In support of transformative learning and the global competency educational effort at UCO, this preproposal suggests a study tour to London and Dublin during the coming Summer 2014 semester (May intersession) to study international commerce and culture. London is the financial center of Europe, and the site of Lloyd’s of London, the world’s premier insurance market. Dublin provides an insight to a
Euro zone country, and a link to Trinity College, the top institution of higher education in the country.
The number of student participants will be limited to 40 students, depending on demand, gender, and available accommodation. This study tour will attract non-business students, as well as business majors, and has successfully been taught as a multi-disciplinary course in the past.
Although the course focuses on business and commerce, a major objective of this course is to create an interest in and understanding of western European culture. Upon completion of this course, a student will also have received basic training for making proper and safe decisions while traveling abroad, and will feel more confident in conducting business with entities overseas. An objective of this course is to transform students into business people who can operate in the financial centers of the world.
This course will have four dimensions:
Finance and Insurance
International Law
History, culture and art
Traveling internationally for business
The expected total number of hours is 168, of which 104 hours will be direct contact hours.
Lectures before Study Tour (3 lectures, 1 hours each) 3 *
Student preparation for above lectures (4 to 1)
On location (10 days, 10 hours each on average)
Travel time (2 days, 16 hours each way)
Post-travel meeting
Pre- travel paper / report
100 *
1 *
Note: * means direct contact hours Total hours: 168
Drs. Ice, Sheetz-Nguyen and Chapman have led successful study tours in the past. Dr. Ice has led this particular tour for more than a decade and has developed extensive business and cultural contacts in both London and Dublin. Dr. Sheetz-Nguyen is a British Historian with particular knowledge of the development of the City of London, and the docks. She has written extensively on the material and is noted for her expertise on Victorian London, and Lloyd’s of London.
Additional Material Required by the College of Business Administration
Taking students off campus entails certain risks. Taking students outside the country increases these risks. The long success of the program under experienced leadership provides the greatest assurance of risk reduction. However, there is always the chance for a problem, particularly involving student issues.
Risk Types:
1) Logistical a) Significant air transportation risk will be offset by minimizing connections and using a regular common carrier. b) Local transportation will be primarily by public transportation, minimizing the risk of using an unskilled driver. c) Communication risk will be minimized by having continuous cell phone contact with the
USA, and by staying in business class hotels with reliable land lines and internet capability.
2) Financial a) Exchange rate risk is significant, though this has been factored in to a degree on the financial report. b) Fuel surcharges are possible on airline tickets. c) Unexpected loss could occur due to trip delay, or an incident requiring alternative travel.
3) Curricular a) The only significant risk is the loss of access to sites, or speakers due to external factors. The experience of the sponsors makes loss of curricular integrity a low possibility.
4) Student Issues a) Illness – Students should be covered with private insurance. b) Death – Students are required to purchase and International Student ID Card with repatriation of remains coverage. c) Behavioral Problems – Students are required to follow the student code of conduct, and
CBA policies. In the past, we have been able to control this risk through instructor oversight and extensive instructor input. However, this remains a significant risk.
See the attached flier for use in advertising this program. The tour also will have a website, and put up posters.