Advanced Freshman English Syllabus


Advanced Freshman English Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Klingelhoffer


Location: Room 303

Phone Number: 630-784-7300

Welcome to Freshman A! Through the practice of this course, students will be able to analyze literature, write and revise formal essays, present researched information in spoken and written form, and improve their overall writing, reading, and speaking skills. Students are accountable for a great deal of work that demands expert and proficient skills in all areas. The novels first semester include A Separate

Peace, Great Expectations, and Bless the Beasts and Children. The novels second semester include Oedipus the King, Romeo and Juliet, and A

Raisin in the Sun.

Required Course Materials:


You must purchase Great Expectations: Prestwick House Literary Touchstone Classics version ISBN#: 978-1-58049-349-9 and also

Romeo and Juliet: Folger’s Edition ISBN 0-7434-7711-1


A 5 Subject Notebook for first semester labeled as follows:

 (1) Short Stories/Perfect Narrative/Poetry

 (2) A Separate Peace

 (3) Great Expectations


A 5 Subject Notebook for second semester labeled as follows:

 (1) Research

 (2) Oedipus the King

 (3) Romeo and Juliet


Glue or tape


Pens or pencils


Post-It notes



 (4) Bless the Beasts and Children

 (5) Advertising

 (4) A Raisin in the Sun

 (5) Freshman Play

Ms. Klingelhoffer’s Classroom Expectations and Procedures

Assigned Seats: Seats will be assigned, and students will follow that plan. If a change is necessary, speak with me after class, or give me a note explaining your request.

Food and Beverages: No food is permitted in this class. (This is a school-wide policy as many students have food allergies.)

Leaving the Room: Students will ask Mr. Klingelhoffer for permission before leaving the room for any reason. They will be required to take a pass to prove that they have permission. Leaving the room should be infrequent, and students may lose this privilege if it is abused. Also, please wait until the bell rings to pack up or leave your seat.

Electronic Devices: All electronic devices must be powered down before entering the classroom and may not be used during class without the permission of Ms.Guzdziol. If your cell phone goes off during class, disciplinary actions may follow.

Submitting Work: All work is due at the start of class. Please do not print anything off during class time. Get it printed before class or else it is considered late.

Late Work:

For Major Assignments: Must be submitted early or on time, otherwise you will earn a “0” for the assignment. Due on its due date WITHOUT

EXCEPTION! Assignments must be handed in before 2:15 pm! Get them here by any means necessary. Also, if you know ahead of time that you’ll be absent on the day of a deadline, see me to make arrangements.

For Daily Assignments: You will receive 50% off for late work--always! It is an English Department Policy that all students make up missing work in the

English Resource Room. If you do not turn in work, it will be completed during class time. So, do it the first time around!

Plagiarism is a very serious matter: If you are caught plagiarizing in this class, the grade is an automatic zero. There are no exceptions, and you will not be allowed to rewrite the assignment or make up the grade. Coaches, guidance counselors, and parents will also be notified.

Public Speaking/Presentations: For every major reading or writing assignment, you may be asked to present the information in a creative way. This will not only demonstrate your understanding of the material, but also provide opportunities for you to improve your public speaking skills.

Final Exam: Students are expected to keep a portfolio of all assignments completed in this class. Therefore, do not throw anything away during the duration of the semester. We need it for the final. The final exam is worth 20% of your grade.

Grades: The following is a summary of how your grade will be broken down this semester. Here are the percentages:

20%-Final 20%-Quizzes and Tests 20%-Participation 40%-Writing

Dear Parents and Guardians: My name is Joe Klingelhoffer, and I am your son or daughter’s Advanced Freshman

English teacher. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and the components of the freshman

English course. In class, your child received a copy of the course syllabus (with listed materials) and together, we reviewed classroom policies and procedures. Though the students and I covered this information, I ask that you review these documents so that both you and your child are aware of all course policies. Then, please sign and return the bottom of this form by Friday August 23 rd . Here are a few details I would like to highlight:

 You must purchase Great Expectations: Prestwick House Literary Touchstone Classics version ISBN#:

978-1-58049-349-9 and Romeo and Juliet: Folger’s Edition ISBN 0-7434-7711-1 by Friday August 30 th

(Please tell student to have proof of purchase by this date: either the actual book or a receipt with proof of purchase)

 I update grades using the Synergy program, typically on a weekly basis. Both students and parents have access to this information on your Parentvue account.

 After an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to gather materials and find out what was missed. I post all assignments each night on my teacher page (Wheaton North/English/Gina Guzdziol/Freshman

A) Please tell your child to check there and print off any work they missed to stay caught up.

 I stress that frequent and regular attendance strongly correlates with academic success in this class!

 In regards to plagiarism, I follow the Wheaton North English Department Plagiarism Policy (see the reverse side of this sheet) which states that copying another’s work and turning it in as one’s own is considered plagiarism. Students will not receive any credit for plagiarized work, whether it is a homework assignment, major writing project, or exam.

 If a student is absent on the day of an in-class presentation or project, I ask that a parent call and leave a message on my voicemail or send me an e-mail BEFORE the presentation so that I can adjust our schedule accordingly.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns. E-mail is the best way to reach me during the school day, but I do check my school voicemail each day. All contact information is listed below. I am dedicated to student success in the classroom and I encourage you to take an active role in your child’s education. Thank you for your support and I look forward to the semester ahead!


Joe Klingelhoffer

English Teacher, Wheaton North H.S.


I have reviewed the course syllabus and the Wheaton North English Department Plagiarism Policy with my child and he/she understands the classroom expectations and policies.

__________________________________ __________________________________

(parent/guardian printed name) (signature of parent/guardian)

Please list preferred contact information below (email address or phone number).

Email or phone:

I have read the course syllabus, classroom policies, and the Wheaton North English Department Plagiarism Policy.

I am aware of my responsibilities and will seek clarification when I am unsure of expectations.


(student printed name)


(student signature)
