WHEATON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION INTERMEDIATE TEAM SPORTS SYLLABUS Instructor: Ms. Blacharczyk (Coach B) Office: (630) 784-7300 ext. 8407 E-mail: rebecca.blacharczyk@cusd200.org ** preferred method of communication. Illinois State Goals: Subject Expectation (State Goal 19) The student will acquire movement skills and understand concepts needed to engage in health enhancing physical activity. Subject Expectation (State Goal 20) The student will achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of physical fitness based upon continual self-assessment. Subject Expectation (State Goal 21) The student will develop team-building skills by working with others through physical activity. Course Overview: Designed for the competitive student, Intermediate Team sport engages participants in athletic team activities and competitions. Students are expected to compete on a daily basis in seasonal team sports that may include soccer (four ball-game variation), basketball, football, floor hockey, ultimate Frisbee, and softball. Students must be familiar with the rules of the games, and they should have mastered fundamental skills and strategies of the identified sports. Students in this class will have an opportunity to demonstrate physical competency skills and apply their knowledge of rules, safety, and strategies in a team sport setting. In addition, they will learn cooperative and leadership skills while working to accomplish group goals. Course Objectives: To enhance personal self-worth and increase levels of self-esteem and self-image. To build social skills through participation in team activities. To develop cooperative skill sets including communication, listening, and problem-solving techniques. To get students excited about staying active. Textbooks: None Required Supplies: District 200 PE uniform (shorts and t-shirt), gym shoes, sweatshirt and sweatpants (for colder weather conditions) You will need $1.25 for any day that we go bowling for activity. You will also need socks. If there is a money concern/issue, you must see me as soon as you become aware of our bowling dates so we can discuss alternative activities. Grading Scale: A 90%-100% B 80%-89% C 70%-79% D 60%-69% F 59% and below Grading Policy: Participation Skills Fitness Tests Quizzes Final Exam 65% 15% 10% 5% 5% The grading for the semester will be broken down as follows… a. There are 4 activity units per semester b. Each activity unit is worth 105 points with 75 points for participation (4/day), 10 points for written work and quizzes, and 20 points for skill performance c. 40 points are for fitness testing Students will be deducted 2 points for each day they arrive tardy to class. Daily participation will be scored according to the WNPE participation rubric Make-ups: Students who miss more than 5 days, not related to no-dress days, must make-up participation requirements with a ½ hour workout in the fitness center (make up may vary depending on the situation). If out for a medical reason, the make-ups may vary. Uniform/Dress Code Policies The Physical Education “Fit for Life” or “District 200 Fitness Club” shirt and navy blue mesh or cotton short, and gym shoes are required for participation. Sweats, winter hats, etc. may be worn over the required uniform during cold weather when activities are held outdoors. The District 200 non-compliance policy is as follows... a. 1st offense student loses 5 points, student warning b. 2nd offense student loses 7 points, student warning c. 3rd offense student loses 9 points, parent call, written notice sent home d. 4th offense student loses 11 points, parent call, written notice sent home e. 5th offense student loses 13 points, parent call, written notice sent home f. 6th offense student loses 15 points, parent call, Dept. Chair conference g. 7th offense student loses 17 points, parent call, Guidance notification h. 8th offense student loses 19 points, Dean referral i. After the 8th offense the student will be withdrawn from the class (WF) Participation Policies Short term medical excuses (parental or nurse) are good for 1-3 consecutive days. After 3 days a physician’s note is required. Point deductions may be made if a student is not performing in class. Locker Room Policies Every student is issued a PE lock and is assigned a locker. Students are reminded to lock their lockers at all times. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. Book bags should be stored in the large locker provided during the hour in which the student has PE. Student locks should be taken off the large lockers immediately after class and placed back onto their assigned locker. Class Expectations: Regular attendance. Always show respect for instructors, classmates, and school property. Come to class on time, prepared, and ready to participate. Maintain a positive attitude. Show pride in yourself and in your work. Curriculum Overview: Physical Development Skills Soccer, badminton, ultimate Frisbee, floor hockey, basketball, volleyball, softball, arena ball, and football.