Raw Data Player 1 – 4 year Film

Raw Data
Player 1 – 4th year Film
 Found the roots screen with only 3 options easy to discern.
 The Host function was self explanatory
 When asked to ping for robbers in the second part of the first set of tasks didn’t
know what to do.
o “uhh so I have to ping”
o Maybe did not understand what ping meant
o Saw the ping button and entered it, wasn’t sure what to do.
 The final cop scenario is to capture an opponent robber
o Had trouble with how to capture
o We did not set up a mechanism for capture because we assumed
everybody who knew the rules of the game would know how to capture
o Ended up simulating a capture like if the game was being played without a
cell phone
 Joining a game similar enough to hosting a game this was not a problem
 Was unsure how to access the menu to use items.
 Pinging for cops was misnomer as it was actually an item.
o This confused the player
 Player did not need to explicitly touch buttons on the phone to initiate arrival at
goal, maybe something should be pressed on the phone to increase interaction
Player 2 – 3rd year business major
 Was holding his blackjack, really familiar with android phone layout
 Finding the host button was trivial
 Confused at startup screen.
o Did not realize the length of the game could be set
o Did not know what to do with start/end location button
o Tried to start game without setting start/end location
o Went back and set arbitrary points, realized what happened after locations
had already been set
o Tried to push up/down instead of left/right to set the time
 Ping feature did not confuse
 Same problem with cops scenario; just simulated a capture as if game was being
played without mobile device
 When joining a game was unclear whether joined as a cop or a robber, this is a
default setting we need to decide on
 Using items was trivial did not require any explanation
 Was able to locate hypothetical goal easily
Player 3 – 3rd year MCB major
 Saw the timer option on the game set-up screen and wanted to set the time but had
a hard time figuring out how.
"i want to set some sort of time limit; i don't see a num bad, intuitively use arrows,
pressed up fisrt, some number pops up”
Again, tried to start game without setting the start/stop location
Pressed enter without knowing what he did when trying to set start stop location
After locations were set, started the game and went to enter game
For the task of pinging robbers, pressed the select button in the middle of the dpad and assumed it would ping
Took a while to figure out had to press menu in order to access pinging options
Once the menu was found pinged easily
Robber tasks were easier after completing cop tasks
Tried to access ping, when asked to use item to find cops ping needs to be
removed from the robber menu screen
"i want to set some sort of time limit; i don't see a num bad, intuitively use arrows,
pressed up fisrt, some number pops up"
tried to start game without setting start/stop location; pressed ender without knowing
what he did. then started game; go to enter name;
pinging- assumed he pressed enter; go to menu; tried to use item; figured out how to
join game - enter name; ready;
item - ran to rings; tried to ping without using items.