Americans were the very first people to live in North America.
*Oral History describes a history learned through spoken stories.
*People build shelter to protect themselves from weather.
*St. Augustine, Florida is the oldest lasting European settlement in what is
now the United States.
*The Constitution is a set of laws that tells how the government works.
*The Declaration of Independence declared the colonists free from the rule
of England. It also included a list of why the colonists wanted to be free
from England.
*President Thomas Jefferson doubled the size of the United States when he
bought the lands in the Louisiana Purchase.
*Some pioneers headed west in the 1800s because The West offered land
and jobs.
*Pioneers faced many difficulties on their journey west such as, sickness,
accidents, bad weather, and attacks by Native Americans.
*Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation because he
wanted to free enslaved people.
*The English and the Native Americans were in conflict (fought and argued)
at the Jamestown settlement.
* The 13 colonies were ruled by England throughout most of the 1700s.
*A tax is money paid to the government when buying goods and services.
*Explorers came to the Americas from Europe to learn more about the land.
*An immigrant is someone who comes to live in a country from somewhere
else in the world.
*A territory is land that belongs to the government.
*When two parts of one country fight, it is called a civil war.
*The French settlement of St. Louis was named after the French king, King
Louis XV.
*Sacagawea helped guide the French explorers, Lewis and Clark on their
expedition westward. She helped find paths through the mountains.