IRIS CONTRACT REVIEW TRANSACTION INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRANSACTION ZCT_MAINT_CONTRACT Since the contracts converted from the AS400 system are in all caps, for consistency, we suggest you enter all information in capital letters. Please make sure you spell everything correctly and be consistent in how you enter the text, especially in searchable fields. For example: Methodist LeBonheur Hospital; Meth LeBonheur Hosp, LeBonheur Hospital, etc. IRIS Entry Click on the “Create Button”. This opens up the screen. Descriptive Information Title (required field)–This should be a short summary of the description of contract services. If you have room, include the vendor’s name in this field. Description (required field): Provide a detailed description of contract services. Vendor (required field): Payable Contracts: The vendor number must be completed. Make sure this number corresponds correctly with your vendor. This number will be used for invoice payment purposes. Receivable Contracts: If vendor number is known, entry of this number is advisable. If number is not known, type “Contract” into this section and skip down to Vendor Information. No Dollar Contracts: Same as Receivable Contracts. Individuals: If payable contract, a vendor number will be required. Federal ID # (contingent field): Payable Contracts: This field is required. This number and the vendor number must correspond before contract review information can be submitted into workflow. Upon entry of this number, the vendor name will populate. Receivable/No Dollar Contracts: Entry of this field is not necessary if vendor number is not known. If vendor number is known, please complete field. Upon entry of this number, the vendor name will populate. Individuals: Leave this field blank. Never enter the individual’s Social Security Number. Vendor Information (required field when “Contracts” entry into Vendor #): Provide vendor name on those entries where vendor name is not populated. If an individual, please make sure the name is spelled correctly and do not use any abbreviations, punctuation or prefixes/suffixes. Effective Dates (required field): Date must be in 00/00/0000 format. Start Date: Date when services are to begin. If start date is uncertain (contract read that services will begin upon execution of contract), use 01/01/0001. Date comment will be required. End Date: Last date of services. If end date is indefinite or contract automatically renews, use 12/31/9999. Date comment will be required. Date Comments (contingent field): On those agreements with an uncertain start date or an indefinite end date, please provide explanation. Amendment (required field): Drop-down Yes or N. If Amendment is answered yes, Amendment Nbr and Original Contract fields will populate. Amendment Nbr (required field if Amendment “Yes” is selected): Should reflect the number of amendments to the original contract. Original Contract (required field if Amendment “Yes” is selected): Provide the original contract number that is being amended. The number provided in this area should be an IRIS assigned number. This number can be found in IRIS transaction ZCT_SELECTION. Amount Type (required field): Use drop-down for appropriate choice to describe the monetary nature of the contract. Primary Contract Type (required field): Use dropdown to make the selection of which best fits the services of the contract. Note: this selection will determine if a NCJ is required. A list of contract types that do not require a NCJ are included in the training material. Payable Amount (contingent field): Enter the maximum financial liability amount if all options are exercised under the agreement. If the contract is an amendment, enter only the incremental increase/decrease, not the cumulative. Cumulative Payable Amount (IRIS automatically completes): When a contract amendment is being entered, this field automatically adds the amendment total to the original contract/prior amendment total(s). Receivable Amount (contingent field): Enter the maximum total the University can expect to receive for services rendered if all contract options are exercised. If the contract is an amendment, enter only the incremental increase/decrease, not the cumulative. Cumulative Receivable Amount (IRIS automatically completes): When a contract amendment is being entered, this field automatically adds the amendment total to the original contract/prior amendment total(s). Net Amount (IRIS automatically completes): For those contracts that are both payable and receivable, this field will automatically populate the net difference between the two. Contingency (not required): Drop-down Yes or No. If yes is selected, Contingency Amount box will open. Contingency Amount (contingent): Enter the dollar amount of the contingency. Payable Information Competitive Type (required field for all payable contracts): Drop-down box for selection. Required entry on all payable contracts, regardless of contract value. If contract was not acquired through the Purchasing Office/bidding procedures, you will select “Non-Competitive” even if no NCJ is required. Non-Competitive Justification Number (contingent): The approved NCJ number is required in this field. If a NCJ is not required because of “Contract Type”, please leave blank. Create/Amend Contract PO (leave blank): This field is not functional at this time. Contract PO Nbr (leave blank): This field is not functional at this time. Paying Fund (required field for payable contracts): The fund/account/cost center to be used for the paying on the contract. Encumber Funds (leave blank): This field is not functional at this time. Existing Purch Req Nbr (required field if services were bid): Enter the purchase requisition number for those services that were bid. Existing Purch PO Nbr (field not required): Please enter the purchase order number related to the requisition number, if applicable. Responsible Funds/Person Primary Responsible Fund (required field): Fund that has overall responsibility for the administration of this contract. Often, this is the primary Cost Center (E07 #) for a given department and it may be different from the payable or receivable fund number. Fund Center (IRIS automatically completes): This field will automatically populate the Funds Center number based on the Primary Responsible Fund number. _Fund_ (optional): If more than one fund will be involved in this contract, enter all funds (up to three funds other than the Primary Responsible Fund) in these fields. Entering fund numbers here will allow individuals with access to those fund numbers to see the contract. Responsible Person (required): This field will automatically populate to the default person for a particular cost center in Production. If default person is incorrect, then use the match code box and search for the correct person. Characteristics Contract Type 2 (optional): If the nature of this contract falls into multiple categories, select an additional type of contract. Contract Type 3 (optional): In the nature of this contract falls into multiple categories, select an additional type of contract. Campus Specific (optional): Free-form available for use by individual campuses. Any type of brief entry may be made into this field. AS400 Logging Number (optional): Contract tracking number used in the former AS400 contract logging system. This field is only for contracts that were converted from the AS400 in the IRIS contract system. You might never need to use this field to enter new contracts. Form Type (optional): Use drop-down list to describe what type of contract form was used. Auto Renewal Terms (contingent): Drop-down box Yes or No. Select “Yes” if contract contains an automatic renewal provision. Renewal Notes (contingent): If yes has been selected in “Auto Renewal Terms”, a brief note is required about the automatic renewal provisions in the contract. For example: “Auto renews every contract year”. Related Contract (optional): If applicable, enter the contract number of a contract that is related but does not have a formal amendment or original contract relationship. Work Indicator (optional): Indicator of what stage a contract is in during the review process, or if review is complete, whether the activities (“work”) specified in the contract are complete. Campus Delegated (optional): Drop-down box Yes or No to indicate if contract is campus signature delegated. Sensitivity Level (optional): Use the drop-down list to select the appropriate sensitivity level. Foreign Parties/Overseas Effort (optional): Use the drop-down list to indicate that the vendor is a foreign company or citizen of a foreign country, or if the event(s) will occur outside of the United States. Property Report Required (optional): Use the dropdown to indicate if a Property Report will be required for the items purchased under the contract. Export Control Issues (optional): Use the dropdown to indicate whether the subject matter of the contract is subject to the export control under U.S. law. Intellectual Property Involved (optional): Use the drop-down to indicate whether the contract involves intellectual property (for example: copyrights, patents, trademarks, online journal subscription agreements, etc.) Insurance Certificate (optional): Use the dropdown list to indicate whether UT or Vendor must produce proof of insurance. If so, indicate the nature of the insurance certificate. Nbr of Contract Copies (optional): Enter the number that represents the number of copies of the contract that will be forwarded for signature by UT. Comments (optional) Text box for entry of comments that may be applicable to the contract but not otherwise accounted for in any other field. For example: the name of the vendor’s contact person with their contact information. Note: Unlike the NCJ, the comments field for this transaction does appear on the printable PDF form. You may leave the Comments field blank. Routing Information Routing Information: Please use routing information to track where the contract is located in the review process. Routing information may be added by anyone, even if contract is located in someone else’s workflow. Please note: Routing information cannot be changed or deleted once entered. Official UT Signature Date (leave blank): Please leave this field blank. Will be completed by the Treasurer’s Office upon completion of the contract review process. Filing Location (leave blank): Please leave this field blank. Treasurer’s Office will complete this field upon completion of the contract review process. This field indicates where the Treasurer’s Office copy of the contract is filed after review is complete. Created By/Last Updated By (IRIS automatically completes): The name of the person who created or updated the contract in IRIS will be automatically updated by IRIS. Created On/Last Updated on (IRIS automatically completes): The date on which the contract was created or lasted updated will automatically be updated by IRIS. Receivable Information Invoiced By (contingent): “Memphis Contracts” should be entered in this field. Receiving Fund (required field): The account number of the fund that will be credited with the contract revenue. Memphis AR (Accounts Receivable Information): Invoice Billing Frequency (required field): Select the appropriate billing frequency from drop-down box. Invoice Format Type (required field): If billing is not for actual salary/benefit reimbursement, select 1 for “service”. If billing is for actual salary/benefit reimbursement, select 2 for “SBR”. Attention To (required): Enter the name of the person to whose attention the invoice should be sent. Service Items: Not functional at this time. Administrative Information Please do not enter anything into this section. This field is to be used by the Treasurer’s Office only.