Amenophis IV, Lincoln, Paganini, and Rachmaninov Shadwan Alsafwah, MD Cardiology Fellow Staff Support: Dr. Richard Davis The University of Tennessee at Memphis Case 21 YO AAM presented to the ED with headache, neck pain, and N/V for 2 days getting worse with time. The family noticed him to be starting to develop mental status changes with lethargy and difficulty following commands. In ER, LP was done, was found later to have viral meningitis and was admitted to MICU, and started on IV Acyclovir. He had significant improvement, and transferred to the floor. on the 3rd hospital day he developed mild pleuretic CP on ambulation, so repeat ECG showed significant changes in comparison to admit ECG, so Cardiology consult requested, transferred to telemetry, and CEs checked. Case PMH: none PSH: Skin graft to LLQ (burn) SH: previous smoker, previous Marijuana, none recently No ETOH FH: Aunt with DM Meds: Acetaminophen, IV Acyclovir Allergies: none ROS: positive for N/V, HA, neck pain, and chills negative for SOB, visual complaints excellent exercise tolerance prior to this admit Case PE: on the 3rd hospital stay General: mildly lethargic, H: 6 00, W: 132 LBS Vitals: 110/60, 45, 16, 100, 97% on RA Neck: no JVD, mild nuchal rigidity Chest: CTAB CVS: Bradycardic, RRR, no S3 or S4, mid systolic click heard widely all over the precordium that moved toward S2 with squatting, and toward S1 with standing. There was also II/VI early decrescendo diastolic murmur at LSB Abdomen: Soft, NT, ND, NABS, + graft scar Ext: no edema, clubbing, cyanosis Muskeloskeletal system: without gross abnormalities Neuro: mildly lethargic, but oriented x3, no focal deficits Labs and Diagnostic Imaging UDS: negative Head CT: negative MRI of head and whole spine was negative CEs obtained when the ECG changes were noted: 1st 2nd 3rd CKMB 6.6 4.0 2.2 CKMB index 0.8 0.8 1.3 Trop-I 0.07 0.07 0.02 With the positive CEs, 2D echo was requested to assist in the diagnosis 2D Echocardiogram Chambers: Normal LV size and systolic function, EF is 65-70% Mild mitral valve prolapse with mild mitral regurgitation Annuloaortic ectasia with aortic valve prolapse and moderate aortic insufficiency No evidence of aortic dissection Findings consistent with connective tissue disorder such as Marfan’s syndrome Marfan Syndrome (MFS) Outline Incidence Historic Background Genetic Background Pathogenesis Clinical Manifestations Diagnosis Marfan Related Disorders Overlap Heritable Connective Tissue Disorder Prognosis Management Pregnancy Conclusion Incidence In the US it affects 1 in 10,000 At least 200,000 people in the US have MFS or a related connective tissue disorder This makes MFS one of the most common singlegene malformation syndromes May be diagnosed prenatally, at birth, or well into adulthood Internationally, no geographic predilection is known It is pan-ethnic No gender predilection is known Historic Background In 1896 Marfan described the case of 5-year old patient: Gabriel P. Weve in 1931 described its autosomal dominant inheritance Dietz in 1991 described FBN1 gene mutation as the cause of Marfan syndrome Antoine Marfan, MD 1858-1942 Amenophis IV Lincoln Paganini Rachmaninov Genetic Background Inherited connective tissue disorder transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait 75% of patients have an affected parent The other 25% is due to new mutations Most of the time results from molecular defects in the fibrillin-1 (FBN1) gene located on chromosome 15q21.1 FBN1 Gene FBN1 is a large gene composed of 9000 nucleotides dispersed in 65 exones located at chromosome 15q-21.1 Genetic Background Different mutations involving FBN1 gene, but associated with similar phenotypes have been demonstrated However, FBN1 mutations occur across a wide range of milder phenotypes that overlap the classic Marfan phenotype In a minority of cases of typical MFS, a mutation in FBN1 is not identified. In some of these cases an inactivating mutation in a gene encoding a receptor for transforming growth factor-beta (TGFR2) may be responsible for up to 10% of Marfan syndrome Genetic Background The first report of an FBN1 mutation was in 1991 By 1998 a total of 137 FBN1 mutations has been characterized in patients MFS The majority of these occur as isolated mutations throughout the gene To date, no correlation between the specific type of FBN1 mutation and the clinical phenotype has been recognized Mutation analysis can identify the exact mutation in the fibrilin gene, and linkage analysis can track an abnormal fibrilin gene in a family. However, no molecular diagnosis is currently available commercially. No single gene probe or group of probes is available to detect most FBN1 mutations Pathogenesis The fibrillin-1 (FBN1) gene encodes the glycoprotein fibrillin, a major building block of microfibrils The microfibrils constitute the structural components of the suspensory ligaments of the lens, and serve as a substrates for elastin in the aorta and the other connective tissues The Functions of Microfibrils They act as a scaffolding for the elastic fiber formation They are extensible, and may contribute to the mechanical properties of the mature elastic tissues by means of load redistribution between individual elastic fibers They provide structural anchorage in non-elastic tissues, such as ciliary zonules They may serve to anchor endothelial cells and epithelial cells to elastic fibers of the ECM via cell binding domains A role for the microfibrils in the provision of a flexible mechanical anchor at epithelialmesenchymal basement membrane interfaces, has been proposed Pathogenesis Production of abnormal fibrillin-1 monomers from the mutated gene disrupts the multimerization of fibrillin-1 and prevents microfibril formation This pathogenetic mechanism has been termed dominant-negative because the mutant fibrillin-1 disrupts microfibril formation even though normal fibrillin is being encoded on the other fibrillin gene This leads to fragmentation and disorganization of the elastic fibers in the aortic media and other connective tissues (inappropriately called cystic medial necrosis) Pathogenesis Mucin stain of the wall of the aorta demonstrates cystic medial necrosis, typical for Marfan's syndrome and causes the connective tissue weakness that explains the aortic dissection. Pink elastic fibers, instead of running in parallel arrays, are disrupted by pools of blue mucinous (mucopolysaccharide) ground substance, these accumulations are the socalled “cysts” of cystic medial necrosis. Manifestations Wide range of clinical severity associated with MFS Classically it has muskeloskeletal, occular, and cardiovascular abnormalities MFS patients also demonstrate significant involvement of lung, skin, CNS A severe and rapidly progressive form of MFS may present at birth Muskeloskeletal Manifestations Pectus excavatum Reduced upper to lower body segment ratio Arm span/height ratio>1.05 Arms and legs unusually long in proportion to torso (dolichostenomelia) Reduced extension of elbows<170 Pectus carinatum Muskeloskeletal Manifestations Joint hypermobility Steinberg (thumb) sign Arachnodactyly Highly arched palate Walker (wrist) sign Muskeloskeletal Manifestations Pes planus Kyphosis Scoliosis Ocular Manifestations Ectopia Lentis: the lens dislocation is usually bilateral, symmetrical and upward Other Ocular Manifestations Nuclear sclerotic cataract Hypoplastic iris Myopia due to increased axial length of the globe Retinal detachment Dura Dural Ectasia Pulmonary Manifestations Spontaneous pneumothorax Apical pulmonary blebs Skin Manifestations Striae atrophicae Incisional Hernia Cardiac Manifestations in Marfan Syndrome Outline Incidence Mitral valve involvement Aortic root involvement Aortic dissection Other cardiac manifestations Cardiac Manifestation Incidence The most common cardiovascular features are MVP and dilation of sinuses of Valsalva Associated clinical problems of mitral regurgitation, aortic regurgitation, and aortic dissection account if untreated for most of early mortality that results in an average age of death in the fourth decade of life Children tend to be more severely affected by mitral valve disease; whereas aortic disease is progressive and more likely in adolescence and beyond Mitral Valve Involvement in MFS MVP is age dependent More common in females Incidence reaches 6080% when patients are studied by 2D echo The valve leaflets have an elongated and redundant appearance Mitral Valve Involvement in MFS Progression in severity as judged by the appearance of or worsening of MR by clinical and echo criteria occurs in at least 25% of patients (a much higher rate in compared to MVP in the general population) The mitral annulus dilates and contributes to the regurgitation, as do stretching and occasional rupture of chordae 10% of patients with marked prolapse have calcification of mitral annulus Aortic Root Involvement in Marfan Syndrome The sinuses of Valsalva are often dilated at birth Dilation of the aorta is found in 50% of children with Marfan and will progress with time 60-80% of adults with Marfan have dilation of the aortic root, often with aortic regurgitation The rate of progression varies widely among patients in general, thus predicting long term risks of developing aortic regurgitation is fraught with uncertainty. Aortic Root Involvement in Marfan Syndrome AI often appear in adults at a diameter of 50 mm, but may be absent at diameter of more than 60 mm The aortic dilation is limited to the ascending aorta. Hence, TTE is sufficient for detecting and monitoring changes in aortic root diameter The rate of aortic diameter change is slow, measured in millimeters per year Patients with dilation less than 1.5 times the mean diameter predicted for their body size can be observed annually, but as the diameter increases, the wall tension increases, and more frequent evaluation is necessary Why does wall tension increase with radius? If the upward part of the fluid pressure remains the same, then the downward component of the wall tension must remain the same. But if the curvature is less, then the total tension must be greater in order to get that same downward component of tension. LaPlace's Law The larger the vessel radius, the larger the wall tension required to withstand a given internal fluid pressure. For a given vessel radius and internal pressure, a spherical vessel will have half the wall tension of a cylindrical vessel. Pascal's principle requires that the pressure is everywhere the same inside the balloon at equilibrium. But examination immediately reveals that there are great differences in wall tension on different parts of the balloon. The variation is described by Laplace's Law. Aortic Dissection in Marfan Syndrome Marfan is the cause of 50% of aortic dissections occurring before the age of 40, compared to only 2% of older patients The risk of dissection increase with the size of the aorta. Many patients with Marfan and aortic dissection have a family history of dissection Fortunately occurs infrequently below a diameter of 55 mm in adults Hence, many physicians have adopted the criteria of 50 to 55 mm maximal aortic root dimension for performing elective surgery in Marfan regardless of the severity of AI. Marfan patient’s with family history of aortic dissection should have the surgery with the Aortic root max diameter of 50 mm Aortic Dissection in Marfan Syndrome Usually begins just above the coronary ostia, and extends the entire length of the aorta About 10% of dissections begin distal to the left subclavian artery Rarely, the dissection is limited to the abdominal aorta Not all acute dissections in patients with Marfan involve severe tearing chest pain radiating to the back, as some extensive dissections have been occult, reinforcing the need for a high level of suspicion by physicians Other Cardiac Manifestations Arrhythmias: Ventricular Supraventricular: often associated with chronic MR LV dysfunction: occasional patients with Marfan syndrome who have no clinically important valvular abnormalities develop moderate-severe LV dysfunction -Could represent the unlikely coincidence of Marfan syndrome and IDCM -there has been evidence that certain fibrillin mutations could have detrimental effect on the myocardial function Further studies are needed Diagnosis The Berlin Criteria Was implemented in 1988 MFS diagnosis was based on involvement of skeletal system and two other systems and at least 1 major manifestation: Ectopia lentis Aortic dilation or dissection Dural ectasia Because some of the symptoms and signs of Marfan (such as joint hypermobility) are much more often seen in patients without the disease, this has led to a recognized tendency to overdiagnose Marfan syndrome in index cases or family members Furthermore, no Family history or molecular data were incorporated in the diagnosis Diagnosis Ghent criteria Was implemented in 1996, and have incorporated molecular data and family history, to the clinical data More stringent: about 19% of patients diagnosed under Berlin criteria did not meet the Ghent criteria Note that some of the criteria used to diagnosis Marfan syndrome arise with age. Therefore, a child may fail to meet the criteria at first, but may have manifestations that definitely meet the criteria at a later date. This phenomena of partial expression of Marfan syndrome in a child that one suspects will meet the full criteria at an older age has been termed "emerging Marfan syndrome". Diagnosis Ghent criteria The diagnosis is made if: - In family members: presence of major involvement in 1 organ system as well as involvement in a second organ system - If the family and genetic histories are not contributory: major criteria in 2 different organ systems and involvement of a third organ system are required System Major Criteria Presence of at least four of the following manifestations * Pectus excavatum of moderate severity * Pectus carinatum * Joint hypermobility * Pectus excavatum requiring surgery * Highly arched palate with crowding of teeth * Reduced upper to lower segment ratio or arm span to height ratio greater than 1.05 Skeletal System Minor Criteria * Wrist and thumb signs * Facial appearance (dolichocephaly, malar hypoplasia, enophthalmos, retrognathia, down-slating palpebral fissures) * Scoliosis > 20d or spondylolisthesis * Reduced extensions at the elbows (<170d) * Medial displacement of the medial malleolus causing pes planus * Protrusio acetabulae of any degree (ascertained on radiographs) * Ectopia lentis (dislocated lens) Ocular System * Abnormally flat cornea (as measured by keratometry) * Increased axial length of globe (as measured by ultrasound) System Major Criteria Cardiovascul ar System * Mitral valve prolapse with or without mitral valve regurgitation * Dilatation of the ascending aorta with or without aortic regurgitation and involving at least the sinuses of Valsalva; or; * Dissection of the ascending aorta Pulmonary System Minor Criteria None * Dilatation of the main pulmonary artery, in the absence of valvular or peripheral pulmonic stenosis or any other obvious cause, below the age of 40 * Calcification of the mitral annulus below the age of 40 * Dilatation of dissection of the descending thoracic or abdominal aorta below the age of 50 * Spontaneous pneumothorax * Apical blebs (ascertained by chest radiography) Skin and Integument None * Stretch marks not associated with marked weight changes, pregnancy or repetitive stress * Recurrent incisional hernias System Major Criteria Dura Minor Criteria None * Lumbosacral dural ectasia by CT or MRI Family/Genet ic History None * Having a parent, child or sibling who meets these diagnostic criteria independently * Presence of a mutation in FBN1 known to cause the Marfan syndrome * Presence of a haplotype around FBN1, inherited by descent, known to be associated with unequivocally diagnosed Marfan syndrome in the family American Journal of Medical Genetics 62:417-426, 1996 Marfan Related Disorders Symptom Overlap with Marfan Syndrome Mutation in Fibrillin-1 Gene? Familial Aortic Aneurysm Aortic enlargement and dissection, Variable skeletal findings Generally not Bicuspid Aortic Valve with Aortic Dilation Aortic enlargement and/or dissection unknown Familial Ectopia Lentis (Dislocated Lens) Eye lens dislocation Common skeletal findings Yes MASS phenotype, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Myopia Borderline aortic enlargement Skin and skeletal findings At least sometimes Skeletal Features (Marfan Body Type) Skeletal findings At least sometimes Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome Mitral valve prolapse Variable skeletal findings At least sometimes Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly (CCA or Beals syndrome) Mitral valve prolapse Variable skeletal findings No (FBN-2 mutation) Myopia Retinal detachment Joint hypermobility or contracture Scoliosis Mitral Valve Prolapse No (Collagen genes mutation) Condition Stickler Syndrome Shprintzen-Goldberg Syndrome Aortic enlargement Skin and skeletal findings Rare Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Skin and skeletal findings Aortic enlargement/dissection in selected types only No (Collagen gene mutation) Homocystinuria Mitral Valve Prolapse Eye lens dislocation Skin and skeletal findings No (metabolic disorder) Overlap Heritable Connective Tissue Disorder According to a study at Johns Hopkins, more than half of all patients evaluated in their clinic for the possible diagnosis of a heritable disorder of connective tissue could not be determined to have any specifically defined disorder. In spite of that, those patients had considerable clinical evidence of a systemic defect of the extracelular matrix (MVP, Aortic root dilatation, muskeloskeletal abnormalities…) The authors described these patients as having an "overlap disorder". They suggest that there is a continuum of connective disorder symptoms with mitral valve prolapse at the mild end and Marfan syndrome at the more severe end. Prognosis The life span of untreated patients with the classic MFS was about 32 years in 1972 Improved therapy has resulted in marked increase in life expectancy up to 61 years in 1996 Cardiovascular disease, especially aortic dilation and dissection is the major cause of morbidity and mortality Progression from MVP to MR is the most common cause of infant morbidity Aortic dissection is uncommon in childhood and adolescence Death after infancy usually involves ascending aortic dissection and chronic AI For reasons that are not well understood, life expectancy is significantly lower in men than women A family history of premature death or aortic surgery may identify patients at increased risk Management Beta Blockers Restriction of strenuous physical activities Monitoring of the aortic root size Elective surgical repair of the aorta SBE prophylaxis Correctional ophthalmologic and orthopedic surgeries Management during pregnancy dp/dtmax It has been suggested that the shape of the pulse wave (rate of change in the central arterial pressure with respect to time designated as dp/dt) is the most important initiator of the force which acts on the aortic wall to cause extension and rupture of acute dissecting aneurysms To test this, a standard model of the aorta was constructed, using tygon tubing with rubber cement lining An “intimal tear” was produced and aortic model was subjected to nonpulsatile and pulsatile flow Prokop EK, et al. Circ Res 1970;27:121-127 The aortic models were first subjected to a steady flow of water at rates starting at 500 ml/min, and increasing in increments to a max 6000 ml/min Then the flow was held constant at 2500 ml/min, the initial pressure was 50 mm Hg. The pressure was then increased in increments by changing the resistance in the distal tube, until a final pressure of 250 mm Hg was reached Pressure waveforms were measured through catheter Prokop EK, et al. Circ Res 1970;27:121-127 The aortic models was then subjected to pulsatile flow. With pumping rate 70 strokes/min, with systole being 60% and diastole 40% of the entire cycle The rate of dissection was calculated by recording the time necessary to dissect the intimal lining from the Tygon tubing (cm/min) The aortic model was subjected to a step increase of dp/dtmax. This was accomplished by changing the systolediastole time ratio of the pulsatile pump Prokop EK, et al. Circ Res 1970;27:121-127 The same experiment were performed on dog aorta models The descending aortas were removed from 15 sacrificed dogs the aorta was subjected to nonpulsatile flow, with incremental increase in peak systolic pressure until a final pressure of 175 mm Hg was reached The aorta was then subjected to pulsatile flow at rate 60 strokes/min. Then the aortas were subjected to step increase in dp/dtmax The presence of dissection were noted every 3 min or until the vessel ruptured Prokop EK, et al. Circ Res 1970;27:121-127 Results With nonpulsatile flow alone (97 experiments) no dissection occurred at pressures up to 400 mm Hg Pulsatile flow produced rapid and usually complete dissection with a maximum systolic pressure of 120 mm Hg The extent of dissection per pulse was related to dp/dtmax No dissection occurred until a critical value of dp/dtmax (790 mm Hg/sec) was reached Similar results were obtained with dog aortas The rationale for decreasing dp/dtmax as a worthwhile method of therapy in acute dissective aneurysms of the aorta is supported by this study Prokop EK, et al. Circ Res 1970;27:121-127 Prokop EK, et al. Circ Res 1970;27:121-127 Beta Blockers Recommended in all patients with Marfan including children unless contraindicated Propranolol was the BB found to have a beneficial effect on slowing aortic dilation, but other BB may be used as well The dose should be adjusted to maintain the heart rate at 110 beats/minute after submaximal exercise In pregnancy, labetolol is the preferred BB, as atenolol may impair fetal growth If intolerance to BB, then CCB may be used Beta Blockers An NIH-funded, open-label, randomized trial of propranolol in 70 adolescent and adult patients with classic Marfan’s syndrome: 32 treated 38 untreated (control) Done at the center for Medical Genetics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore The Aortic-root dimensions, and clinical end points were monitored: Aortic regurgitation Aortic dissection Cardiovascular surgery CHF Death Average f/u: 10.7 years in the treatment group 9.3 years in the control group The dose of propranolol was individualized; the mean dose was 212+-68 mg per day Shores, J, et al. N Eng J Med 1994;330:1335 (The aortic ratio is obtained by dividing the measured aortic diameter by the diameter predicted from the patient height, weight, and age) P<0.001 Empirical Distribution Functions of the Rate of Change in the Aortic Ratio The height of each curve at any point shows the proportion of patients with values at or below the value given on the x axis Changes in the Aortic Ratio in the Treatment Group and the Control Group. Shores, J, et al. N Eng J Med 1994;330:1335 Numbers of patients who reached clinical end points and their initial aortic ratios. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis based on the clinical end points in the Study (death, CHF, AI, aortic dissection, cardiovascular surgery) Shores, J, et al. N Eng J Med 1994;330:1335 Monitoring of the Aortic root Size The recommended threshold for elective surgery for aortic root dilation in adults is 50 mm In adults yearly sonographic measurement of aortic root diameter is recommended if the aortic root size is <45 mm. Twice yearly monitoring should be performed for those with diameters 45 mm In children, it has been suggested that the aortic root dimensions be plotted serially against BSA, and an operation be considered if the diameter begin to increase rapidly from a previously stable percentile even if the absolute measurement is less than 50 mm. Also, an increase of >10 mm/year is regarded as rapid enlargement in children Elective replacement of aortic root In a series of 675 patients from Johns Hopkins, the 30 day mortality was studied for: -elective repair -urgent repair (within 7 days of surgical consultation) -emergency repair (within 24 hour of surgical consultation) Gott, VL, et al. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1307 Gott, VL, et al. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1307 Kaplan–Meier Survival Analysis of 675 Patients with Marfan's Syndrome, According to the Urgency of the Procedure. I bars are 95 percent confidence intervals Gott, VL, et al. N Engl J Med 1999;340:1307 Pregnancy Women with Marfan syndrome who are contemplating surgery should have a screening TTE to assess aortic root dimension Elective repair before conception is recommended if the diameter is 50 mm Pregnancy should be discouraged if the diameter is 40 mm If the diameter is <40, then: -Careful clinical and echocardiographic monitoring -BB should be given (labetolol is preferred) -Epidural anesthesia to minimize pain during vaginal delivery -Surgical aortic repair during pregnancy should be considered if there is progressive dilation of the aortic root during gestation. Discussion of possible surgical intervention is appropriate when the aortic root diameter is 55 mm or at an earlier time if the aortic root is dilating rapidly Summary The diagnosis of MFS is based on the presence of characteristic skeletal, cardiovascular, and ocular findings in familial and sporadic cases. Although it is possible to identify mutations involving the FBN1 and TGFBR2 genes in many MFS patients, these genetic tests are not necessary for routine clinical diagnostic purposes Monitoring the aortic root diameter using U/S is recommended as a means of identifying patients at risk for aortic dissection. In adults, yearly U/S is recommended as long as the aortic root diameter is <45 mm. Twice yearly if 45 mm Restriction of physical activity, and BB are essential treatment modalities Because elective aortic repair is associated with reduced mortality in comparison to urgent or emergent repair, it should be considered when the aortic root is 50 mm Women with MFS who are contemplating pregnancy should have a TTE. If the aortic root diameter is 40 mm then the pregnancy is strongly discouraged. If the diameter is <40 then close monitoring is recommended Thank you