CS453 Homework 1 Summer 2009 E-commerce Company Case Study 1

CS453 Homework 1
Summer 2009
E-commerce Company Case Study
E-Commerce Case Study
Works individually or in teams of 2
Pick an e-commerce enterprise that embodies novelty and
innovation and consumer acceptance
Send a list of 3-10 choices to horton@cs.virginia.edu to get your
choice approved; first come first served
 Subject line: CS453 HW1 topic
Become the domain expert on your topic
Develop a 20 slide (minimum) PPT presentation using the notes
feature to annotate every slide
When I read your slides, it should be just like you are talking to
me (I want to know everything you know)
The very best efforts will be offered the opportunity to present
in class for extra credit
Assigned today, due by 8pm Mon., July 13
What should your slides cover?
Possible Outline
Identify the venture
What was the need? (pain in the market) The response to the need?
How was the venture formalized? (e.g., corporation, non-profit)
Who are the founders?
When did they start?
What do they do? One slide—crisp and clear statement.
What do they do? More details.
Can you say something about the “value chain”?
Something about SWOT-analysis types of issues?
Screen shots (or live demo in class)
What was their innovation?
Who is the target audience? Who is the customer?
How do they market to that target audience? Their marketing strategy?
What internet strategy(ies) do they follow?
Measures of success (e.g., stock price, page hits, publicity, awards)
Opinion: what is its viability?
Opinion: what do you think they could do to improve? what does the site do
best? worst? How could it be improved?
References (minimum 5); use [x] in slides and notes
Your Suggestions on this?
Samples on Website
(Somewhat dated but there you are.)
 Audible.com
 DoubleClick.com
 iTunes.com
 MySimon.com
 Yahoo.com