INCLUSION Issue Update March 2005 Inclusion Objectives & Actions 4.1 Assigned Start Date Completed To Date To create a more efficient and effective service delivery model for students with exceptionalities. 4.1.1. Develop a template for a student and school needs profile. John Astephen May, 2004 March, 2005 4.1.2 Develop a template defining the supports and resources that will address the student and school needs profile. John Astephen September, 2004 In Progress 4.1.3 Develop a protocol for the referral team that will make recommendations regarding support for students with exceptionalities. 4.1.4 Develop a data management component that will facilitate the assessment and delivery of supports for students with exceptionalities. John Astephen September, 2004 In Progress John March 2005 In Progress 4.1.5 Develop a protocol to support facility and transportation accommodations for all exceptionalities. John March 2005 In Progress Comments Draft templates were piloted in the spring of 2004 in Riverview, Malcolm Munroe and Sydney River Elementary schools. Human Resources & Student Services staff met to develop final draft of template to be used for 2005-2006 staffing. Draft template ready. Will meet with committee of principals in March 2005, for input. To be used in 2005-2006 staffing. H.R. and Student Services staff are reviewing and revising a draft protocol Hard copy templates will be used to gather data in spring 2005. Data will then be entered as data management component is completed. Target is to have electronic version of templates ready for 2006-2007 staffing. Facility and transportation accommodations are part of templates described in 1.1 and 1.2 above. Templates yet to be shared with transportation and operations staff. Draft protocol to be developed in collaboration with transportation and operations staff. 4.2 To identify educational professionals required to deliver current and projected programs and services. 4.2.1 Review how our professional services are currently delivered to students with exceptionalities in our Board John September 2004 4.3.1 Create a team around each area of exceptionality to support schools and parents. 4.3.2 Maximize the use of information technology to enhance access to professional development. John Astephen David Brennick John Astephen David Brennick Rick Simm Sept. 2004 Met with Speech Language Pathologists and Educational Psychologists, surveyed professional services and reported same to Education Committee. 4.2.2 Identify the gaps in professional services to children John September September In recent years, as a result of with exceptionalities in our Board in relationship to David B 2004 2004 targeted funding from the DOE the Special Education Implementation Report. (Core Professional Services and Learning for Life), we have added two Speech Language Pathologists and saw reduction of 6 FTE’s in Resource/Learning Centre teachers. Gaps remain in the following areas: Resource/L.C. teachers 18.7 FTE’s, SLP’s – 1.2 FTE’s, School Psychologists - .5 FTE’s, Student Services Administration – 1.35 FTE’s. 4.2.3 Investigate a variety of ways to deliver professional John Astephen September In Progress Two Speech Language services to students with exceptionalities. David Brennick 2004 Pathologists piloted a program of non-traditional speech support for students with special needs from September to December 2004. Revised the pilot in January 2005. 4.3 To provide appropriate professional development for staff and parents in relationship to programming for students with exceptionalities Sept. 2004 February 2005 Preliminary discussions only. In progress Co-teaching team working with DOE to develop co-teaching video to support PD for schools within our Board and throughout the province. Our Lead Team is working on a module on writing effective IPP’s that will be available on disc as well as on our website to assist schools with site based PD. 4.3.3 Support staff and parents who require and request additional support around specific exceptionalities. 4.4 John Astephen David Brennick September 2004 In Progress Professional staff provide support in Picture Exchange Communications Systems and TEEACH method of providing structured work systems for teachers, T.A.’s and parents working with students with ASD and other exceptionalities. Continue to communicate and collaborate with EIIS, All Kids and local day cares to identify new primary students with special needs transitioning to school. Continue to communicate and collaborate with Child and Adolescent Services Community Services in identifying and providing support for students with special needs. The Provincial Transition Planning Committee identified a need for a comprehensive directory of resources which will support transition planning within the jurisdictions of the eight provincial school boards. At a meeting held on March 23, 2005, the committee recommended that the idea of the compilation of a resource inventory to support transition planning be submitted to Provincial CAYAC (Child & Youth Action Committee) for consideration. See Above Create and implement procedures and protocols to enhance interagency collaboration. 4.4.1 Identify the needs that exist for children and youth in terms of interagency collaboration David Brennick John Astephen September 2004 In Progress 4.4.2 Identify the agencies in the community that could provide support for students with exceptionalities. David Brennick John Astephen March 2005 In Progress 4.4.3 David Brennick Jim MacNeil March 2005 In Progress Create and maintain and up-to-date database listing all local agencies and appropriate websites. 4.5 To review programming options (LD, Steps to Success, Challenge for Excellence) for students with exceptionalities. 4.5.1 Identify programs and the geographical area the programs serve in the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board. John David September 2004 4.5.2 Develop a database to describe programs and the population served. John Astephen David Brennick Jim MacNeil John Astephen David Brennick March 2005 4.5.3 Develop a protocol where necessary adjustments of programming options can be made. 4.6 March 2005 In Progress Identified a need in the Glace Bay/New Waterford area for a program to support students in junior high with extensive behavioral difficulties and started a Steps to Success Program at B.E.C. Additional programs are required in greater Sydney area and on the Northside. Preliminary discussions only. In progress This is being addressed through the review and revision of Student Services policies. Liz Mahoney was placed at 25%FTE in Sept. 03 and in Sept. 04, this assignment increased to 80% FTE. Team trained and now functioning. Team members carry out initial assessment and bring back a recommendation. Protocol completed in January 2004 – protocol communicated to stakeholders and now functioning well. To support students with exceptionalities in accessing the school curriculum. 4.6.1 Identify a staff person to implement and coordinate activities to ensure the appropriate use of assistive technology. Rick Simm Liz Mahoney Sept. 2003 Sept. 2004 4.6.2 Train a regional team in the use of assistive technology. Rick Simm Liz Mahoney Sept. 2003 Dec. 2003 4.6.3 Develop a protocol through which students of the Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board acquire assistive technology. Rick Simm Liz Mahoney Dec. 2003 Jan. 2004