Using the CRSP Government Bond Database on Ingres C.F. Baum, Sep. 1992 WARNING: This documentation is under revision, may not correctly describe all aspects of the data. The University of Chicago's Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) has produced a machine-readable database of U.S. government security price information, consisting of several files. The main file, the CRSP Bond Master File, contains essentially all government securities issued between December 1925 and the present, priced monthly. The file is updated annually. A subscription to the CRSP Government Bond Database has been acquired by the O'Neill Library, and Information Technology staff have created an accessible version of these data via the Ingres data management system. The Ingres database containing these data is named GOV_BONDS. At present, it contains five relational tables: three pertaining to the CRSP Bond Master File, and two constructed from Prof. Eugene Fama's Risk Free Rates files. Additional Fama files may be added to the Ingres database in the near future. The BOND_CALENDAR Table This table contains information needed to calculate timespans between a particular date and a security's maturity date, in terms of an exact number of calendar days. All Bond Master File data are referenced to a particular month; month one is December 1925. The following columns are defined in the table: column name data type definition NMON integer month number; 1=12/1925, 793=12/1991. NQDATE integer day number of quotation date; number of days from 1/1/1900 to quotation date. NDZERO integer day number of zero-th day of month; number of days from 1/1/1900 to last day of month preceding this month. NDDATE integer day number of delivery date; number of days from 1/1/1900 to delivery date. NQTOQD integer number of days from last quotation date to this quotation date JDDATE date delivery date JQDATE date quotation date NUMDAT integer number of securities that were active during this month The BOND_HEADER Table The CRSP Bond Master file is an hierarchical file, containing a "header record" describing each security, followed by a number of "quote records", each one of which contains one price quotation for that security. This structure has been implemented in Ingres as two tables: the BOND_HEADER table, containing the header records, and the BOND_QUOTES table, containing the quotation records. The following columns are defined in the table: column name data type definition CRSPID CRSP issue identification number, in format YYYYMMDD.TCCCCE, where YYYY=maturity year, MM=maturity char(15) month, DD=maturity day, T=type of issue (ITYPE), CCCC=int(100 COUPRT), E=uniqueness number (assigned if other characteristics do not ensure uniqueness). CUSIP char(8) CUSIP number NAME char(8) Name of government security IDTMAT date Maturity date at time of issue ITYPE char(1) Type of issue: 1=non callable bond 2=non callable note 3=certificate of indebtedness 4=Treasury bill 5=callable bond 6=callable note 7=tax anticipation cert. of indebtedness 8=tax anticipation bill 9=other; unusual provisions COUPRT float Coupon rate, per cent per annum. Annual interest per $100 of face value. char(1) Reason for end of data on file code. 0=still quoted; 1=matured; 2=called for redemption; 3=all exchanged; 4=sources no longer quote issue. date Date dated by Treasury. Coupon issues accrue interest beginning on the dated date. Some issues are "long" or "short" coupon issues, where more or less than 6 months IWHY IDTDTD separate the dated date and the first coupon payment date. date Bank eligibility date at time of issue. If NULL, no restrictions on bank eligibility apply. If non-NULL, this is the date on which restrictions on bank ownership were removed. IDTCP date First call date at time of issue. If NULL, issue is not callable. If non-NULL, all interest payment dates on and following IDTCP are possible call dates. IYMCN char(6) Year and month of first call notice. Zero if not called or not callable. NOTICE char(1) Notice required on callable issues, in months; 0=no notice required or not callable. ITAX integer Taxability of interest code. 1=fully taxable for federal income tax purposes. 2=partially tax exempt. 3=fully tax exempt. IFLWR char(1) Payment of estate taxes ("flower bond") code. 1=no special status. 2 and 3 denote types of flower bonds. NIPPY integer Number of interest payments per year; 0 for Treasury bill or discount instrument. IDTFC date Date of first coupon payment VALFC float Amount of first coupon payment IDTBNK The BOND_QUOTES Table The detail records from the CRSP Bond Master File, containing individual months' quotations and volume information, are contained in the BOND_QUOTES table. This table may be joined to BOND_HEADER via the column CRSPID, which is unique in BOND_HEADER. It may also be joined to BOND_CALENDAR via the columns NMON or JQDATE, which are unique in BOND_CALENDAR. The following columns are defined in the table: column name data type definition CRSPID char(15) CRSP issue identification number JQDATE date quotation date NMON integer month number; 1=12/25 float Month-end bid price where available. If zero, no price available. If negative, only ask price available. PRIC2R float Month-end ask price where available. If zero, no price (or only sale price) available. If negative, only bid price available. IOUT1R integer Face value outstanding, in millions. IOUT2R integer Par value publicly held, in millions. Not available for Treasury bills. char(1) Primary data source: F=First Boston, G=Government actuary, M=Morgan Guaranty, Q=Bank and Quotation Record, R=Fed of NY, S=Salomon Bros., T=NY Times, W=Wall St. Journal, Z=Multiple sources. ACCINT float Accrued interest at month-end, calculated on the basis of the number of days between interest payment dates per $100 face value. Interest is accrued from the last interest payment date (or the dated date) to the quotation date. PDINT float Interest payable during month YIELD float Promised daily yield, or daily yield to maturity; the single discount rate which equates the sum of the present discounted values of all future cash flows to the flat price of the security. The flat price is defined as the nominal price (mean of PRIC1R and PRIC2R) plus the accrued interest on the date in question. RETNUA float Unadjusted return, defined as price change plus interest divided by last month's price. float Adjusted excess return; the return in excess of what would have been computed if the promised yield from last month on a security had remained constant throughout the month. Although RETNUA is the price equivalent of total return on a common stock, variability in time between quotation dates may contribute an appreciable part of the time-series variance of return (equivalent, for an 8% PRIC1R SOURCR RETNXS issue, to random errors in price of one tick). Such errors may be minimized by using RETNXS. PCYLD float Yield compounded semiannually, or bond-equivalent yield, equal to 2 [ exp(182.5 YIELD) - 1.0 ] DURATN float Macaulay Duration: weighted average number of days until cash flows occur, where present values of each payment, discounted by yield to maturity, are used as weights. The RISKFREE_RATES Tables Two tables have been created from the "CRSP Risk Free Rates" file, which gives nominal one and three month risk free rates from December 1925 to the present. Three yields are provided for each series, based on the bid, asked and average prices. Yields are continuously compounded 365 days rates. The CRSP identifier of the security used and the number of days to maturity of that issue are also provided. The one month series was constructed by selecting the Treasury Bill closest to 30 days to maturity. The three month series used a 90 day target. Where bills were not available, certificates and in a few cases notes were used. The CRSP user's manual suggests that data prior to 1943 are somewhat suspect (perhaps due to the "Negative Nominal Interest Rates" explained by Stephen Cecchetti, JPE, Dec. 1988). The following columns are defined in tables RISKFREE_RATE_MON and RISKFREE_RATE_QTR: DATE date BID float AVERAGE float ASK float DURATION integer ISSUE_USED char(15) quotation date interest rate, per cent p.a. interest rate, per cent p.a. interest rate, per cent p.a. number of days to maturity (not Macaulay) CRSP issue identification number