Position: Click Here Name of Evaluator:

Midwestern State University
Faculty Developmental Leave
Dean Evaluation
Position: Click Here
Name of Evaluator:
Name of faculty member requesting leave: Type text here.
Review Guidelines:
Please answer the following questions and return this form electronically via email to
Devah.Carter@mwsu.edu in the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School by 5:00 pm on
April 1, 2011 for a proposal to be considered by the committee.
In the space provided below, briefly comment on each of the follow components:
 the soundness of the proposed project: Type text here.
 indicate whether, in your opinion, the applicant’s calendar is realistic: Type text here.
 indicate whether, in your estimation, the Chair’s plan for replacing the applicant, should
the leave be granted, is sound: Type text here.
 give a relative rank for each proposal, if there are multiple applications from your
college: Type text here.