Rise of the Nation-State And Royal absolutism

Rise of the Nation-State
And Royal absolutism
2. The Spanish sent this against England in 1588 only to get absolutely destroyed in the ensuing battle.
6. What came to be known as Russia was originally called ______.
7. Russia under Peter the Great tried to _____ her culture by modeling it after the French.
9. Amount of power sought by the monarchs of this time period.
10. This country stood (geographically) between the H.R.E. and Russia in 1600 AD.
12. Ferdinand and Isabella unified this country with their marriage in 1469 and completed its Reconquista in 1492.
13. All countries sought colonies in order to gain _____ which = power, typically through the mercantilist system of trade.
16. Popular name for kings of France.
18. The Magna _____, along with tradition, limited the power of the king in England.
20. Popular name for kings of Prussia
22. People who paid the taxes in France in order to make the nobles happy.
24. Minority religion in England, these folks fled to America, especially Mass. Bay Colony.
27. This king of France converted to the Catholic Faith in order to make the Catholics in his country happy.
30. Mary, Queen of Scots, James I (VI) and Charles I were ______ (family name).
32. This family unified the thrones of England and Scotland when James I (James VI) came to power.
33. The young lady who saved France during the Hundred Years' War = Joan of Arc.
34. This Catholic cardinal supported the Protestants in the Thirty Years' War (in the H.R.E.), because he placed his nation above
his faith, and the war benefited France.
1. The Edict of _____ allowed for toleration of Huguenots in France.
3. The ____ Years' War in the 1300s and 1400s was a major issue in the rise of national unity in France and England early on.
4. Louis XIII placed these people in administrative positions in order to weaken the powers of the nobles in France.
5. This was the weakest, least unified country that we spoke of in Europe during this time period.
8. Most consistent opponents of royal absolutism regardless of the country.
11. James I of England claimed to rule by ______ right.
14. The war that brought the Tudor family to power in England in the late 1400s was the War of the ____.
15. Name of nobles in Germany.
17. Louis XIV of France was known as the ____ King.
19. Besides Spain, the Hapsburg Family ruled over what other country/principality.
20. The international language and most refined culture of this period.
21. As the king grew stronger, he tended to use national taxes to pay for national ____.
23. Name of nobles in Russia.
24. This country/principality was known especially for its military.
25. Practically enslaved people of Russia.
26. Russia expanded in this direction in order to gain a warm water port on the Baltic Sea.
28. The leaders of Russia were referred to as this word that is the equivalent of Caesar.
29. The _________-General was the "Congress" of France that stood in the way of absolutism in that country.
31. 1550-1650 was Spain's _____ Age.