Little Mill MS 1 2015-18 Executive Summary Continuous Improvement Goal (Schools determine the number of goals) AdvancED Standards (Check all that apply) Support from FCS Depts.* (List all that apply) Purpose and Direction 1. Little Mill will increase the percentage of students showing typical or high growth in all subject areas as measured by student growth percentiles. Governance and Leadership X Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems X Using Results for Continuous Improvement 2. Little Mill will continue to build a school culture committed to clear communication, building positive relationships and practicing mutual respect. This goal will be measured by increasing the number of positive responses on student, staff, and parent surveys. X Purpose and Direction 3. Little Mill will continue to prepare students to be productive citizens in a global community. X Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Teaching & Learning Techology & Information Services Special Education Educational Leadership Human Resources Student Support Services Teaching & Learning Public Information & Communications Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership X Teaching and Assessing for Learning X Resources and Support Systems Teaching & Learning Technology & Information Systems Student Support Services Using Results for Continuous Improvement * FCS Depts: Educational Leadership Facilities Finance & Operations Food & Nutrition Services Human Resources Public Inf. & Communications School Safety & Discipline Special Education Student Support Services Superintendent Teaching & Learning Technology & Inf. Services Transportation Little Mill MS 2 2015-16 School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal #1: Little Mill will increase the percentage of students showing typical or high growth in all subject areas as measured by student growth percentiles. SMART Goal: Little Mill will have 63% of its students show typical or high growth in English Language Arts and will show an increase in mathematics from 64% to 66%, in science from 64% to 66%, and in social studies from 73% to 75% as measured by the student growth percentiles. Actions, Strategies and Impact on Student and Adult Resources Needed? Interventions Behavior Timeline Who is (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) (“If…then...” Statements) Responsible? Administer common formative and summative assessments which are aligned to academic standards, using the resulting data to inform instruction. (Data Teams) Provide Tech Tuesday professional learning sessions which offer teachers access to best practices for creating student centered, technology rich learning environments. Provide a format for Professional Learning that allows teachers to pursue their individual passions and work collaboratively with like-minded colleagues. If teachers align standards to common formative and summative assessments, then teacher understanding of standards will increase leading to improved student achievement and increased student growth. If teachers develop the skills to provide a student centered, technology rich learning environment, then students will demonstrate increased ability to think critically and solve problems, resulting in increased student growth. If Professional Learning is focused on teachers’ individual passions that are tied to school improvement, then there will be a positive impact on student achievement, school culture, and the greater school community. 1-3 years Administrative Team Certified Teachers 1-3 years Instructional Technology Specialist Certified Teachers Administrative Team 1-3 years Administrative Team Certified Teachers Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: The Leadership Team meets monthly to review and revise the Smart Goal and the action steps as necessary. Monthly “Coffee and Conversation” times (i.e., faculty meetings) and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) meetings will be opportunities for the teachers to provide feedback. Little Mill MS 3 Continuous Improvement Goal #2: Little Mill will continue to improve the culture and climate of the school community. SMART Goal: Little Mill will continue to build a school culture committed to clear communication, building positive relationships and practicing mutual respect. This goal will be measured by increasing the number of positive responses on student, staff, and parent surveys. Actions, Strategies and Impact on Student and Adult Resources Needed? Interventions Behavior Timeline Who is (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) (“If…then...” Statements) Responsible? Continue the student behavior and incentive program with revisions made as deemed appropriate based on collected data. Continue to implement communication methods with are effective in sharing needed information in a timely manner with all stakeholders (ex: Facebook, Twitter, Pony Express, Today at Little Mill, Remind101, increased use of itslearning). Implement the 7 Mindsets philosophy. If we continue to implement the student behavior and incentive program with fidelity, school culture will continue in a positive direction as measured by the decreased number of office referrals. If we communicate clearly and completely, then students, staff, and parents will respond positively to being better informed and engaged in the school community If we implement the 7 Mindsets philosophy with integrity and fidelity, then we will see an improvement in the culture and climate of our school. 1-3 years All faculty and staff Leadership Team 1-3 years All faculty and staff Leadership Team Parent organizations/groups (e.g. PTSA, LSC) Student groups (e.g. Student Leadership Team) 1-3 years All faculty and staff Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: The Leadership Team meets monthly to review and revise the Smart Goal and the action steps as necessary. Monthly “Coffee and Conversation” times (i.e., faculty meetings) and frequent grade level meetings will be opportunities for the teachers to provide feedback. Little Mill MS 4 Continuous Improvement Goal #3: Little Mill will continue to prepare students to be productive citizens in a global community. SMART Goal: We will do this through: building and fostering relationships, student-centered learning, technology-rich environment, authentic learning tasks, real world experiences, collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, promoting pride, caring about one another and calculated risk-taking and having a greater sense of personal investment. Actions, Strategies and Impact on Student and Adult Resources Needed? Interventions Behavior Timeline Who is (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) (“If…then...” Statements) Responsible? All staff members will contribute to one of 7 committees: Student Leadership, 7 Mindsets, Media and Technology, Data Teams & Professional Learning, Live Connected, Community Service, NEST, Student Spotlight, and A&I Fair. Use Enrichment Classes as model classrooms. If staff members support the school community by serving on a committee, then we will be able to address the attributes of the learner profile both inside and outside of the classroom, helping our students to become productive citizens in a global community. If the Enrichment classes become model classrooms, then teachers will expand their pedagogical knowledge which will positively influence students to become productive citizens in a global community. 1 – 3 years All Faculty and Staff 1 – 3 years All Certified Teachers Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: The Leadership Team meets monthly to review and revise the Smart Goal and the action steps as necessary. Monthly “Coffee and Conversation” times (i.e., faculty meetings), monthly review of Committee meeting minutes, and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) meetings will be opportunities for the teachers to provide feedback. Little Mill MS 5 2015-16 Professional Learning Plan Professional Learning Goal(s): Provide a format for Professional Learning that allows teachers to pursue their individual passions and work collaboratively with likeminded colleagues. Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s): This goal is tied to Continuous Improvement Goal #1, Little Mill will increase the percentage of students showing typical or high growth in all subject areas as measured by student growth percentiles. We believe that encouraging teachers to pursue a passion that impacts their classroom instruction, affects student achievement, or otherwise contributes to global citizenship for students will naturally increase the growth of students in all academic areas through increased professional knowledge. Date # Hours Description of Learning Activities 3 3 July 31 Pre-Planning (District) 3.5 3 August 3 Pre-Planning 4 August 4 Pre-Planning 2 1 3 July 30 Pre-Planning August 5 Pre-Planning September 2 Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) 2 1.5 October 23 Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) January 4 Prof. Dev. Day (School) 1.5 3.5 3 2 3 Staff participated in team building activities and professional learning that focused on our purpose for the school year. Revisions to school policy as developed by the Leadership Team were shared with staff. Staff participated in 7 Mindsets Training with Duane Moyer as a way to positively impact school culture through increased optimism, confidence, and positive thinking to increase student success. Staff participated in district level collaboration on ItsLearning. Staff planned and collaborated with grade level and subject area peers and attended district level meetings where applicable. Staff participated in grade level, subject area collaboration focused on presenting a positive school culture when parents arrived for Open House. Staff participated in a presentation on 21st Century Learners: Productive Citizens in a Global Community. Staff was given an overview of the expectations associated with this year’s Genius Hour/Passion Project. Presentations on the Code of Ethics for Georgia Educators, Mandated Reporter training, Homeless Student information as well as information about the demographic of our school for teachers new to the building. Focused professional learning groups met to review goals set for the upcoming year and develop action steps. Data Teams will meet in content alike groups to review the process and digital options for data team analysis and record keeping. Other groups met to create/review common assessments and analyze those data sets. Developing intervention strategies to address the needs of those students in the “far to go” and “intervention” groups based on their most recent assessment was addressed in both groups. Professional learning focus groups met to discuss progress on action steps and share information related to each group’s goals for Genius Hour/Passion Project. Staff will participate in district level collaboration on differentiation. Staff will meet in focus groups to collaborate on Genius Hour/Passion Project. Collaborative data teams will meet, review, and analyze mid-year data and goals to determine results indicators as a way to make decisions to impact 2nd semester growth, teaching, and learning. Professional learning focus groups will meet to discuss progress on action steps and develop next steps related to Genius Hour/Passion Project. Little Mill MS 6 February 16 Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) 3.5 3 May 31 Post-Planning 2 June 1 Post-Planning 2 TOTAL HOURS: 49.5 Staff will participate in district level collaboration on differentiation. Staff will collaborate with content level peers to continue with the data team process. They will evaluate results in the improvement cycle. Data Team Leaders will observe and provide feedback as needed. Staff will review year long data related to the behavior plan, interim and common assessments, and professional learning focus groups. Student and parent survey data will also be considered as we measure improvements to school culture and climate. Professional learning focus groups will share with all staff the goals achieved by each group and set new goals for the upcoming year.