Observation Error in CountBased PVAs Counting few individuals produce accurate results, but… N=23 The easy alternative • Because measured variation in the population growth rate is a surrogate for the environmentally driven variation: • WE JUST ACCEPT THAT OUR ESTIMATES WILL BE OVERLY PESIMISTIC • Because observation error will inflate the measured variation Potential sources of observation error • Observation error is not strictly synonymous of sampling variation (although sampling variation is one potential source of observation error) sampling variation • Considering that growth rate can vary continuously over a broad range of values, the population of all possible growth rates is of infinite size • However, a limited set of yearly censuses can yield only a small subsample of growth rates from this infinite “population” sampling variation • Even if we could measure the size of the ecological population, and therefore its growth rate, with perfect precision each year, observing and counting every individual with complete accuracy, we would still not expect to get exactly the same growth rates if we were to census the population for a different interval of years Thus our estimates will differ • We used the theoretical sampling distributions of the mean and variance of a random normal variable to account for this sampling distribution However… • We are essentially never able to observe and count every individual in an ecological population. • Typically we will estimate total population size at each time by extrapolation from a sample N(1)=1 N(2)=1 N(3)=4 3 quadrats Mean 2*9=18 Median 1*9=9 Obs(mice)=20 N(1)=1 N(2)=2 N(3)=3 3 quadrats Mean 2*9=18 Median 2*9=18 Obs(mice)=20 N(1)=1 N(2)=4 N(3)=5 3 quadrats Mean 3.3*9=30 Median 4*9=36 Obs(mice)=20 N=2000 N=2000 N=2000 N=2000 Sampling variation • the important distinction is that sampling variation is a consequence of limited amounts of data (even if those data are measured accurately), whereas observation error is any inaccuracy in estimates of population size Considerations for reducing observation error before is initiated • Explore and test alternative sampling methods • Carefully describe your sampling protocol • Establish a stratified randomly selected set of census plots • If not possible to count all members of a population, choose the most easily detected subset of individuals • Design data collection and data recording methods that allow sampling effort to be clearly understood and quantified Quantifying observation error while a census is being conducted • Try to quantify its magnitude • Record sampling effort and determine the effort needed to yield acceptable accurate data Hypericum cumulicola How Does An Endangered Plant Become Part of the Family? • By Eréndira Quintana-Morales • Wednesday, August 4, 2004 • HIGHLANDS TODAY Hypericum cumulicola: • Small short-lived perennial herb • Narrowly endemic and endangered • Flowers are small and bisexual • Self-compatible, but requires pollinators to set seed • High degree of genetic population differentiation (Fst = 0.72, n = 34) • Low expected heterozygosity (0.023) Menges et al. (1999) Dolan et al. (1999) Boyle and Menges (2001) Stages Growth se v s m l seedlings vegetative small reproductive medium reproductive large reproductive Reproductive effort Mortality 2 3-6 9-14 >20 Time since fire (years) Quintana-Ascencio et al. (2003) Hypericum cumulicola plants • Catastrophes & Bonanzas Fire Fire killed nearly all plants, but the population rapidly recovered via recruitment from a persistent soil seed bank Hypericum cumulicola • Correlations Population growth & fire Hypericum cumulicola: Ln (lambda) on time since fire Quintana-Ascencio et al. (2003) Hypericum cumulicola habitat Sampling 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 20 30 40 50 30 35 15000 10000 5000 0 0 2 x 10 4 10 60 70 1. 8 1. 6 1. 4 1. 2 1 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0 6 0 x 4 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Correcting for observation errors • This is a complex statistical problem. • All the methods to correct error have limitations!!! Correcting estimates of σ2 when counts represent means of replicated samples • to estimate the population size of an endangered plant, we might count the number of individual plants encountered in a set of quadrats or line transects Typically… • we will compute the mean of this replicated counts as a measure of the average density per sampling unit • Then use the means multiplied by the area occupied by the population • The key point is to recognize that there is sampling variation associated with each of those means σ2 • This sampling variation creates observation error • If we compute the variance of the log population growth rates calculated from the sample means the resulting value will represent an amalgamation of the environmental variance and the sampling variation Partial correction of σ2 for sampling variation • If we consider a single interval between censuses t and t+1, our estimate of the log population growth rate over that interval will be • Logλt=log(Nt+1/Nt) • Because the logλt is a function of the sample means, we can express the variances in the logλt as a function of the sampling variances of the two means. A useful approximation for the sampling variance of the logλt is • Because the Central limit theorem their variances can be approximated by the squared standard error of the mean • Var(logλt)= (1/q)*Σ[(st2/ntNt2)+ [(st+12/nt+1Nt+12)] • σ2 = σ2 - Var(logλt)