Position: Click Here Name of Evaluator:

Midwestern State University
Faculty Developmental Leave
Chair Evaluation
Position: Click Here
Name of Evaluator:
Name of faculty member requesting leave: Type text here.
Review Guidelines:
Please answer the following questions and return this form electronically via email to
Devah.Carter@mwsu.edu in the Office of the Graduate School by 5:00 pm on March 28,
2011 for a proposal to be considered by the committee. The Office of the Graduate School
will then forward your evaluation to your college dean for review.
How will you cover the developmental leave applicant’s workload should the developmental
leave be granted? Type text here.
The estimated cost of this replacement, including fringe, is: $ Type amount here
In the space provided below, briefly comment on each of the following components:
 the soundness of the proposed project: Type text here.
 indicate whether, in your opinion, the applicant’s calendar is realistic: Type text here.
 give a relative rank for each proposal, if there are multiple applications from your
department: Type text here.