Exhibit 3.4.a.5.a: CPP Sponsored Professional Development Meetings for PDS... Site-Coordinators, Mentors and University-based Clinical Faculty

Exhibit 3.4.a.5.a: CPP Sponsored Professional Development Meetings for PDS Principals,
Site-Coordinators, Mentors and University-based Clinical Faculty
The CPP coordinates regular systematic professional development meetings for Principals,
site-coordinators, mentors and university-based clinical faculty to provide professional
development opportunities to enhance student learning, and to address issues and concerns
and share resources regarding field and clinical experiences. A review of various agenda
and materials identify representative topics that have been addressed are identified below.
Exhibits 3.4.a.5.b-e provide sample documents; additional documentation is available upon
Universal Design for Learning
Finders and Keepers: Helping New Teachers Survive and Thrive--What are
PDS Advantages
Input from PDS Site Liaisons, Mentors and Principals:
What’s working; What would you change
PDS Council—Role, members, beginning agenda; items that you
believe the Council should consider
PD360 as a Tool for Learning & Assessment
Evolving Tech Tools
Five Keys to Collaboration: What Leaders Can Do to Make Sure It Works
Reform in P-20 Education
How will Race to the Top influence change? What we are doing in our PDS roles?
Alternatives/Options for Field Experience Placements