Name _______________________ Social Studies Study Guide Unit 1 Test Date: _______________________ Group: Law: Vote: a gathering of people or things a rule that everyone must follow to make a choice about something History: tells the story of people, events, and places from the past Map: a drawing that shows where places are located Symbols: a map pictures that stand for things on Map Key: mean tells what the symbols on a map Cardinal Directions: west north, south, east, Community: a place that is made up of many neighborhoods (North Hills) Urban: a city is an urban area (Pittsburgh) Suburb: is an area located near a city (Wexford) Rural: an area with small towns that are far apart (Saxonburg) Capital: a city where the leaders of a state work together (Harrisburg) Our continent is: Our country is: North America The United States Our state is: Our state bird is: Pennsylvania Ruffed Grouse Our state flower is: Mountain Laurel