Freshman Advanced English Perfect Narrative

Freshman Advanced English
Perfect Narrative
DUE DATE: ______________________________
YOUR TASK: Think of a powerful, specific memory in your past that has helped define you as a person.
Using proper MLA format, write a short story using details to help the reader visualize this moment
in your life. During each revision you will focus on a different punctuation, grammar, or writing
technique that must be implemented into your paragraph.
PURPOSE: This paper is intended to test your understanding of the grammar boot camp work we
do in class and test your application of the opening non-fiction readings. This paper should be error
free and thoughtfully done through the revision process.
WHY NARRATIVE? Narrative writing is very important in your day-to-day life. In the future, you
will write texts, e-mails, cover letters, blogs, etc. about your beliefs, your ambitions, information you
know, and feelings you have. What could be more important? Narrative writing in fiction and nonfiction (and even poetry) tells others the stories of our personal experiences and allows us to gain
empathy and sympathy about the world around us. Plus it is fun!
Before submitting, please highlight and label (using different colors and a comment key) the following
elements of your paper.
Proper punctuation (demonstrate a minimum of the following requirements to show your
understanding. You are not just graded on “throwing them in your story” but how
seamlessly they are used within your story.)
o At least 3 sentences demonstrating 3 different comma rules (introductory phrase,
offsetting nonessential information, compound adjectives, etc.)
o At least 1 sentence showing understanding of periods
o At least 1 sentence showing understanding of question marks
o At least 1 sentence showing understanding of exclamation marks
o At least 1 sentence showing the use of an ellipsis
o At least 1 sentence showing understanding semi-colons
o At least 1 sentence showing understanding of colons
o At least 1 sentence showing understanding of dashes or parentheses
o At least 1 sentence showing understanding of hyphens
o At least 1 sentence showing understanding of plural, possessive, and plural
Also, adhere to the following:
MLA Format
Use of Active Voice
Grammar and Capitalization
Specific Diction (Intentional Word Choice, Contributes to Tone)
Tone (Established, Fitting for Narrative)
Creatively (Literary Devices)
Theme (Shown, Dynamic)
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Perfect Narrative Rubric
Papers that are not in MLA format will not be collected!______/ 30 Points Total
Grammar Bootcamp (18 Points)
Comments for Punctuation and/or Grammar Rules
“Rules are mixed in with MASTERY”
“Rules fit naturally into writing”
“Rules enhance the reading experience”
“Rules seem forced and jarring”
“Rules are not followed or used incorrectly”
“Rules are unnatural and/or confusing”
3 Different Commas
Question Mark
Exclamation Mark
Dash or Parentheses
Plural, Possessive, and
Plural Possessive
Deductions (improper MLA
format, ANY mistakes, late,
improper revisions,
improper use of class time,
Writing (12 Points)
Diction and Tone
Word choice is advanced, creating vivid images that contribute to
tone. Author has a specific, unique voice.
Literary Devices are attempted and fitting. Story is heartfelt and
moving and highlights a specific, life changing moment.
Alteration of perspective/how your life changed is unique,
authentic, and expressed subtly. Theme is shown and not told.
Steps for Personal Narrative Writing
Otto 1
M. Otto
Mrs. Churchill
Compound Adjectives Exclamation Point Question Mark
Period Offsetting Nonessential Information Introductory
Phrase Colon Semi-Colon Apostrophe Dash Hyphen Ellipsis
Freshman A English—5
5 September 2014
Fire that defines and does not break
It was 9:45 at night, and I had just finished volleyball practice. My coach approached me
and told me something happened; she needed to drive me home. On the long car ride home, a
million thoughts rushed through my brain of the worst possible scenarios. Did someone die? Was
there an accident? My phone began to ring over the silence. I answered, and my Mom told me
we had a horrible fire—everything was ruined. She added in that everyone was safe; luckily, no
one was home. When my coach pulled up near my house, the whole street was blocked off and
lined all the way down with the following: fire trucks, paramedics, police cars and ambulances. I
slowly approached my house, as tears started to stream down my face like raindrops. I looked on
the driveway and saw both of my parents crying. They both hugged me, and in that moment, I
realized my life was about to change. I turned to my dad, and his somber faced flashed a small
smile with a tear that came along with it. “It will be ok…we have each other,” my father said. As
I stared up at him, he put his long arm around me and comforted me with his strength and
assertiveness. The cold night turned bitter, as it rolled over into the morning. It was 12 a.m. on a
Tuesday, but my neighbors were not in their beds. They were with us. A familiar figure
approached me with a white, fluffy beard. My neighbor, from across the street, offered me a mug
filled with hot chocolate.He was so friendly-looking that I gladly accepted, and he offered his
house to my family. My parents told me to go in because they would be out there a while. The
warmth of his house filled my heart with appreciation. His wife was standing in the kitchen with
her blonde hair flowing and an empathetic smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around me
and showed me upstairs, where I would be sleeping. I entered a bedroom and pajamas were laid
neatly atop the welcoming bed. I thanked them as they stood generously in the doorway. They
both gave me a hug and told me to sleep tight. My heart raced as I lay still in the bed. It was 3
a.m., and I finally had the chance to sleep. However, I couldn’t. I was overwhelmed and scared,
but I still felt so safe. The door creaked open and my mom entered the room. She smelled of fire
and perfume, but still her presence was so reassuring. She leaned over me and gave me a kiss
while she whispered gently into my ear, “I love you.” My family was left with nothing, but none
of that mattered because of the love we received from others. For about a month my family lived
in a small hotel room, until we moved into our even smaller apartment for the next year! I cannot
imagine not having my family by my side while I was going through this. My parents and
brothers showed so much resilience, and I could not help but follow in their lead. Through this
experience, I learned that family exceeds everything else in importance. A year went by, and I
finally was able to return home. Even though this experience caused my family strife, it shaped
the person I am today.
Compound Adjectives Exclamation Point Question Mark Period Offsetting Nonessential Information
Introductory Phrase Colon Semi-Colon Apostrophe Dash Hyphen Ellipsis
Exit Slip: Example that needs correcting