Central Bureau of Statistics - Israel FDI , external financing and Globalisation CBS - Israel November 2009 Financing new foreign investments Compiling Economy Parent company CA’s Host Economy Assets Liabilities Original Assets FDI New investments Additional Assets CBS - Israel Original debt Foreign banks Additional Debt November 2009 Financing new foreign investments Balance sheet of Controlled Affiliate abroad – Year n Assets Liabilities Fixed assets 100 FDI 75 Financial assets 50 External financing 75 Total assets 150 Total liabilities and own funds 150 Sales FDI to Sales (AMNE statistics) (FDI to AMNE statistics) 1000 7.5% Balance sheet of Controlled Affiliate abroad Assets Liabilities Fixed assets 400 FDI 75 Financial assets 100 External financing 425 Total assets CBS - Israel 500 Total liabilities and own funds – Year (n+1) Sales FDI to Sales (AMNE statistics) (FDI to AMNE statistics) 4000 1.9% 500 November 2009 Linking FDI and AMNE statistics Comparison of FDI and AMNE statistics between economies where financing of foreign CAs is based heavily on host countries’ funds, and economies where financing is based mainly on FDI Development of FDI and AMNE variables over time, when there is an increasing use of external financing of CAs Relative values of FDI and AMNE variables for OUT and IN corporations, when financing schemes for OUT and IN are different CBS - Israel November 2009 Linking FDI and AMNE statistics 1) Indicators linking foreign controlled assets to total and domestic assets of MNEs : 1) 2) 3) CBS - Israel Positions Flows AOUT-CA / ABS AOUT-CA / DABS AOUT-CA / AOUT AOUT-CA / ABS AOUT-CA / DABS AOUT-CA / AOUT November 2009 Linking FDI and AMNE statistics AOUT-CA / AOUT-CA – ABS / ABS Total assets/change in assets of controlled affiliates abroad of domestic parent companies – Total assets /change in assets of the domestic business sector DABS / DABS – Total domestic assets / change in domestic assets of the domestic business sector AOUT / AOUT – Total assets /change in assets of outward domestic parent companies CBS - Israel November 2009 Linking FDI and AMNE statistics 2) Indicators showing relative shares of FDI and foreign external financing of CAs: 4) FDIOUT-CAs / AOUT-CA 5) 1 – (FDIOUT-CAs / AOUT-CA) FDIOUT-CAs - Value of FDI related only to investment in CAs abroad CBS - Israel November 2009 Consolidated assets and liabilities of CAs abroad Balance sheets of parent companies include (in many cases) consolidated assets and liabilities of foreign CAs, that may be presented separately as a (main) component of FDI abroad This full presentation of foreign CAs’ assets and liabilities will be better linked to the level of CAs’ activities, as included in AMNE statistics, independently of the financing scheme of foreign CAs CBS - Israel November 2009 Supplemental presentation of FDI in the IIP Direct Investment abroad 1. Direct Investment in Controlled Affiliates abroad (1.1 less 1.2) 1.1. Consolidated assets of CAs abroad 1.1.1. Fixed assets 1.1.2. Financial assets 1.1.3. Other assets (May include the gap between market value and book value of CAs abroad) 1.2. Consolidated liabilities of CAs abroad (May include minority claims of non-controlling shareholders) 2. Direct Investment in Other Affiliates abroad 3. Total Direct Investment abroad (1 + 2) Thereof: Other capital CBS - Israel November 2009 Supplemental presentation of FDI in the IIP Financial assets and liabilities: – Equity – Bonds and notes – Deposits – Loans – Other financial assets CBS - Israel November 2009 Supplemental presentation of FDI in the IIP Isolating assets of foreign CAs – from the consolidated balance sheet of parent companies – may give an additional insight into the full extent of assets, held by parent companies through CAs’ in host economies In the liabilities’ side, the separate presentation of foreign CAs’ liabilities reveals the financial scheme of foreign CAs’ and – particularly – the breakdown between own funds and external financing In this way, controlled assets and liabilities of parents abroad through CAs, may be better analyzed and compared CBS - Israel November 2009 Composition of assets and liabilities of foreign CAs The composition of assets and liabilities of CAs - and not only their total – may have an important role in the overall financial position of MNEs. Details on the composition mentioned above would also allow to track changes in time and to analyze possible outcomes, in cases of changes in prices, interests and/or other relevant variables in host economies. On the liabilities side, the information mentioned will allow to have a breakdown between financing of CAs by own MNE’s funds and by external financing in host economies, as explained above. Through this breakdown, we can track changes in financing sources and analyze developments over time. CBS - Israel November 2009 Reporting burden on corporations Corporate reports required may increase the burden on corporations One of the main difficulties: Separated consolidated assets and liabilities of domestic and foreign subsidiaries (OUT companies) Easier solutions are available for IN companies and for companies having only foreign subsidiaries CBS - Israel November 2009 THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION CBS - Israel November 2009 Balance sheet of A (consolidated) Assets $ Liabilities Own assets Fixed assets Financial assets Total own assets of A Own liabilities 2,500 3,000 80 Financial assets 20 CBS - Israel 1,000 Own funds 2,000 Total own liabilities and own funds of A 3,000 Consolidated liabilities of foreign CAs (Company B) Fixed assets TOTAL ASSETS External financing 500 Consolidated assets of foreign CAs (Company B) Total consolidated assets of foreign CAs $ 100 3,100 External financing 25 Own funds (FDI) 75 Total consolidated liabilities and own funds of foreign CAs TOTAL LIABILITIES 100 3,100 November 2009