MBRS COMMUNITY RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM PART A ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION A1 ORGANISATIONAL UNIT TO ADMINISTER THE GRANT (i.e. UQ School/Centre/Institute) A2 PROJECT TITLE A3 APPLICANT SUMMARY Family name Initials School/Centre Faculty/ Institute A4 PROJECT SUMMARY A plain language summary of the aims, significance and expected outcomes (approx. 100 words) A5 RESEARCH CLASSIFICATIONS List from highest % to lowest %, and in multiples of 10. FOR and SEO Codes are available from: http://www.uq.edu.au/research/rid/info-codesclassifications. Do not use codes ending in either ‘00’ or ‘0000’, as these are category headings. Field of Research (FOR) A6 % Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) ETHICAL/OTHER CLEARANCES If this application is successful, will you require ethical clearance? Yes No If yes, what category: Animal http://www.uq.edu.au/research/rid/animal-welfare Biosafety http://www.uq.edu.au/ohs/index.html?page=29969 Other Please specify: If UQ Ethical Clearance already exists, insert UQ Clearance No: PART B APPLICANT DETAILS Family name First name Title School/ Centre/Institute Faculty Role Second name 1 CI % Current Degree Program Year commenced Email: B2 ARE YOU ENROLED ON A SCHOLARSHIP? Expected completion Telephone: Yes No B3 ACADEMIC HISTORY Previous university degree history (attach transcripts) Degree program University attended Year completed B4 A STATEMENT OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH CONDUCTED (e.g. Honours), IF ANY Outline previous research conducted with outcomes, maximum of half an A4 page. B5 REFEREED PUBLICATIONS, IF ANY PART C OTHER ACADEMIC SUPPORT Provide the details of any other scholarships or grants awarded or applied for, applicable to your current degree program Asterisk (*) refers to any items that are in the same area of research as this application. Support types (Sup type) are ‘C’ for current support, ‘R’ for requested support, ‘P’ for past support. Description (All named investigators on any grant held (*) by a participant, project title, source of support, scheme) PART D Sup type 2014 2015 2016 2017 ($’000) ($’000) ($’000) ($’000) PROJECT DESCRIPTION Provide the following information in no more than 4 A4 pages and in the required format. D1 PROJECT TITLE D2 AIMS AND SIGNIFICANCE Describe the aims and background to the project; how the research is significant and whether the research addresses an important local problem; how the anticipated outcomes will advance the knowledge base of the discipline in general and relevant local issues in particular; and why the project aims and concepts are novel and innovative. 2 D3 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY Outline the conceptual framework, design and methods and demonstrate that these are adequately developed, well integrated and appropriate to the aims of the project. D4 REFERENCES Include a list of all references within the page limit of 4 A4 pages. This list may be in 10 point font. PART E COMMUNITY CONSULTATION and SIGNIFICANCE Provide the names of community members with whom you have consulted concerning your project. Describe how your project is significant to those individuals and the community. PART F PROPOSED TIMETABLE Provide a proposed timetable of research activities at the station with an indication of the degree of flexibility available in case of conflict with the station schedule. Include facilities, equipment and boating services required. PART G APPLICATION CERTIFICATIONS CERTIFICATION BY APPLICANT I certify that: i) To the best of my knowledge, all the details on this application form are true and complete. ii) I will comply with all necessary UQ policies and procedures in discharging my responsibilities under this scholarship. iii) I understand and agree that all ethical clearances must be met before the proposed research can commence. iv) In submitting this application, I consent to its referral to internal (UQ) and community assessors for consideration. CERTIFICATION BY ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR I certify that: i) I am prepared to have the project, if supported under this scholarship application, carried out in my organisational unit under the circumstances set out by the Applicant. ii) I have noted the amount of time that the Applicant will be devoting to the project and agree that it is appropriate to the degree program. iii) Sufficient funds are available from my resources to cover those costs not covered by the scholarship and also costs the student is expected to incur while completing components of the proposed project not based at MBRS. Signatures of Applicant and Academic Supervisor Person Surname, title and initials (printed) Applicant Signature Supervisor 3 Submit this application by 5pm on the Monday of the fourth teaching week in Semester I and 5pm on the Monday of the fourth teaching week in Semester II to: Research Facilities Faculty of Science The University of Queensland St Lucia Qld, 4072 science.stations@uq.edu.au 4