PHOTO PATTERN DATA ELEMENTS: SANDSTONE/SHALE The Appalachian Plateaus- It is often referred to as the Allegheny Plateau (Kanawha Section). This is a mature, unglaciated region intricately dissected by tributaries of the Ohio River System. The upland strata contain coal beds outcropping in horizontal beds. Much of the area is forested. (Humid) Form Ridge, flat-toped, steeply-sloping interbedded layers with sandstone capping, shale more gradually sloping. Drainage Dendritic (medium to coarse) Gully Characteristics Vary, sag-and-swell gullies indicative of cohesive soils. Special Features Steep slopes, heavily forested. Color (Photo Gray Tones) Sandstone appears lighter due to better drainage (dark where forested), shale appears darker. Land Use Sandstone mostly forested, shale has some agriculture. Vegetation Mostly forested on sandstone, some cultivation on shale. Source: Terrain analysis procedural guide for surface configuration, US Army engineer topographic laboratories, p. 7-89