Document 17910659

 Infectious diseases that are spread from person
to person through intimate sexual contact
 Dangers of STI’s
Most STI’s can be cured! There are more than 50
different types of STI’s that range from lifethreatening to merely irritating.
STI’s – The Hidden Epidemic
 Many StI’s go ________________
 Many STI’s can be ______________ – without
 Results…
1. People who do not seek treatment b/c they do
not know they are infected
2. People who are infected but don’t know will
continue to transmit STI’s
3. People who contract an STI from someone
who is infected (without knowing) will pass the
STI on to others.
Consequences of STI’s
STI’s can be serious and can cause major
damage to the body
- some are ______________________
- some cause ____________________
- some can cause _________________
- some can be passed from _________ to
________, before, during, or after_______
Categories of STI’s
STI’s are classified as 1 of 3 types:
Bacterial STI’s
- Single cell organism capable of
reproducing on their own
- can be cured by using _____________
prescribed by a doctor
- Can be _______, but many times the
__________ caused by the STI cannot be
Bacterial STI’s
 Chlamydia – most ____________ STI
- If left untreated, it will cause serious painful
infections of the ____________ tract and
discharge in men.
- MOST females show ____ symptoms – if they
do, painful urination, vaginal discharge, bleeding
- If left untreated, can result in PID or ________
in both sexes
- enters the body by the mouth, rectum, vagina
Bacterial STD’s
 _________ – infection of the urinary tract of males
and females, and the reproductive organs of
- painful urination and discharge.
- Symptoms in females can be very____ and may
not be noticed. If left untreated, __________in
both sexes.
- An infected female can transmit gonorrhea to her
baby during birth which can cause __________
- enters by direct mucous membrane contact
during sex through mouth, penis, vagina, anus
and throat
Bacterial STI’s
 Syphilis – multi staged STI
- stage one is characterized by a small painless
sore called a _____________ sore
- stage 2 – secondary syphilis – begins 2-8 weeks
after the first stage. _____-like symptoms, sores in
the mouth, non itch rash on hands and feet
- stage 3 – _______stage - symptoms disappear
for years, but the bacteria attacks the brain and
the circulatory system. Damage that occurs in this
stage is permanent and can cause death
- enters the body through mucous membrane
contact w/ sores during sex by penis, vagina,
anus, mouth or break in skin
Long term Problems:
- paralysis
- convulsions
- blindness
- heart disease
-mental retardation
- unborn child can be born with damage to
nervous system or can die during birth
Viral STI’s
Virus – small organisms that are unable to
reproduce on their own – need a _______
There are _____ cures for viral STI’s
 They can lie dormant without any
symptoms for periods of times
Symptoms can be relieved using antiviral
Viral STI’s
_________ – most serious and deadly STI
Aids is the final stage of infection by a
virus known as the HIV virus - Human
Immunodeficiency Virus
Virus is passes from one person to
another through contact with an infected
person’s _________ fluids – usually
semen or vaginal secretions, or blood
Con’t AID’s
 Symptoms – within 3-4 weeks of exposure to HIV
an infected person experiences flu-like
 They disappear and it may be years in which the
person feels fine and show no outward signs
 Meanwhile, Helper T cells are being destroyed,
allowing for opportunistic diseases to occur due
to a weak immune system. Aids victims usually
die from
 1. Pneumocystis Carinii - rare from of
 2. Kaposi’s Sarcoma - cancerous tumors that
spread throughout the body
Viral STI’s
 Genital Warts – most ____________ viral STI
 Caused by the human papilloma virus
-once a person is infected, the virus remains in
the body forever. Infections occurs by physical
contact, sexual or other wise.
- One to eight months after infections, _______
appear in clusters, usually in the genital area.
- Can cause ___________ cancer in women.
- Warts can be removed by a physical, but the
virus remains
- transmitted through sex
Viral STI’s
 Genital Herpes clusters of painful________ that
appear on or around the genitals
 First outbreak in usually the ___________
 New eruptions appear to be related to ________
 Most contagious whenever blisters are present –
should refrain from sexual intercourse during
outbreak of blisters or while they are healing
 transmitted by direct, intimate contact through
penis, vagina, anus, mouth, and can be
transferred to the eyes if sore is touched
Viral STI’s
 Hepatitis B – an STI that attacks the _________
 Spread through contact of infected, blood,
semen or saliva and transmitted by penis,
vagina, anus, mouth, skin breaks, blood
 Virus can survive on objects for_____________
 Symptoms – fever, fatigue, loss of appetite,
 Can cause serious liver damage
 No cure, but there is an effective vaccine
Parasitic STI’s
 Parasite – an organism that lives on or in a host
organism and gets its food from its host.
 Parasites can be killed with ____________
- Pubic lice – female lice attack eggs to the pubic
hair and skin - causes intense itching.
Symptoms – itching, rash, pinhead sized blood
spots on underwear.
Treatment consists of a special medicated
- can be acquired from dirty bed lines, clothing,
Parasitic STI’s
Scabies – mites burrow into the ______
and lay eggs.
They cause red, swollen itchy bumps.
Enter into the skin by either sex or skin
Symptoms – itching in the genital area
Treatment included hot baths and
medicated creams
Parasitic STI’s
Trichomoniasis: a parasite that causes ________,
which is the term for inflammation of the vagina
 Female Symptoms: thick vaginal discharge –
gray or greenish in color, ______ _______
 Male – none, or mild burning when urinating, or
temporary irritation inside his penis
 Can live for a few hours on _______ towels,
washcloths, bathing suits
 Treatment: ___________ from a doctor - curable
Where to get help
Prevention of STI’s is everyone’s
Physical Responsibility – STI’s can cause
major, life long damage to the body
- embarrassment should not stop you
from seeking help
Where to get help
Social Responsibility – you have a social
responsibility to tell all people that you
have had sexual contact with!
Abstain from all sexual activity until treated
Do not donate blood, organs or semen
Where to get help
Places to Turn:
Private Physician
Health Clinic