Return survey to: Instructions: 1. Highlight and type the word HIDE next to any question that you do not want to ask. (optional) 2. Below, please add your 5 custom questions that will appear at the end of the survey (optional) # Custom Questions (optional) Question type (open-ended, multiple choice, check all that apply) Include answer options if applicable. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Primary Contact (Who will we work with on your campus to deploy this survey): a. Name: b. Email: c. Phone: 4. Survey start/end dates (Recommend 2-weeks. We will send 1-reminder after one week and a final reminder 2 days before the survey closes). a. Start date: b. End date: Shipping and Receiving services Use the buttons at the bottom of each page to move through the survey. Depending on your screen, some pages may require you to use the scroll bar at the right of the screen to move down the page. 1. Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects of Shipping and Receiving Services. If you cannot rate the item or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Accuracy of deliveries to your office Timeliness of deliveries to your office Ability to track package Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA Return survey to: Staff courtesy Staff knowledge Prompt attention to special request(s) 2. Please rate how important each of the following services are to you. If you cannot rate the item, or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". Accuracy of deliveries to your office Timeliness of deliveries to your office Ability to track your package Staff courtesy Staff knowledge Prompt attention to your special request(s) Not at all Important Somewhat Important Important Very Important Extremely Important Don't Know / NA Please respond to the following questions about our website: 3. Have you referred to our website in the last 12 months? 4. No Yes No Please rate your level of overall satisfaction with our services. If you cannot rate the item or it's not applicable, select "Don't Know / NA". 7. Yes Do you feel the information addresses your need(s)? 6. No Is the information on the website easily accessible? 5. Yes Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied Don't Know / NA What can we do to improve our website? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 8. Please tell us what you appreciate the most or what is working well for you regarding our services. Return survey to: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 9. Please describe any difficulties you have had with any aspect of our services. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 10. What suggestions, if any, do you have for improvement of our services? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 11. Please use the space below to add any other comment or feedback you wish to make. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ This survey is anonymous unless you want us to contact you and you provide us with your contact information. If you do provide your contact information, only your comments on this page will be associated with your name. Your responses to individual rating questions and other comments will not be associated with your name. 12. Would you like us to contact you to better understand your concerns or suggestions? 13. Yes No Please briefly describe the topic or issue you would like us to contact you about. Limit your response to the space shown below without use of the scroll bar. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Return survey to: If you wish us to contact you please enter your name and either email or phone number below. Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Please select the answer that best describes you for each of the following. 14. Classification 15. MPP Decline to answer Full-Time Part-Time Decline to answer What is your position type? 17. Staff Are you primarily 16. Faculty Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Other Faculty Decline to answer What is your Division affiliation? __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ 18. Campus_Name __________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Return survey to: Thank you for responding to our survey. Your feedback is important to us. Please select the "Submit" button to complete the survey.