Capacity to Care Caregiver Awareness Campaign January 24, 2013

Capacity to Care
Caregiver Awareness Campaign
January 24, 2013
Hosted by RARE Operations Partners:
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Minnesota Hospital Association, Stratis Health
Our host today will be…
Kim McCoy
Kim McCoy, provides leadership on health care
quality initiatives throughout Minnesota. She
supports development and implementation of
Minnesota’s participation in the Patient Safety and
Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaborative, a
national initiative to reduce adverse drug
events. Kim provides technical assistance to
participating pharmacists and health care teams to
successfully integrate medication therapy
management and clinical pharmacy services into
their organizations. She also provides leadership
for the RARE Campaign.
Kim holds a Master of Science degree in Health
Services Research and a Master of Public Health
degree in Public Health Administration from the
University of Minnesota.
Why RARE Conversations?
January’s Conversation…
Capacity to Care
Caregiver Awareness Campaign
Sharing their work:
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
More about the presenters…
Kirsten M. Johnson
Kirsten Johnson is the Community Initiatives Manager
at the Wilder Center for Communities. Johnson’s work
focuses on engagement, collaboration and systems
change addressing complex challenges impacting the
communities that Wilder serves.
Johnson studied Political Science and Women’s Studies
at the University of Minnesota and has worked in the
nonprofit sector on program and community development
for fifteen years. Prior to coming to the Wilder
Foundation, Johnson’s work supported a variety of
nonprofit organizations including the StreetWorks
Collaborative, VEAP, and Arc Greater Twin Cities.
More about the presenters…
Maureen Kenney
Maureen Kenney is the Caregiver Services Program
Manager at Wilder’s Community Services for Aging.
Kenney leads a team supporting informal caregivers of
older adults through resource referral, education,
support and consultation. Kenney has Master of Public
Affairs degree from the Humphrey Institute and has
worked in healthcare and the nonprofit sector for over
25 years. Prior to joining the team at Wilder, Kenney
worked to assist families transitioning off public
assistance in rural MN and transforming communitybased service delivery for waiver eligible older adults
and persons with physical or mental health disabilities
in rural Wisconsin.
Capacity to Care
Caregiver Awareness Campaign
noun: family member, friend, or neighbor
who takes care of a
frail or disabled older person.
Approximately 43.5 million Americans
provide part or full-time care for another
adult age 50 or over.
Almost half (46%) of family caregivers
perform medical/nursing tasks – the
majority of these caregivers (53%) also act
as care coordinators.
Source: National Alliance for Caregiving, 2009; Home Alone: Family Caregivers Providing Complex Chronic Care – AARP, United Hospital Fund.
More than 500,000 Minnesotans provide
care for a family member, friend or
Less than 19% of these people identify as a
Source: 2005 Survey of Older Minnesotans; 2001 AARP Caregiver Identification Study
People who don’t know they are
caregivers don’t seek support.
Identifying as a caregiver is the first,
and most important step,
a person in this role can take.
Source: 2001 AARP Caregiver Identification Study
Caregiver Awareness Campaign
Increase Caregiver Identification
Target Audience:
Current caregivers – primarily people age
40-65 caring for an aging parent or age
65-85 caring for a spouse
Dissemination Strategies:
Media – Print, radio, transit shelters
Social Media – Facebook, Google
Partnership – Dissemination Toolkit
Campaign Impact
• Framing our impact:
– Goal was awareness not action
– Difficult to measure “light bulb” moment
• Over 16,000 unique visitors to
• Generated 1.6 million Media Impressions
• According to KC the standard in the industry is that
.2% is a successful click thru rate for advertising
– Facebook Ad Click-Thru Rate: 0.02%
– Google Click-Thru Rate: 0.03%
– Landing Page Click-Thru Rate: .4%
Tool Kit CD – Available now!
Interested in using the campaign?
Wilder has created a Tool Kit CD with sized
artwork for posters, brochures,
e-blasts, magnets and more!
If you are interested in receiving the
Tool-Kit CD please email
Next Steps
• Continuation & Dissemination
– Distributed over 130 Tool Kit CDs
– Corporate Sponsorship strategy
• Phase 2 – Identification to Action
– Social Media
• Partnership
Please answer polling questions from your computer.
Polling Questions:
• Who’s on the call?
– Hospital Staff
– Nursing Home Staff
– Clinic Staff
• How many of you would say your care setting
views caregivers as part of the care team?
Not Really
Not at All
Polling Questions:
• Do you identify caregivers in your EHR?
– Yes
– No
– Implementation in progress
RARE Conversations
Upcoming RARE Events:
RARE Webinar, Role of Community Health Workers in Preventing Avoidable
Readmissions, Tuesday February 26, 2013, 12 noon -1p.m.
RARE Rapid Action Learning Day, April, 2013
RARE Conversations
To suggest future topics for this series, “RARE
Conversations” networking, contact Kathy Cummings,
Thank You for Your Participation!
A recording of this RARE Conversation will be
available within 3 days and posted on the RARE