Ask Me to Sing Cards In Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade, I like to have the children develop their individual singing voice. I have adopted a method from music educator John Feierabend called “Ask Me to Sing.” In every single music class, we include this activity. The children sit in a circle and I teach them what is considered a “grade appropriate simple song.” The song is easy to memorize, short, and vocally appropriate for their range. Once the children are comfortable singing the song in a group (usually after 2-3 class periods), they get a chance to sing the song by themselves. Usually about 5-6 students get a turn a day. We continue to work on the particular song until every student has had the option to sing it by themselves. The students do not have to participate, although about 95% of each class usually does. After the child performs, they receive an “Ask Me Card.” This card should go home in their take home folders. Once at home, they should hand the card to a family member who will “ask them to sing” the song! This technique allows the children to share a little piece of their music classe with their families. It allows me to also hear and informally assess all of my students’ singing voices! Enjoy listening to these simple songs