2013-16 Executive Summary School Improvement Plan

2013-16 Executive Summary
School Improvement Plan
School Name: Chattahoochee Elementary School 9/29/13
AdvancED Standards
FCS Departments
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Resources and Support Systems
Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Academics & Accountability
Educational Leadership
Facilities and Operations
Finance and Operations
Food and Nutrition Services
Continuous Improvement Goal
Teachers will fully engage in the data team
process, using data in a continuous
improvement cycle to determine student
needs and strategies for small group
 Tri-weekly data team meetings
 Disaggregation of data to determine
student needs
 Matching student needs to available
resources and programs
 Quarterly grade level meetings with
Admin team to review Data Team
Human Resources
Public Information and Communications
School Safety and Discipline
Special Education
Student Support Services
Technology and Information Services
AdvancED Standards
Support from FCS Department(s)
Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous
5.2 Professional and support staffs
continuously collect analyze and apply learning
from data sources, including comparison and
trend data about student learning, instruction,
program evaluation, and organizational
5.3 Professional and support staff is trained in
the evaluation, interpretation, and use of data.
5.4 The school engages in a continuous process
to determine verifiable improvements in
student learning, including readiness and
success at the next level.
Finance and Operations
Monetary Support to Build Leveled
Book Library
Academics & Accountability
Continued PD Support for Rigorous
Reading Instruction
Continued Data Team Trainings
Guided Math Training, IKAN/GLOS
Performance Based Assessment PD
Problem Based Assessment PD
ELA and Math Literacy Leaders Ongoing
Training and Support
Continued Technology PD and Support
at the Classroom Level
Continued Gifted Certification Class
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
All teachers will provide their students with
quality differentiated, flexible small group
instruction in reading, writing, and math on a
daily basis in K-5 and in phonics in K-2.
 Differentiation through content,
process and product based on continual
assessment of student growth.
 Implementation of Daily 5
 Increased use of non-fiction text
 Use of Mentor texts across content
 K-5 Implementation of Lucy Calkins
CCSS Writing Program
 Increased use of The 4c’s and
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
3.3 Teachers engage students in their learning
through instructional strategies that ensure
achievement of learning expectations.
3.4 School leaders monitor and support the
improvement of instructional practices of
teachers to ensure student success.
3.6 Teachers implement the school’s
instructional process in support of student
3.7 Mentoring, coaching and induction
programs support instructional improvement
consistent with the school’s values and beliefs
about teaching and learning.
Academics & Accountability
Continued PD Support for Rigorous
Reading Instruction
Continued Data Team Trainings
Guided Math Training, IKAN/GLOS
Performance Based Assessment PD
Problem Based Assessment PD
ELA and Math Literacy Leaders Ongoing
Training and Support
Continued Technology PD and Support
at the Classroom Level
Continued Gifted Certification Class
Administrators and classroom teachers will
implement the TKES process.
 Familiarize and acclimate all staff to the
TAPS process
 Utilize observational data to increase
the SGPs and SLOs
Standard 2: Governance and Leadership
The school operates under governance and
leadership that promote and support student
performance and school effectiveness.
Educational Leadership
 Continued support in TKES and LKES
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: Raise the CCRPI Score
SMART Goal: Increase Reading scores school wide
School Name: Chattahoochee Elementary School
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices guide
and ensure teacher effectiveness and
student learning.
Literacy Team consisting of Reading
Literacy Coach, EIP Teachers, ESOL
Teachers and Math Literacy Coach
scheduled to meet with teachers every
three weeks to facilitate Data Teams
(IST/SST/RTI/Gifted) and support
differentiated instruction
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices guide
and ensure teacher effectiveness and
student learning.
Grade Level Power Planning every week
for job embedded professional learning;
ITS and Literacy Team supports the
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
Vertical K-2 implementation of Reading
Horizons phonics program
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
School Year: 2013-2014
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
If teachers collaboratively engage in
the Data Team process to monitor
student progress, then interventions
will be supplied with fidelity to
students at risk while others will be
challenged at appropriate levels.
This will result in higher levels of
success on the CRCT.
If teachers collaboratively engage in
lesson planning with Literacy Team
facilitation then students will achieve
at higher levels on the CRCT.
If all K-2 Homeroom and Support
teachers follow the Reading Horizons
program with fidelity students will
increase reading and writing efficacy.
Results will be evident in at least a
year’s growth in F and P levels and
writing portfolios will show an increase
in spelling efficacy.
Every three weeks
beginning 8/26/135/19/14
conferences with
Admin at mid-year
and end of year
Every three weeks
beginning 8/26/135/19/14
8/12/13 5/23/14
Literacy Team, Grade Chairs
Literacy Team, Grade Chairs
Reading Horizons Teacher
K-2 Homeroom and Support
Teachers and Paras
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
The school’s curriculum,
instructional design, and
assessment practices guide and
ensure teacher effectiveness and
student learning.
Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: Raise the CCRPI Score
SMART Goal: Increase Reading scores school wide
School Name: Chattahoochee Elementary School
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
K-5 Implementation of Daily 5 Guided
Reading structure for balanced reading
K-5 Implementation of Daily 5 Guided
Reading with reading in the content
areas of Science and Social Studies
embedded in differentiated group
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
School Year: 2013-2014
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
If K-5 Homeroom and support teachers
follow the Daily 5 structure during the
scheduled Reading block, students will
receive differentiated reading
instruction and will achieve at higher
levels in reading on the CRCT and FCS
8/12/13 -5/23/14
If K-5 Homeroom and support teachers
follow the Daily 5 structure during the
scheduled Reading block and embed
reading instruction using Science and
Social Studies text then students will
achieve at higher levels in reading and
Science and Social Studies on the CRCT
and on FCS Interims for Reading.
8/12/13 -5/23/14
Leveled Readers
County support in training
K-5 Teachers and Support
Leveled Readers in Media
Literacy and non-fiction
County support in training
K-5 Teachers and Support
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: Raise the CCRPI Score
SMART Goal: Increase Writing scores school wide
School Name: Chattahoochee Elementary School
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
K-5 implementation of Lucy Calkins
Common Core Writing Program
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Grade Level Power Planning every week
for job embedded professional learning;
ITS and Literacy Team supports the
Literacy Team consisting of Reading
Literacy Coach, EIP Teachers, ESOL
Teachers and Math Literacy Coach
scheduled to meet with teachers every
three weeks to facilitate Data Teams
(IST/SST/RTI/Gifted) and support
differentiated instruction
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
School Year: 2013-2014
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
If all K-5 Homeroom and Support
teachers follow the Lucy Calkins
Writing Program with fidelity, students
will increase writing efficacy. Results
will be evident in progress shown in
student writing samples and rubrics in
writing portfolios and on the3rd and 5th
grade Writing Tests.
If teachers collaboratively engage in
lesson planning with Literacy Team
facilitation then students will achieve
at higher levels on the Writing Test.
8/12/13 -5/23/16
Three-five years to
see full growth
potential, we
predict some
student growth in
Lucy Calkins Writing Program
Every three weeks
beginning 8/26/135/19/14
Literacy Team, Grade Chairs
If teachers collaboratively engage in
the Data Team process to monitor
student progress, then interventions
will be supplied with fidelity to
students at risk while others will be
challenged at appropriate levels.
This will result in higher levels of
success on the Writing Test.
Every three weeks
beginning 8/26/135/19/14
Literacy Team, Grade Chairs
K-5 Homeroom and Support
Teachers and Paras
Literacy Team
conferences with
Admin at mid-year
and end of year
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: Raise the CCRPI Score
SMART Goal: Increase Math scores school wide
School Name: Chattahoochee Elementary School
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Grades K-5 implementation of Guided
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
If all K-5 Homeroom and Support
teachers teach in small differentiated
groups for math instruction, then
students will increase in math efficacy.
Results will be evident in FCS Interims
and on the CRCT.
8/12/13 -5/23/13
District Support with math
K-5 Homeroom and Support
Math Literacy Coach
K-5 Training in performance based math
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
School Year: 2013-2014
Grade Level Power Planning every week
for job embedded professional learning;
ITS and Literacy Team supports the
If K-5 Homeroom and support teachers
include daily performance based math
tasks in math groups and teach
students the process through
modeling, small group and individual
task performances then students will
achieve at higher levels in math on the
CRCT and FCS Interims.
If teachers collaboratively engage in
lesson planning with Literacy Team
facilitation then students will achieve
at higher levels on the CRCT.
8/12/13 -5/23/14
K-5 Teachers and Support
District Support with math
Math Literacy Coach
Every three weeks
beginning 8/26/135/19/14
Literacy Team, Grade Chairs
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
AdvancED Standards
(check all that apply)
Purpose and Direction
Governance and Leadership
Teaching and Assessing for
Resources and Support
Using Results for
Continuous Improvement
AdvancED Standard(s)
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for
The school’s curriculum, instructional
design, and assessment practices
guide and ensure teacher
effectiveness and student learning.
Annual School Improvement Plan
Continuous Improvement Goal: Raise the CCRPI Score
SMART Goal: Increase Math scores school wide
School Name: Chattahoochee Elementary School
Actions, Strategies and
(Includes Professional
Learning Plan)
Literacy Team consisting of Reading
Literacy Coach, EIP Teachers, ESOL
Teachers and Math Literacy Coach
scheduled to meet with teachers every
three weeks to facilitate Data Teams
(IST/SST/RTI/Gifted) and support
differentiated instruction
Impact on Student and
Adult Behavior
School Year: 2013-2014
Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
(“If…then...” Statements)
If teachers collaboratively engage in
the Data Team process to monitor
student progress, then interventions
will be supplied with fidelity to
students at risk while others will be
challenged at appropriate levels.
This will result in higher levels of
success on the CRCT.
Every three weeks
beginning 8/26/135/19/14
Literacy Team, Grade Chairs
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.
2013-14 Professional Learning Plan
for School Improvement Planning
School Name: Chattahoochee Elementary School
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
Advanced ED Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Chattahoochee will increase the CCRPI score
# Hours
Description of Learning Activities
August 1
Pre-Planning (School)
Teacher effectiveness training. Todd Whitaker; The Teacher is the Variable
Data Team for Results Training
August 2
Pre-Planning (District)
August 5
FCS Report Card Trainings
IST/SST/RTI meetings with classroom and support teachers w/Admin, EIP, ESOL, Sped teachers facilitating
Learning rotations: Guided Math, Lucy Calkins Writing, Guided Reading with Daily 5
Building culture for increased team effectiveness; Colors Training with Susie Brookshire
Grade Level Data team meetings with Admin and Literacy Team
August 6 Pre-Planning
August 7
August 28 ER/Prof. Dev. (School)
September 18 ER/Prof. Dev. (District)
January 6
Prof. Dev. Day (School)
Team Lesson Planning with ITS and Literacy Team leaders
Safety Training
Technology training and BYOT
CCGPS Math training; Performance Based Tasks
Science and Social Studies Vertical Curriculum Mapping K-5; Increasing Reading in the Content Areas
BYOT and the 4 C’s; Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity
Mid Year Data Team Presentations of results by grade level to Admin and Literacy Team inclusive of Writing
F and P levels/Reading portfolios and Math journals
Grade Level collaborative goal setting and lesson planning with Literacy Team support
Thinker Keys Training facilitated by Literacy Team
Grade Level collaborative goal setting and lesson planning with Literacy Team support
February 14
Prof. Dev. Day (District a.m.)
May 27
EOY Data Team Presentations by grade level to Admin and Literacy Team inclusive of Writing Portfolios,
F and P levels/Reading portfolios and Math journals
May 28
Data Team Dig of CRCT results and Writing results
Goal setting and “If/Then” chart completed
Total Hours: 46.5
© 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.