The Road to Revolution Class Notes Crisis in the Colonies

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The Road to Revolution
Class Notes
America, History of Our Nation Textbook Pages 136-165
Use the Crisis in the Colonies the American Nation textbook
pages 138-161 to answer these questions. Answer the following
questions in complete sentences or you will loose half credit!
1. Define the word debt. (Slide 2)
2. How did the parliament raise money for their debt? (Slide 2)
3. What was clear in 1775?
(Slide 2)
4. What was proclaimed in 1749? (Slide 3)
5. What did King George II summon Christopher Gist to do? (Slide 3)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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6. What did land did France claim? (Slide 5)
7. What did France build to protect their lands? (Slide 5)
8. What did the French proclaim? (Slide 5)
9. Why was the Ohio valley so important? (Slide 5)
10. Did the Native Americans want to give up their lands to the
European settlers? (Slide 6)
11. Why did France and England want to make Indian allies? (Slide 6)
12. Were the French people fur trappers or farmers? (Slide 6)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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13. How did the English people feel about the rights of the Indians?
(Slide 7)
14. Why did some of the Indians support the English? (Slide 7)
15. Who walked in the room to meet Captain Joncaire on December
4, 1753? (Slide 8)
16. What was Washington delivering to Captain Joncaire? (Slide 8)
17. Where was England and France fighting in the French and Indian
War? (Slide 9; hint what were they fighting for?)
18. Where did Washington grow up? (Slide 10)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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19. Why did Washington build a fort? (Slide 10)
20. What did Washington name his fort? (Slide 11)
21. Who forced Washington to surrender at Fort Necessity? (Slide 11)
22. What does the snake in the political carton tell you? (Slide 12)
23. Where did the delegates meet? (Slide 13)
24. Why did the delegates meet in Albany? (Slide 13)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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25. Did the Iroquois join the British or French? (Slide 13)
26. Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union? (Slide 14)
27. What did Franklin mean when he said, “Everyone cries a union is
needed, but when they come to the manner and for the Union, their
weak noodles are perfectly distracted.” (Slide 14)
28. What advantage did the French people have over the British
people? (Slide 15)
29. What colonies ruled the seas? (Slide 15)
30. Who led the British in the attack against fort Duquesne? (Slide 16)
31. Who warned General Braddock that he was moving his troops too
slow? (Slide 16)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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32. Who became the leader of the British government in 1757?
(Slide 17)
After the British captured the fort, what did they rename it?
(Slide 17)
What was the name of the town General James Wolfe was sent
to capture? (Slide 18)
What was General James Wolfe’s bold plan? (Slide 18)
The French lost the French and Indian War. They were forced to
sign a treaty. What was the name of that treaty the French signed?
(Slide 20)
What did the British gain under the Treaty of Paris? (Slide 20)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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What threat did the British wonder about? (Slide 21)
What is the name of the valley the British drove the French away
from? (Slide 22)
Many Native Americans lived in the Ohio Valley in 1762.Who
did the British send to keep order in the Ohio Valley? (Slide 22)
Who was the leader of the Native Americans that fought the
French? (Slide 23)
What did the French people inform Pontiac in 1763? (Slide 24)
What did the Proclamation of 1763 say?
(Slide 25)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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What was the Sugar Act? (Slide 27)
What was the Stamp Act? (Slide 27)
What happened when the British tried to enforce the Stamp Act?
(Slide 27)
What did the colonist claim when they were handed the two new
laws? (Slide 28)
What did the colonists present to King George III in 1765?
(Slide 29)
Define the word, boycott. (Slide 30)
Define the words, repeal or repealed? (Slide 30)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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What were the Townshend Acts? (Slide 31)
What were the nonimportation agreements? (Slide 32)
Who were the “Sons of Liberty?” (Slide 33)
What was the Quartering Act? (Slide 36)
What caused the Boston Massacre? (Slide 37)
How many people died in the Boston Massacre? (Slide 38)
King George III agreed to keep a tax on what product after the
repeal of the Townshend Acts? (Slide 39)
By 1770, how many Americans were drinking tea? (Slide 41)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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59. What did the colonists resent? (Slide 42)
60. What was The Tea Act? (Slide 42)
61. What happened in late November 1773? (Slide 43)
62. What happened at the Boston Tea Party? (Slide 44)
63. What were the four Intolerable Acts? (Slide 46-47)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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64. What was the “shot heard ‘round the world?” (Slide 48)
65. On September 1774, delegates from what congress met? (Slide 49)
66. Define the term, militia. (Slide 50)
67. Why were the soldiers called minutemen? (Slide 50)
68. Who said, “Give me Liberty…or give me death!” (Slide 51)
69. Who arrived into Boston in April 1775? (Slide 53)
70. Name two famous colonists that wanted to declare independence.
(Slide 54)
71. Who was Ethan Allen? (Slide 55)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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72. What was the name of the band of Vermonters that Ethan Allen
led? (Slide 55)
73. What fort did the Green Mountain Boys capture? (Slide 55)
74. What did the colonists send King George III? (Slide 56)
75. Who was the commander of the Continental Army? (Slide 56)
76. What was one weaknesses of the Continental Army? (Slide 57)
77. Where did Colonel William Prescott take a position? (Slide 58)
78. What did the British General William Howe do when he spotted the
American troops? (Slide 59)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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79. Why do you think the American’s shouted, “Do not shoot until you
see the whites of their eyes?” (Slide 59)
80. What was the first major battle of the Revolution called? (Slide 61)
81. What was Washington’s job in mid-summer? (Slide 62)
82. What did King George III order? (Slide 64)
83. What is a blockade? (Slide 64)
84. What did Richard Montgomery do? (Slide 65)
85. Were the Americans successful in conquering Quebec? (Slide 66)
Mr. Zindman’s Class
Chapter 5 The Road to Revolution
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