Sunshine ERC Pilot Project Scoring Sheet Name of Applicant: Project Title: 1 2 3 4 5 Criterion Significance: Sufficient background is provided to establish the importance and innovation of the application in the context of NORA. Specific Aims: The research question is clearly stated with supporting hypotheses as appropriate. Research Methods: The design of the experiments or other data gathering activities are appropriate to the Specific Aims and sufficiently described to demonstrate applicant ability to accomplish the work. Dissemination Plan: The plan is explicit and reasonable (including publications/presentations). Potential for Building Inter-disciplinary and Inter-Institutional Collaboration: While we believe that the greatest impact on health and safety will come from mixed teams, one purpose of the Pilot Project grants is to build OHS skill infrastructure in and around Florida and the application should be judged in that light. If the topic does not lend itself to mixed teams, judge the potential impact if the project is successful. For awards to PhD students, the potential should be viewed in terms of preparing the student for future research. Max 10 10 60 10 10 Total Please provide written comments that may benefit the applicant below. Score